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Photo from Pump Street looking across ford

The Annual Parish Meeting is held between March and May every year.  The meeting is for parishioners and gives an opportunity to discuss parish issues. 

The 2024 Annual Parish Meeting took place on Wednesday 29 May at 7pm in the Parish Hall.  The focus of the meeting was the Neighbourhood Plan.  Minutes can be read in the Minutes section of the website


Past Annual Parish Meetings

Parish meetings are generally well attended and there is usually a lively questions and answer session with the speakers and public

Sometimes a speaker is invited to attend and these have included:

2021 - Rep from DCC to discuss road safety

2020 - Annual Parish Meeting cancelled due to Coronvirus

2019 - Ian Sorenson - DCC on plans for a pedestrian crossing in the village

2017 - Matt Barrow re Broadband and Cllr John Daw - Chairman MDDC

2016 - Allan Quick, Crediton Courier and a presentation on the Boniface Trail and a report on the Parish Plan

2015 - Cllr Andrew Leadetter - DCC Cabinet Member for Economy and Growth  and a presentation on the Boniface Trail

2014- Cllr John Hart - leader of DCC

2013 - Rhys Davies - DCC Highways Neighbourhood Manager