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Minutes for Morebath Parish Council
Meeting held in the Village Hall, Morebath on Tuesday 08 September 2015 at 7.30pm
PRESENT: Cllr Jeffrey Andrew (Chairman) Cllr Tony Conway (Vice Chairman) (*)
Cllr Merv Adams (*) Cllr Bob Hatton Cllr Peggy Reed (*)
Cllr Brian Smeeton Cllr John Wescott (*)
Clerk: Martin French
Cllr Polly Colthorpe - County & District Council Representative
Cllr Andrew Moore - District council Representative
Meeting protocol
1. Apologies
PCSO Anna Roberts, District Councillor Ray Stanley
2. Declaration of interest
3. Dispensation for councillors
4. Open Forum
1 member of the public present
o Ms Carla Dawes asked about the removal of rubbish from the old railway bridge in Morebath village
o Cllr Andrew responded – The Environment Working Group would like to tidy up the area in front of it as it is becoming derelict. This would help us make a more attractive entry to the village, as well as help us with our traffic calming scheme by making a feature of the bridge which is one of our few heritage assets. Fly tipping would also be reduced. It may be that this would prevent travellers or other people taking up residence on or around the bridge, so would like to block illegal access in some way.
o Cllr Andrew also informed the meeting that he had discussed the future of the bridge and its surrounding area with Highways England Agency, who are its owners and are legally responsible for the repair and maintenance of it. The bridge was last inspected on 23rd Oct 2014 at which time no areas of significant concern were noted, hence currently there is no maintenance planned. Highways England will continue to monitor the condition of the structure: the next inspection is due on 23rd Oct 2015 and they have agreed to meet Council representatives. This will be an opportunity for MPC to raise concerns about the vegetation taking root on the bridge, and to discuss plans to tidy up the area in and around the bridge and to block unwanted access to the bridge itself. Highways England Agency have no objection in principle to MPC landscaping the land around the bridge. DCC Highways have also declared that it has no interest in the area.
5. Minutes
The minutes of the meetings held on 14 July 2015 have been circulated to all councillors and posted on the web site.
The council RESOLVED that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the meeting and asked the Chairman to sign them.
6. Reports
a. County Councillor Polly Colthorpe
Broadband – there has been a presentation to both DCC and MDDC regarding the broadband roll out. Mineral mapping document (available on DCC web site) is out for consultation and continues until end of September
b. District Councillor Andrew Moore
Budget Review will commence next month. Recycling system for organic waste will be changing, full information to follow. Broadband – BT expect to have 90% coverage, increasing to 95%, by next year. Planning application for development on Morebath Road, Bampton has been rejected by MDDC. A Statement of Intent for Devolution has been drawn up by Counties and National Parks in the South West, and sent to Central Government.
c. Police – e-mail report
There have been a series of burglaries from garden sheds recently, highlighting the need for vigilance, and security.
Items for discussion and decision
7. DCC Tough Choices Consultation
o Cllr Andrew introduced the discussion by noting that all the documents presented in relation to DCC Tough Choices point in the same direction. DCC and MDDC are being required to trim their budgets for 2015/6, and Parish Councils may be asked to make a contribution to some services. MPC’s budget for 2015/6 may therefore be tighter than in previous years, and some expenditure in 2014/5 may also need to be reallocated to meet the Council’s priorities.
o Cllr Andrew also noted that DCC was putting an emphasis on self-help community schemes, and so it might be prudent for MPC to coordinate its action plans with this approach. This might assist the Council in any negotiations with DCC and MDDC and with applications for funding.
a. Discussion of Devon Highways briefing on Community Self Help/Community Support (including the Road Warden Scheme)
i. A document from DCC on the Road Warden Scheme and Self Help has been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.
It was proposed (by JA sec by TC) that the Environment Working Group look in more detail at the Road Warden scheme, and that the Group is delegated the power to join the scheme (and select a Warden), should, in their judgement, they feel there are substantial benefits for the Parish.
The Council RESOLVED to accept this proposal with the proviso that the matter is discussed fully at the next meeting. (Vote – all in favour)
b. Discussion of Devon Highways briefing on Grasscutting and MDDC letter on (DCC) Tough Choices consultation regarding Grasscutting
i. A document from DCC on Grasscutting has been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.
ii. A letter from MDDC on Grass Cutting Consultation has also been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.
The MDDC letter was discussed at some length with all councillors questioning the facts set out.
i. Two pages of maps show grass cutting sites not in Morebath Parish
ii. The cost of £3.51 per 100 squ mtrs seems highly inaccurate
iii. The matrix of calculations had insufficient information
In light of the above inaccuracies the Council were unable to answer the three questions in the consultation.
It was proposed that the Clerk seek clarification from Andrew Busby, Estates Manager, MDDC and to respond with the Councils remarks.
The Council agreed to this proposal asking the clerk to draft a letter for the Chairman’s approval.
c. Implications for 2016/17 budget
The Council were unable to decide on the cost implications as there was insufficient detail.
