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The Parish Council cuts the grass in the areas listed below.  

(Days of cutting will vary from month to month and are dependant on weather conditions)

Village Green

March – one cut

April - two cuts

No mowing in May

June, July and August – two cuts

September - one cut

No cutting between October to March

The Wildflower area on the Village Green is not cut until the end of the summer

Village Green


Parish Hall

Grass surrounding Parish Hall

March - one cut

June, July, August and September - one cut






Pedestrian entrance to Woodlands

Same as Parish Hall



Crescent shaped grass at entrance to Woodlands (both sides of road entrance)

Same as Parish Hall



Norton Cross

Once per year in summer



Half Moon Layby

Slope and grass (areas not cut by Hanlons and café)

Once per year in summer





Grass by entrance to SWW on A377

Once per year in summer


Land for proposed new churchyard

Once per year in summer