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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 4 April 2024


The meeting commenced at 7.00pm

Members present

Cllr G Barnell (Chair)                             Cllr D Harris

Cllr J Browne                                          Cllr L Ouldridge

Cllr J Dean                                             


In attendance:  4 members of public (2 left 7.50;  2 left 8.10) , J Hole, Parish Clerk


Public Participation

A parishioner raised the poor state of many hedgerows in the parish  - minuted under item 7.5 below


Formal Business 

01/04/24    Apologies

                       Cllr J Rimbon-Whittaker, Cllr P Stephenson and C/Cllr M Squires

It was noted that since the last meeting Steve Parker had retired and Alison Staite had resigned earlier today. 


02/04/24    Declaration of Interest

                       Cllr J Dean Item 4.4 (PI) 

03/04/24    Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 7 March 2024

                       Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/04/24    Newton St Cyres Parish Council Issues relevant to Mid Devon District Council

4.1                 Planning Applications 


4.2                 Planning Decisions

4.2.1              24/00237/HOUSE - Erection of single storey rear extension and front porch following demolition of existing conservatory and porch at Winscombe, Sand Down Lane, Newton St Cyres – grant permission

4.3                 Report from  MDDC State of the District debate – 20 March in Tiverton

                       Cllr G Barnell was unable to attend.  The Clerk would circulate notes from the meeting as and when these were supplied by MDDC.

4.4                 To consider email from Tree Protection Officer re TPO requests

                       The Tree Protection Officer had asked for Parish Council comments on applications from two parishioners on two different trees within the parish.  After discussion it was resolved:

i) To support both applications

4.5                 Report from District Councillors on issues relevant to the parish

                       There was no report

05/04/24    Newton St Cyres Parish Council issues relevant to Devon County Council

5.1                 Report from County Councillor on issues relevant to the Parish                      

                       To include update on rock face opposite Station Road, A377

                       There was no report            

A parishioner had emailed the Chairman to raise concerns about the poor state of the road by Winscott Barton which presented a hazard to all road users.    Two other regular users of the road who were present at the meeting confirmed that the road outside Winscott Barton is now in a very dangerous state of disrepair with large holes often concealed by standing water.  This is a particular danger for cyclists and motor cyclists.

It was noted that blocked drains across the parish remained an issue. 

It was resolved:

i)That the Clerk would email C/Cllr M Squires and request her to escalate the issue of the dangerous road surface by Wincott Barton as a matter of urgency

ii)To continually raise the issue of blocked drains with C/Cllr M Squires


06/04/24    Finance

6.1                 To agree Payments and note Receipts

Since the agenda had been sent an invoice had been received:  £129.60 for Road Warden expenses for Newcombes Lane

It was resolved to add these payments schedule below

Expenditure – current account


Receipts – current account


Groundworks – return of unspent NHP grant


Donation for RW work


DALC – Cllr training




Simon Saunders – Village green grass cutting




J Hole – Salary and expenses








Nick Gillon – RW material




                       The Clerk had applied for a credit account with RGB Building Supplies so that VAT could be claimed back on materials used by the Road Wardens

6.2                 To approve on-line authorisation for this month’s payments

                       Cllr J Dean and Cllr J Browne

6.3                 Balances (after above transactions)

6.3.1            Parish Council Current Account balance: £9,000.78

6.3.2            Footpath Account: £88.02 (included in Current Account balance)

6.3.3            Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £7,292.39 (separate Bank account)

6.3.4            Neighbourhood Plan grant: £0.00

It was resolved:  to rename the Car Park resurfacing fund to Parish Hall Car Park Maintenance Fund as this reflected more accurately the purpose of the fund

6.4                 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


6.5                 To agree purchase of throw lines and batteries - Throw lines £18.59 x 6 = £111.54; Batteries £15.95 x 5 = £79.75 (grant application?)