8. Road Safety
a. Report from Working Group (Cllr Bob Hatton) – paper circulated prior to the meeting
i. The black box speed recorder has been up for a week in August but not at a suitable site within the village. The Council had asked for a specific site prior to installation, and Cllr Adams had asked for it to be repositioned after installation
ii. The Group met with Steve Leigh to discuss possible actions available to the Council, and the Council asked to inform DCC Highways of any proposed plans
iii. Information drawn together by the Working Group, along with the Black Box data will go to a SCARF meeting for recommendations.
b. Information circulated and a proposal will be made for a way forward.
It was proposed that the Working Group progress by responding to the SCARF meeting results, drawing up an action plan based on the results and Council opinions; also looking into a voluntary Speed Watch program.
The council RESOLVED to accept the proposal (Vote – all in favour) and asked that the working Groups paper is sent to DCC Highways for inclusion at the SCARF meeting
c. Options for 2015/16 expenditure
Cllr Hatton was asked to expand on the plans set out in his paper, adding possible costs, ready for discussion at the next meeting.
9. Environment
a. Report from Working Group (Cllr Brian Smeeton) – paper circulated prior to the meeting
b. Information circulated and a proposal will be made on the way forward.
i. Cllr Smeeton set out the main ideas presented in the paper which was aligned with that of the Road Safety Working Group. The initial focus was on improving the entrances to the main village and the village centre, but ideas for other areas of the parish will be also be considered.
ii. Council endorsed the general approach being taken by the working group, although some of the ideas in the paper were considered to be unworkable. Council gave its provisional approval for work to be done at the entrance to the village, primarily at the site of the old railway bridge, but also at the northern entrance to the village
It was proposed that Cllr Adams arranged for strimming of the area by the bridge, that a rough costing for four hurdles (or gates) is ascertained, along with village entrance signage, as a first option to look at possible costs.
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal (Vote – all in favour)
c. Options for 2015/16 expenditure
Cllr Smeeton was asked to expand on the plans set out in his paper, adding possible costs, ready for discussion at the next meeting.
The Chairman said that the Working Groups for Road Safety and the Environment have provided the Council with excellent information which now needs expanding on, providing some estimated cost projections for the coming years, ready for initial budgetary discussions in November
10. Parish Communication Plan
a. Report on updated Website/ Chairs Summary of Council activity in Signpost and on Parish Council Notice board.
The report was adopted by the Council, and councillors agreed that after each council meeting Cllr Andrew should continue to submit a summary of council activity to Signpost, as well as to post a copy on the parish council noticeboard.
b. Discussion of ideas for wider consultation on Working Group action plans
Councillors asked Cllr Andrew if he could investigate whether it was feasible for his meeting summary to be distributed to all households in the Parish.
c. Discussion of presentation to community at Annual Parish Meeting
11. Footpaths P3
a. Report from P3 Co-ordinator (Carla Dawes)
Carla Dawes reported on her meeting with Roz Davies (DCC Rights of Way), at which a list of works was apparently drawn up, some of which DCC may have already acted upon.
o The Clerk was asked to contact Ros Davies to clarify what work is to be done, as the list and any projected MPC expenditure had not been brought to Council for budgetary approval.
o Cllr Andrew expressed concern that repair work had already taken place at Sharpes Close, although the item was on the meeting’s agenda for decision by Council. The work involved expenditure that had not been formally budgeted for 2015/6, nor yet considered by Council for inclusion in the 2016/7 Budget.
b. Options for 2015/16 expenditure
i. Church path maintenance
This was the most used footpath in the village, and yet it is regularly overgrown at both ends. Cllr Andrew suggested that consideration should be given to including maintenance of the path by a qualified contractor in the Council’s P3 Plan for 2016/7.
ii. Sharpes Close repairs
No decision could be taken, as the work had already been completed.
c. Responsibility for preparing 2016/17 outline plan for November meeting
o Council confirmed that in future no work on footpaths in the parish should be sanctioned without its prior approval. According to P3’s own guidelines, the key starting point is an annual survey of all paths that the parish must complete. From this survey works can then be determined and a grant allocated (in March for the following financial year).
Cllr Hatton agreed to work with Carla Dawes on a plan for 2016/17, initially for the November budget meeting, but also for the P3 Administrator’s report to DCC in February 2016.
Items of Information
o Cllr Weston reported that he hoped to be able to report progress on the Play Area Management Committee to the next meeting. Cllr Andrew proposed that the play area should be put on the agenda, as the Council has a duty to ensure that the asset is looked after, if only on a care and maintenance basis.
Finance, Planning & other organisational matters
12. Planning
13. Finance (Clerk)
a. Bank balance to date Current Acct £14,878.35 as at 10 Aug
Business Reserve Acct £3682.17 as at 10 Aug
It was proposed that £10,000 is transferred from the Current Account to the Business Reserve Account
The Council RESOLVED that the Clerk should arrange for this to be done.
b. M French (Clerk) Hours to be supplied £153.60 agreed to pay
c. HMR&C £38.40 agreed to pay
d. Grant Thornton £120 agreed to pay (external audit costs)
e. MDDC (awaiting invoice) £804.57 agreed to pay (contested election costs)
14. Points of information
a. Change of date for the Election of Officers Meeting 2016 to Tuesday 10th May 2016
15. Date of Next Meeting
a. Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 10 November 2015 at 7:30pm
…......................................…….. Cllr Jeff Andrew (Chairman) Dated:- 10 November 2015
(*) Bank Mandate Signature