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Morebath Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall, Morebath on

Tuesday 6th September 2016 at 7.30pm

PRESENT:             Cllr Jeffrey Andrew (Chairman)

Cllr Tony Conway (*)      Cllr Bob Hatton                  Cllr Peggy Reed (*)

Cllr Brian Smeeton           Cllr John Wescott (*)      Cllr Merv Adams (*)

 Clerk:            Karen Ward



Cllr Polly Colthorpe - County & District Council Representative

Cllr Andrew Moore - District Council Representative


1. Apologies: County Cllr Polly Colthorpe

2. Declarations of interest:  None declared

3. Dispensation to councillors: None requested

4. Open Forum

  • Litter picking – volunteers for the litter picking on Saturday 29th October should meet at the Village Hall at 9.15.
  • Pot holes – there are no updates to report, however the Chairman encouraged residents to report pot holes and other hazards directly to County Highways as they have a duty to respond. A list of pot holes and other hazards such as overhanging hedges can be given to the committee so MPC can also report them to Highways.


 5. Minutes of the meetings held on 13 July 2016

It was RESOLVED (unanimously) to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting and that the Chairman should sign them.

Actions arising:

  • New village signage: work is progressing, see agenda item
  • Amenity Fund application: grants have been paid as approved
  • Request for vehicular access from Car Park to Velthams: Cllr Conway said there is no further progress to report at the moment, but he has spoken to the owner and plans are being drawn up
  • Car park: signage has been installed as approved


6. Reports

District Councillor Andrew Moore reported that the new Local Plan has been held up due to outstanding issues with housing proposals near J28 of the M5 with an extraordinary meeting being held on 22 September to resolve matters. Proposals for the development of J27 are expected soon from Eden Westwood but there is no planning application yet. There will be events for MDDC councillors and also public events in order to consult on the proposals. Work is expected to begin on the Premier Inn located next to Phoenix House before the end of the year. Frustration has been expressed at the latest road works and proposed road closures by BT given the extent of recent road works in the area.


7. Communication Working Group

Action: Cllr Hatton to set up a working group to include the Clerk and any other volunteers and report back at the November meeting. Areas to be explored include how the website can be used to promote local activities and whether there should be a parish newsletter. 


8. Traffic calming update

Cllr Hatton reported that he had contacted Cllr Hughes at Devon County Council who is responsible for highways, and consequently has now had contact from DCC’s Road Safety Officer (RSO). Proposals have been sent to the RSO for consideration and the intention is that he will visit the parish to discuss concerns and solutions. There was a general discussion around some of the ongoing issues which will need to be raised such as inadequate signage at Exebridge junction, comparison with the £21000 spent on Brushford Traffic Calming by Somerset County Council, the use of white line road markings to narrow the road and create natural pinch points and safe pedestrian walkways, and “unofficial” signage such as speed limit signs on wheelie bins. It was stressed that it is important for residents to log and report all incidents as evidence of traffic and safety problems.

Action: Cllr Hatton to arrange a site visit with the DCC Road Safety Officer in September / early October, other councillors to be invited to attend the site visit, and to report back in November.  

New village signage: SWH Group has stated that new signs are to be installed on 12 September.


9. Footpaths ongoing work and proposals

Cllr Hatton reported that that the Exebridge footpath has been cleared and new steps installed. Similarly, Church Path has also been cleared. The Council expressed it was pleased with the works undertaken so far.

Action: Cllr Hatton to investigate the condition of Port Lane footpath and what works may be feasible to restore it, and will report back at the next meeting.


10. Parish walking maps

Cllr Andrew noted that other parishes have published leaflets on local walks which could then be placed convenient places and local churches, pubs etc. and it was felt it would be a good idea to do both local walks, but also consider linking up to existing paths outside the parish. It is hoped a volunteer would come forward to draft the guide(s).


11. Environmental update

Cllr Smeeton reported that Steve Kelland has started the work programme including the bridge area, play area and Church Path. Planting of spring bulbs at the bridge area is also underway, and Cllr Conway reported the Rotary Club is donating 1000 crocuses. Because the birch trees have suffered from aphids this year, Cove Nursey has recommended using trees with berries near the steps to attract birds.

Cllr Smeeton requested the committee let him know is there is anything else that needs to be included in Steve’s work programme. Cllr Adams said the Council is responsible for the hedge in the play area and this should be included, if it isn’t already. Watchet Cross also needs cutting as it is causing a hazard.