                       It was resolved:

i)To purchase both throw lines and batteries

ii) Clerk to make grant application to Devon Communities Together

07/04/24    Other Parish Council Matters

7.1                 To vote on nominations for Community Volunteer of the Year 2023

                       Nominations had been circulated and Cllrs present voted.  The winner would be announced at the Annual Parish Meeting.  The two runners-up would be named as highly commended.

7.2                 Update on meetings held with the Church, Parish Hall and Rec Ground re provision of grants

                       Initial meetings had taken place with all three organisations and follow up meetings had been arranged.  Grants would be not paid until service agreements had been agreed.

7.3                 To consider any other nominations for assets of community value

                       Cllr G Barnell proposed that nominations should be considered for three Parish properties/areas after consultation with owners.  The meeting agreed these proposals and resolved:

i) That Cllr G Barnell would draft an email to the owners of the above named properties/areas

7.4                 To consider frequency of grass cutting on Village Green and other areas and to consider biodiversity of banks (e.g. Church Lane)

                       Cllr D Harris proposed the following grass cutting schedule:

                     Village Green:  to be cut once in March, twice in April, June, July and August, once in September with no mowing taking place in May or between October to March. 

                       The area around the Parish Hall and Woodlands entrance: to be cut once a month between March and September (not in May)

                       The land for the proposed new churchyard:  to be cut once in late summer only

                       Norton Cross, Entrance to water works and Half Moon layby to remain unchanged

                       It was resolved:

i)To accept the above schedule

ii) That Cllr D Harris would be the liaison the grass cutting contractor

iii)The contract would be put out to tender to ensure best value for the parish

iv)Clerk to inform parishioner who cuts the grass at the new churchyard that mowing was required once per year only

                       The biodiversity of the roadside banks in settlements was not considered and will be put on a future agenda.

Minuted here but taken after item 3

7.5                 To discuss email re damage to hedge banks – see below and to consider possible actions

                       Standing orders were suspended for item 7.5

                       An email with photos had been received from a parishioner expressing concern about hedgerows in the parish but especially collapsing banks around the Beer Engine to Wykes Cross area.  In addition mud on the road was causing a hazard for all road users. 

                       Three main areas of concern were identified:

a) the maintenance of hedgerows, renewal and re-planting – some hedgerows had been heavily flailed with the tops and sides of the banks destroyed so there were less roots to protect and hold the banks together.  There were gaps in some hedges due to dying vegetation and these gaps had not been re-planted.   Some hedges were not maintained on a regular basis

b) large farm vehicles driven by contractors were damaging the hedgerows

c) the weather – had contributed greatly to collapsing banks which were completely saturated at the present time.  Given climate change it was likely that extreme weather would be a continuing feature so solutions would be required.

                       A distinction was made between hedgerows in general and roadside hedgerows which have to be cut regularly to maintain visibility for the safety of all road users.

                       Other points raised included:

                             Government schemes might provide some assistance to maintain hedges?

                      Given the climate change and more water around, were different types of hedges required  and could different species be given a trail?

                             Woodlands Trust can provide free saplings

                             It was resolved:

i) That the Parish Council wanted to work with landowners to help find solutions

ii) That Cllr D Harris would aim to set up a community conversation with landowners to discuss renewal and maintenance of hedgerows and what can be done to help. The conversation would also include the use of contractor vehicles


7.6                 Report from Crediton Cluster Meeting 19 January – Cllrs G Barnell, L Ouldridge

                       Cllr L Ouldridge gave a brief verbal report and noted that the group’s concern over DCC proposal to devolve some highways maintenance areas without proper consultation.  DCC Neighbourhood Highways Manager had been invited to the next meeting to discuss the proposals.  There would be a recruitment a drive to encourage parishes around Crediton to join the group so that the group could be truly representative.  Other items identified for future Cluster meeting agendas included housing development in and around Crediton and future plans for QE School and community health services at both Redlands and the Community Hospital.  The next meeting was 22 April and any agenda items should be sent to the Clerk to forward to CTC.

