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Morebath Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall, Morebath on

Tuesday 8th November 2016 at 7.30pm


PRESENT:             Cllr Jeffrey Andrew (Chairman)

Cllr Tony Conway (*)      Cllr Bob Hatton                  Cllr Peggy Reed (*)

Cllr Brian Smeeton           Cllr John Wescott (*)      Cllr Merv Adams (*)


Clerk:            Karen Ward



Cllr Polly Colthorpe                                                -              County & District Council Representative (from 8.08pm)

Cllr Ray Stanley                                        -              District Council Representative

 1. Apologies: None

 2. Declarations of interest:  None declared

 3. Dispensation to councillors: None requested

 4. Open Forum: No items put forward. The Council thanked John Brydon for organising the litter picking and noted it was encouraging that there was less litter than in previous years.

 5. Minutes of the meetings held on 6the September 2016

It was RESOLVED (unanimously) to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting and that the Chairman should sign them.

Actions arising:

  • Communications working group: on agenda
  • Traffic calming: on agenda
  • Footpaths: on agenda
  • Environment: on agenda
  • Bank mandate: completed
  • Planning: completed
  • Exebridge Flood Defence: discussed later on agenda
  • Riverside Hall request for support: completed
  • Historic council records: completed
  • DALC conference: completed

 6. Reports (1)

Cllr Andrew commented that the Council has had no reports from the Police for several months despite expecting a written report. Cllr Conway stated he received email notifications of incidents.

Actions: Cllr Conway to make contact with the police so incidents are also reported to the Clerk.


District Councillor Ray Stanley said that all parishes are being invited to a meeting on 5 December where the leader of Devon County Council, John Hart, will discuss devolution proposals. There is the opportunity to access one-off funding of £900,000 however, the Government may insist of having a mayor for the region in order to access funding.  While the local authorities do not support having a mayor, work is ongoing with the devolution project.

Cllr Stanley reported that the purchase of Market Walk in Tiverton has generated additional income, but the Council is looking to set up a Special Purpose Vehicle from April 2017 in order to develop proposals further.

Cllr Stanley also reported that the district council is anticipating needing to make savings of £945,000 over the next 4 years but there is a lot of uncertainty in levels of Government funding and business rates which is making the future financial position very difficult to estimate.


7. TAP applications

Cllr Andrew noted that the TAP funding application for the village fete marquee had been successful and £562.50 had been awarded (bid was £625.00). A letter of support had also been sent for the TAP application by LARC to subsidise their launch celebrations.


 8. Communication Working Group

Cllr Hatton updated the Council on discussions and ideas on use of the website, notice board, Signpost and word-of-mouth to communicate with residents and whether enough is being done to obtain feedback. He also noted the Council must comply with the Transparency Code.

It was noted:

  • The format of the website is somewhat fixed, but there is scope to add more content and to consider if a “latest news” headline on the front page would be beneficial.
  • The Village Hall produces its own newsletter which is distributed by Peggy Hooper. The Council may wish to have its own newsletter and if so Peggy has kindly offered to distribute that as well.
  • Signpost only has limited space for the Council to report and this may reduce in the future. Cllrs Conway and Hatton will attend the Signpost AGM.
  • It is felt the current notice board is of little benefit so consideration is given on whether a larger, more prominent notice board used by the Council, village hall, church and others may be better
  • There is likely to be little interest in email communications.

Cllr Conway felt that word of mouth is the best form of communication and suggested an open evening with refreshments could be advertised asking residents to come along with ideas.

Actions: Cllr Hatton to continue looking into proposals such as design changes and increased content on the website, considering a separate parish council newsletter, and obtaining quotes for different sizes of notice boards.


 9. Traffic calming update

Cllr Hatton reported that he has met with the DCC Road Safety Officer (RSO) and they drove around areas of concern within the parish and presented him with the parish ideas on traffic management.

The RSO reported that the traffic data gathered does not support there being a problem within the parish. But Councillors expressed concern that the data is flawed as it only records accidents and not near-misses. The RSO’s only suggestion was a Speedwatch campaign. Cllr Hatton also observed that Highways’ solutions now tend towards “soft” changes such as white-lining and planting schemes rather than “hard” engineering.   

There was a general discussion expressing frustration at the difficulties in making progress and communicating with the Highways department, the apparent absence of a rural strategy and that lack of funding also stifles progress and delays projects.

It was generally agreed that white-lining was the most feasible option and DCC should be contacted to find out when the Morebath road is planned for resurfacing, whether white-lining could be financed by the parish council, and if so what would be an estimated cost. Cllr Stanley stated that the district council is doing its own works and that the parish may be able to benefit from joining that contract if permitted to commission works itself.

Cllr Andrew observed that Somerset County Council supported Brushford Parish’s efforts to introduce new traffic calming measures by providing them with flashing sign units to monitor speed levels. County Councillor Colthorpe offered to speak to Highways about whether such flashing speed signs were available to parishes in Devon.

Actions: Cllr Hatton to:

  • Contact DCC to find out when the Morebath road is to be resurfaced and identify costs and options for white lining.
  • Re-investigate if there is interest in doing a Speedwatch campaign.


10. Reports (2)

County Councillor Colthorpe raised three key issues:

  • Sustainable Transformation on how the NHS provides services is currently out to consultation.
  • Your Future Care programme also is also out to consultation by the NHS. It was noted that, while the options being consulted on are not popular, it is hoped that Tiverton Hospital will retain 32 beds, but this is not yet confirmed.
  • £200m has been secured for A361 improvements, but there are currently no plans to upgrade any junctions onto the road between Bolham and South Molton. Access onto the link road is already difficult and it is expected that future developments in Barnstaple will only increase the volume of traffic on the road. DCC highways have recognised there is a need to relook at the access issues on these specific junctions.


