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Minutes of Morebath Parish Council meeting
held in the Village Hall, Morebath on Tuesday 08 March 2016 at 7.30pm
PRESENT: Cllr Jeffrey Andrew (Chairman) Cllr Tony Conway (Vice Chairman) (*)
Cllr Bob Hatton Cllr Peggy Reed (*) Cllr Brian Smeeton Cllr John Wescott (*)
Clerk: Martin French
Cllr Ray Stanley - District Council Representative
Meeting protocol
1. Apologies
Cllr Merv Adams
2. Declaration of interest
Cllr Tony Conway, item 13e
3. Dispensation to councillors
4. Open Forum
 Peter Gibson - Request for update of web site
 Peggy Hooper – Made a request for the need for continued support by the Parish Council for cutting grass in the church graveyard
Cllr Jeff Andrew stated that discussions of grass cutting will be coming up under item 7.
 Colin Rowland – commented on the action taken by councillors regarding the rat problem in the village. His underlying feeling is that the action taken was not proportionate or appropriate considering the long standing his family has had in the village. The Environmental officers have contacted him.
Cllr Andrew – the rat infestation was reported to MDDC by Cllr Smeeton as the Parish Council has no power to take action. Cllr Smeeton has followed this up with MDDC on behalf of the residents that complained to him. Cllr Andrew is pleased to see that the problem is being addressed.
Cllr Smeeton – the rat infestation has been an issue for some time, with as many as 13 dead or dying rats collected from outside his own property. It was apparent that the feed for ducks in a nearby barn was supporting the rats. He had contacted MDDC, on behalf of other residents who had similar issues and complaints, and MDDC has taken the necessary action which Cllr Smeeton feels is both proportionate and appropriate.
5. Minutes
The minutes of the meetings held on 12 January 2015 had been circulated prior to the meeting.
They were agreed as a true record and signed by the chairman.
6. Reports
a. County Councillor
b. District Councillor
Cllr Ray Stanley – reported that a new Chief Executive Officer is in place with MDDC and he will be visiting all Parish Councils in due course. Council Tax for Mid Devon will increase by 2.4%. Market Walk development is producing returns for the council. Lidls are looking for a site in Tiverton which the council has concerns about as it may reduce footfall in the town. Premiere Inn plans are going before the committee next week.
c. Police
Items for discussion and decision 8:00pm – 9:00pm
7. Grasscutting (JA)
a. Update
Cllr Jeff Andrew set out the strategy regarding road side grass cutting for the coming year. MDDC will cut six times, the areas agreed; MDDC will pay for one cut and Morebath Parish Council will pay for 5 cuts. Morebath Parish Council will also maintain the Play Area, the area around the Old Railway Bridge. Additionally MDDC will cut, on behalf of DCC from a road safety perspective i.e. around signs and some corner road side verges.
£1100 is allocated in the budget for grass cutting (£300 for MDDC, £400 for contractor, £200 car park)
b. Proposal (prop JA, sec TC): It is proposed to confirm with Bill Dart that he can continue with grass cutting around the car park
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal unanimously.
c. Proposal : It is proposed that a grass cutting contractor is sought for the additional areas of the old railway bridge, the play area, (others to be named) up to a maximum expenditure of £400 per annum
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal unanimously.
8. Road Safety (BH)
a. Progress report
Cllr Bob Hatton outlined the progress so far and highlighted the difficulties in finding the right people to speak to and make decisions.
9. Environment (BS)
a. Update on matters
i. Velthams Barn
The rat issue was dealt with in Open Forum
ii. The Old Post Office
Some items have been removed from the Old Post Office and the remaining issues are being dealt with by MDDC
b. Proposal (prop JA, sec BS) : It is proposed to spend a maximum of £500 on preparation, plants and planters, for the area adjacent to the old railway bridge
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal (5 in favour, 1 abstain)
c. Proposal (prop JA, sec BS) : It is proposed to allocate up another £250 per annum from reserves, as a contingency, towards the upkeep of the area around the old railway bridge
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal (5 in favour, 1 abstain)
d. Proposal (prop JA, sec BS) : It is proposed that purchases are made from Cove Garden Nursery
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal (4 in favour, 2 abstain)
e. Proposal (prop JA, sec BS) : It is proposed that a Working Group is set up to carry out the initial work and to maintain the site alongside the old railway bridge
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal and that Cllr Brian Smeeton would head up the working party. (5 in favour, 1 abstain)
f. Proposal (prop JA, sec BS) : It is proposed to purchase two bollards to be erected at either end of the old railway bridge at a cost of £150 plus installation.
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal (4 in favour, 2 against)
10. Footpath P3 (BH)
a. Proposals for 2016/17
Cllr Bob Hatton and Carla Dawes have walked the footpaths and put in proposals to DCC, requesting a grant of £1400 for the year 16/17. This would facilitate repairs to the footpath along the river Exe by Mason Kings, to Port Lane, and to Church Path.
Cllr Jeff Andrew thanked Carla Dawes for the work done in preparing the funding request and in all her work on the footpaths.
Items of Information
Finance, Planning & other organisational matters 9:00pm – 9:30pm
11. Planning
Cllr John Wescott provided an update on planning issues over the last two months.
12. Communication with MDDC re mobile home
MDDC have been informed about a mobile home in use in the village.
13. Finance (Clerk)
a. Bank balance to date Current Acct £11,845.29
Business Reserve Acct £3,933.31
b. M French (Clerk) £153.60 agreed to pay
c. HMR&C £38.40 agreed to pay
d. DALC £45.00 (Highways conference Bob Hatton) agreed
e. TAP funding
Proposal : It is proposed to apply for TAP funding of £250 to make repairs to the tent used for the village fete
The Council RESOLVED to make an application for TAP funds, but to the value of £625, for replacement of the canvas for the village hall marquee. (5 in favour, 1 against)
f. VAT refunded £223.54 received
14. Date of Next Meeting
a. Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 10 May 2016 at 7:30pm
This date may change due to yearend figures and audit being ready for signature.
……….................................……….. Cllr Jeff Andrew (Chairman) Dated:- May 2016
(*) Bank Mandate Signature