                       As requested by the Cluster Group, a meeting had been arranged for 11 April with DCC to discuss progress on the Boniface Trail.

7.7                 Quarterly Report – Emergency and Resilience – Cllr P Stephenson

                       Deferred to next month due to Cllr P Stephenson’s absence

7.7.1              Report from Flood Group meeting 14 March 2024.  To agree any actions especially with reference to the February flooding incident – letter/leaflet distribution and to consider options for action re flooding at Camps Bridge

                       The Shuttenbrook had flooded in West Town in February due to a blockage under the Meadowlands Bridge.  The blockage appeared to be due to branches and foliage which had entered the Shuttenbrook after a failing operation further upstream late last year.

                       Cllr L Ouldridge had a contact at the Environment Agency who had offered to provide plans showing the flow of the river around Camps Bridge

                       It was resolved:

i)To request the Flood Group to devise a plan to address the flood risk from the Shuttenbrook

ii)That a conversation with land owners around Camps Bridge was required and Cllr J Browne would aim to set this us to include the RWS co-ordinator

7.7.2              To note Report from Resilience Forum meeting 22 March 2024 and to consider any actions

                       Cllr L Ouldridge had attended the forum and notes from the meeting had been circulated. 

                       It was resolved:

i) That Cllr L Ouldridge would request approx. 25 copies of the leaflet “ Living with Water” and draft a covering letter to be delivered to homes adjacent to the Shuttenbrook to raise awareness of riparian rights and the importance of keeping the brook clear

7.8                 Quarterly Report – Footpaths – Cllr A Staite

                       Item deferred until a new Cllr is appointment with responsibility for Footpaths

7.8.1              To agree priorities for Footpath work to include path from Sandown Lane to Pump Street

                       It was noted that Steve Parker would remain as Footpath Warden.  The Footpath Warden had informed the Clerk that the landowner of the old school path was responsible for renewing the fencing along the field side of the path and had recently instructed a contractor to carry out the work.

                       It was noted that dogs should not be walked on the path.

7.9                 Quarterly Report – Travel and Road Safety – Cllrs J Dean, A Staite

                       Cllr J Dean reported that the Speed Watch Group had 8 volunteers.    New equipment and training would be delivered at a meeting with the police next week.  Cllr J Dean had proposed three sites,

                       two of which the Police had accepted (Station Road and Half Moon).  The third site (outside the Old Post Office) had been rejected and this would be challenged.

                       Cllr J Dean reported that no progress had been made with regard to other areas of concern (Tytheing Close, Smallbrook and School signage) as our Neighbourhood Highways Officer was not replying to emails. It was resolved:

i) That Cllr G Barnell would email our Neighbourhood Highways Manager and C/Cllr M Squired to request a meeting to discuss outstanding issues

ii)That the clerk would remind the School to write the School Travel Plan

7.9.1              To set up a meeting to discuss priorities for future RWS work

        It was resolved:

i) To invite the Road Warden Co-ordinator to discuss priorities at the June Parish Council meeting (Item to be near the top of the agenda)

7.9.2              Update on work at Newcombes Lane

        This work had been completed

7.9.3              To discuss Illegal and dangerous parking at Sand Down lane

                       Cars parking near the Sand Down Lane junction with the A377 were blocking farmer access to the field.  It was resolved

i)That the Clerk would draft a short note asking people not to park on this stretch of road which would be put under the window screen of cars parked. 


08/04/24    Forward Agenda Planner/Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

                       The Clerk reported that the Parish Council owned printer had stopped working and the Clerk had brought her own printer.     

8.1                 Review of agenda planner for future meetings. 

                       A copy had been circulated and was noted


09/04/24    Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Annual Meeting Thursday 9 May 2024 at 7pm in the Club Room


End of Formal Business

Public Participation

There was none

The meeting closed at 9.25pm