Concern was expressed about the problem of weeds growing through the car park and it was queried whether Steve was licenced to spray weeds.

Action: Cllr Smeeton to update Steve Kelland work programme as agreed above, and to commission a licenced operator to spray weeds in the car park and along the edges of the pavements.


12. Bank mandate

The new Clerk has been informed by the bank that in order to provide her with information she would need to be a signatory to the bank account. The Clerk noted that the Council’s financial regulations do allow her to be a signatory in the case of emergencies along with one elected member signatory.

It was RESOLVED (unanimously) to add the clerk to the list of signatories to the bank account, but to only be used in an emergency.

Action: Clerk to ensure paperwork completed for the bank.


13. Planning

13.a  The following planning items from Mid Devon District Council were noted

  • 16/00920 Morebath Cricket Club replacement of windows and doors – Approved by MDDC 3/8/16
  • 16/01052 NGR (Four Winds) retention of livestock building – Approved by MDDC 16/8/16
  • 16/01174 Oakmore Farm retention of temporary caravan - Comments already submitted by the committee
  • 16/01160 NGR (Four Winds) repositioning of storage building – Comments already submitted by the committee
  • 16/01246/TPO Keens House notice of works to oak tree
  • 16/01137/PHAG East Combe Farm prior notice of erection of agricultural building
  • 16/00939/HOUSE Timewell House erection of pool pavilion building and steps, walls and greenhouse – Approved by MDDC 26/8/16


District Cllr Moore left the meeting.

  • 16/01007 Gilberts Lodge to allow a holiday let to be used as a dwelling between September and April. After some discussion, it was AGREED the committee’s response to the consultation is that there were no grounds to object to the application, however if the property were to be converted to a dwelling on a permanent basis, the council would expect to a new planning application for change of use so as not to set a precedent for development creep.

Action: Clerk to submit the consultation response to MDDC.


13.b  Exebridge Flood Defence Scheme

Cllr Smeeton said he has had a conversation with Brushford Parish Council about the flooding problems around Exebridge with affect residents of both parishes. Brushford has been looking for a site to build a shed for the storage of sand bags on their side of the river without success. They are now approaching South West Water to discuss whether there would be space within their pumping station site to place the shed. The SWW pumping station comes within Morebath’s boundary and Brushford have asked whether Morebath would support the proposal. After some discussion on the proposal is was AGREED that the committee supported the proposal in principle, including supporting a planning application, but it is not in a position to decide whether to make a financial contribution or not until more detailed proposals have been put forward. 

Action: Cllr Smeeton to contact Brushford PC with the committee’s decision and report back on further developments.


13.c  Riverside Hall request for support from Riverside Hall Trustees

Cllr Andrew has been contacted by Riverside Hall who are asking for support to put in a TAP application for renovations to part of the building which is subject to leaks when raining, noting that the hall is frequently used by Morebath residents. It was AGREED that the Council will support the application.

Action: Cllr Andrew to contact Riverside Hall Trustees with the decision to support their application.


14. Finance                               

14.a  The following payments made since the previous meeting were NOTED:

  • Car park signage £123.20 + VAT funded from Amenity Reserve
  • A frame signs £160.56 + VAT funded from Amenity Reserve


14.b  The following payments were APPROVED to pay:

  • Cricket Club top-up to TAP funding £100.00
  • Adams & Ellicott footpath works £575.00 + VAT to fund from 3P Reserve
  • Steve Kelland grass cutting £127.50 + VAT to fund from grass cutting budget
  • K Ward (clerk) £148.92 to fund from wages
  • HMRC re. clerk wages £29.60 to fund from wages


15. Other items to note

15.a  The council has been in correspondence with Devon County Council regarding overhanging hedges owned by private landowners. It was noted however that hedge cutting cannot start until 1 September so it is hoped that any problems will soon be resolved.


15.b Cllr Conway asked whether the council would consider donating the historic council records to the Devon Archive so they could be preserved and retained for the public.

Action: Cllr Andrew to bring along the old records to the next meeting for the council to review and consider donating.


15.c The DALC conference is to be held on 11 October and the council considered whether to send a representative.

Action: Clerk to email Cllr Hatton details of the conference.


16. Date of Next Meeting

Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 8th November 2016 at 7:30pm


Meeting closed 9.00pm


Signed as a true record:                                                               


……….........................................……..      Cllr Jeff Andrew (Chairman)        Dated: 8 November 2016


(*)          Bank Mandate Signature