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After Covid this project was put on hold indefinitely


Newton St Cyres Community Shop project  - An Update

While it is not easy to make things happen in these difficult times, there has been some progress to report on the Newton St Cyres Community Shop Project.  You will recall that the Village Hall has agreed in principle for the shop to  be located on the Parish Hall land. 

Now after further discussions between the Parish Council and Roger Wilkins, the Chair of the Village Hall Committee, it has been agreed in principle that it will now be in the interests of both organisations to  jointly work together in order to  achieve the goal of opening this new community asset.

To this end the Parish Council has now paid a cheque to the Plunkett Foundation in order to formally register the project for their support and guidance.  Using the village Halls existing charitable status may also help speed up the grant funding application process. 

The two organisation will now explore the possibilities of conducting virtual meetings in order to start moving the project forward.


Results of Community Shop Survey