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Minutes of the meeting of Morebath Parish Council
Held at Morebath Village Hall
on Saturday 28th March 2015 at 1:00 pm
Cllr Andrew Moore (Chairman) Cllr Tony Conway (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Merv Adams (*) Cllr Colin Rowland Cllr John Westcott
1. Apologies
Cllr Josey Chorley, Cllr Peggy Reed
2. Declaration of interest
3. Dispensation for councillors
4. Open Forum – 1 member of the public present
 Regarding the proposed new entrance under planning reference 15/00147/FULL:
o The visibility is poor for the exit from the Moor Farm complex which is on the inside of the road bend curve and opposite the proposed new entrance.
o There is a convex mirror on the verge where the entrance is proposed which greatly assists people exiting from Moor Farm. Its removal would create a hazard.
o A new BT box (for fibre cable) is sited on the verge of this proposed entrance and would need moving.
o Who owns the verge that is to be removed? 5. Reference: 15/00147/FULL Address: Oakmoore Farm Morebath Tiverton Devon EX16 9AQ Description : Alterations to improve visibility to existing entrance
Councilors’ discussions highlighted the following concerns:  The width of the driveway and entrance are disproportionate to the current business at this site, or any similar site in the village.  The location of such an entrance, which would be suitable for large lorries, on the outside of a bend: there is already an adequate entrance for the site in its current use. There is concern for the visibility from the Moor farm exit.  The splay required to facilitate this entrance is extremely large and would have a detrimental visual impact at the entrance to the village.  The Council questions the ownership of the verge (and the implications), and noted the disruption that would be caused by the repositioning of the new BT box.
It was proposed (AM prop JW sec) that the Council objects to this application on the grounds of location, size, and consequent visual impact, notably because there is already an adequate entrance to the site. The council would pose questions regarding ownership of the verge, Moor Farm exit safety and impact of repositioning the BT box.
The Council RESOLVED to object to this application (vote – all in favour).
6. Date of Next Meeting
a. Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 19 May 2015 in Village Hall at 7:00pm
…….............................................................. Cllr Jeff Andrew (Chairman) Dated:- 16 June 2015
(*) Bank Mandate Signature