11. Footpaths ongoing work and proposals

Cllr Hatton noted that the Port Lane footpath up to the parish boundary had been cleared by the landowner and is now accessible to walkers; so no further action is recommended. However, there is a lot of exposed bedrock, and so care should be taken in the wet or winter especially downhill.

Cllr Hatton is trying to contact the DCC Footpaths Officer to enquire about new work that appears to have been commissioned on our footpaths without the knowledge of the parish council – who is ordering the work and who is paying for it?

Plans will be drawn up in the New Year for works needed in 2017/8, and work has started on plans to publicise the walks around the parish.


12. Environmental update


12.1 Exebridge Flood Defence

Cllr Smeeton updated the Council on Brushford Parish Council’s plan to erect a shed to store sandbags within SWW grounds, and therefore within Morebath Parish (see minutes of the meeting 6th September 2016). Brushford has received a quote for a shed of £2106 and have asked Morebath to contribute 50% of the cost. Cllr Smeeton felt strongly that the Council had an obligation to support the Morebath residents and that while not ideal, sandbags were better than nothing. In response to questions, Cllr Smeeton confirmed the proposed shed will be 2m x 3m and will hold 100 sandbags and other equipment, and that key holding, ongoing maintenance responsibilities etc. have yet to be decided.

There was debate about the effectiveness of sandbags for flood defence compared to other options, how the proposal would work in practical terms, whether alternatives have been considered and how this fits in with wider resilience plans. Councillors also expressed concern that the proposed cost of the shed seemed high and they would want to see other quotes.

District Councillor Stanley stated that Mid Devon DC operate a grant scheme where individual householders could apply for a grant up to £5000 for floodboards and doors and provided contact details.

After further debate:

  • Cllr Smeeton proposed that the Council make a contribution of £1053 to Brushford PC towards the purchase of a storage shed. The proposal was not seconded.
  • Cllr Andrew proposed that the Council renewed its support in principle to Brushford PC in their efforts to protect residents from flooding such as supporting planning proposals. Cllr Adams seconded. The proposal was AGREED.
  • Cllr Andrew proposed that the Council investigate the district council scheme of grants for individual households. Cllr Hatton seconded. The proposal was AGREED.

Action: Cllr Smeeton to contact Mid Devon DC to obtain further information on the flood defence grant scheme.


12.2 Other environmental items:

a)Village planting of Rotary donated croci: completed.

b) Letter from MDDC re. grass cutting: It was AGREED that the Council was happy with the works carried out by the district council in 2016 and wished this to continue in 2017. No further grass cutting was needed this year. Cllr Westcott said there was a problem with verges not being cut at Snapbox junction and Cllr Smeeton agreed to investigate.

Action: Cllr Smeeton to liaise with Mid Devon DC regarding next year’s grass cutting plans.

c) Landscaping in the centre of Morebath: There was a discussion about the piece of land outside the Village Hall and whether tree planting and bedding plants would improve appearance. Cllr Conway said the land belonged to the Rothwells so permission to plant would be needed. However, the Rothwells had approached the Village Hall some years ago with a view to gifting the land to them but this was not taken up. It was generally agreed that this option should be looked into further.


Cllr Andrew to contact the Rothwells regarding whether they would consider transferring the land to the parish council.

Cllr Conway to survey the land and advise on issues such as services running through the land.

 d) Car park maintenance: Cllr Adams advised weed spraying was carried out last week.

 e) Steve Kelland’s work programme: Cllr Smeeton advised that he was happy with the work carried out so far and with the programme of work generally.


13. Planning

The following planning items from the district council were noted:

Notifications from Mid Devon District Council:

  • 16/01160 NGR (Four Winds) repositioning of storage building – Permitted with conditions to discharge
  • 16/01007 Gilberts Lodge allow holiday accommodation to be used as a dwelling between September and April – Permission granted
  • 16/01436 Eastwood Farm, Shillingford prior notification for construction of farm track – Development acceptance
  • 16/01469 Combeland Farm prior notification of erection of an extension to an existing agricultural storage building – Approved
  • 16/01468 Combeland Farm prior notification of erection of agricultural storage building - Approved


14. Finance               

The Clerk stated the current bank balance was £18,792.85 and that the audit of 2015/16 accounts by Grant Thornton was completed.

a) The following payments made since the previous meeting were NOTED:

MDDC contribution towards grass cutting £237.65 + VAT (fund from grass cutting)

SWH Signs for 2 nameplates and posts £630.00 + VAT (fund from Traffic Calming Reserve)

Steve Kelland for grass cutting £75.00 + VAT (fund from grass cutting)

b) The following payments were APPROVED:

Bampton TC for cllr training £20.00 (fund from cllr training)

DALC for attendance and annual conference £20.00 (fund from cllr training)

Morebath Village Hall £562.50 (payment of TAP funding grant)

Morebath Village Hall room hire £45.00 (fund from room hire)

K Ward (clerk) wages £138.14 (fund from wages)

K Ward (Clerk) expenses £15.40 (fund from expenses)

HMRC re. clerk wages £6.60 (fund from wages)

Grant Thornton £TBC – awaiting invoice (fund from audit)

c) Cllr Andrew presented the draft Budget for 2017/18 noting the suggested amendments to the environmental budget and discussed levels and use of reserves. There are no proposals to amend the level of precept. The final budget will be agreed at the January 2017 meeting.


15. Date of Next Meeting

Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 10th January 2017 at 7:30pm


Meeting closed 9.20pm


Signed as a true record:                                                               



……….........................................……..      Cllr Jeff Andrew (Chairman)        Dated: 10th January 2017


(*)          Bank Mandate Signature