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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 7 March 2024


The meeting commenced at 7.00pm

Members present

Cllr G Barnell (Chair)                             Cllr J Rimbon-Whittaker

Cllr D Harris                                            Cllr A Staite

Cllr L Ouldridge                                      Cllr P Stephenson


In attendance: D/Cllr M Binks (left 8.20pm), C/Cllr M Squires (left 8.55pm);  3 members of public (1 left 7.30pm and 2 left 8.45pm), J Hole, Parish Clerk


Public Participation

A parishioner noted that it was not easy to find out what the Parish Council did and what they were responsible for.  Perhaps the Parish Council website/and or publicity could give more information and guidance and be more user friendly?  It was agreed to review the website/publicity at a future meeting.

Formal Business 

01/03/24      Apologies

                       Cllr J Dean, Cllr S Parker, Cllr J Browne


02/03/24      Declaration of Interest

                       None noted


03/03/24      Minutes of the last meeting  held on Thursday 1 February 2024

                       Agreed and signed as a true record


04/03/24      Newton St Cyres Parish Council Issues relevant to Mid Devon District Council

4.1                 Planning Applications 

4.1.1              24/00237/HOUSE - Erection of single storey rear extension and front porch following demolition of existing conservatory and porch at Winscombe Newton St Cyres – no comment

4.1.2              24/00222/MARM - Reserved Matters for the erection of a 50 bedroom nursing home following Outline approval 20/01584/MOUT at Langford Park Nursing Home, Langford Road, Langford

                       It was resolved to comment as follows:

  • The increase in the number of occupants will lead to increased generation of waste water and sewage and the existing provision should therefore be upgraded.  We understand that there have been previous incidents of raw sewage spillages and blocked drains which have required intervention from the Environment Agency
  • We would strongly support the retention of any existing trees and would support the planting of additional trees to screen the development as much as possible from neighbouring properties
  • The Transport Statement does not take into account the significant risk that staff and visitors who are travelling by bus have to take on the walk from the A377 to the property, along a single track, unlit road with no pavement.  The road leading to the site is a busy one used daily by many agricultural vehicles.  Speed limits are not enforced and speeding has been reported by local people as an issue.

4.1.3              24/00257/FULL- Alterations and improvements to existing parking and servicing arrangements including additional hard surfacing, a cycle store and new fencing at Langford Park Nursing Home  - no comment

4.2                 Planning Decisions

4.2.1              24/00020/CAT - Notification of intention to remove one Hawthorn tree within a Conservation Area at Village Green – permission granted.  To agree arrangements for planting of new tree

                       It was resolved that:

  1. A rowan tree would be purchased by Cllr L Ouldridge to replace the Hawthorn tree which would be removed and chipped for use at the community allotment. Cllr Ouldridge to progress removal of tree.  It was agreed not to involve the school with the planting of the new tree.
  2. Cllr L Ouldridge would inform households on the green of the new tree and removal of the old one.

4.3                 To consider Town and Parish Charter Review

                       Details had been circulated.  It was resolved:

  1. That Cllr G Barnell would propose this as an agenda item for the next Crediton Cluster meeting. If Cllrs had any comments these should be passed to the Clerk for inclusion in the debate

4.4                 To agree attendance at MDDC State of the District debate – 20 March in Tiverton

                       It was resolved that Cllr G Barnell would attend

4.5                 Report from District Councillors on issues relevant to the parish

                       D/Cllr M Binks reported that MDDC’s portion of the Council tax would rise by 2.99% and that a balanced budget for 24/25 had been achieved but not without service reductions.

                       MDDC had received a grant  from the Urban Tree Challenge and would be planting 66 trees over 2 years in urban areas

                       Rubbish bags left by the side of black bins would no longer be collected.


05/03/24      Newton St Cyres Parish Council issues relevant to Devon County Council

5.1                 Report from County Councillor on issues relevant to the Parish                      

5.1.1              Update on School Hill path weed clearance and rock face opposite Station Road, A377

                       It was noted that the Road Wardens had completed the weed clearance on School Hill

                                           Cllr M Squires would discuss the rock face opposite Station Road with our Neighbourhood Highways Officer

5.1.2              To agree PC response to DCC consultation on Devolution for Devon and Torbay

                       It was resolved not to make any Parish Council comment

5.1.3              Cllr M Squires reported that DCC’s portion of the Council Tax would increase by 4.99%.  The grant from central government had increased with some of the extra money being devolved to MDDC for work to ease homelessness.   Some of the money from the cancelled HS2 project had been allocated to road drainage work.


06/03/24      Finance

6.1                 To agree Payments and note Receipts

Since the agenda had been sent, two invoices had been received:

  1. £162.00 from DALC for Councillor training and
  2. £56.50 for Road Warden expenses.

It was resolved to add these payments schedule below

                       Payments were agreed as:

Expenditure – current account


Receipts – current account


NSC PC hall: PC - £63.00; NHP - £13.00; electric - £40.00


VAT refund


Simon Saunders grass cutting - Church - £120.00, Green £80.00




J Hole – Reimbursement for zoom subscription


Receipts – Resurfacing Account


J Hole – Salary and expenses








DALC – Cllr training




Nick Gillon – RW expenses





The need for a Zoom subscription would be considered at next year budget meeting.


It was noted that the recent grass cutting on the Village Green had cut the wild flower areas in error and this would be addressed with the contractor.

6.2                 To approve on-line authorisation for this month’s payments

                       Cllr P Stephenson and Cllr L Ouldridge

6.3                 Balances (after above transactions)

6.3.1            Parish Council Current Account balance: £13,147.63

6.3.2            Footpath Account: £88.02 (included in Current Account balance)

6.3.3            Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £7,292.39 (separate Bank account)

6.3.4            Neighbourhood Plan grant: £3,568.00 (included in Current Account balance)

It was noted that it was a condition of the NHP grant that any balance be repaid to the provider at the end of the financial year.  Unfortunately, delays by the provider in the provision of the grant meant it had been received too late in the year to be used effectively.

6.4                 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


6.5                 Quarterly Bank reconciliation

                       Noted and duly signed

6.6                 To sign forms to add three new signatories to Parish Council bank accounts

                       The forms were duly signed.


07/03/24      Other Parish Council Matters

Minuted here but taken after Agenda item 2

7.1                 Churchyard – to consider proposal and to agree ending of grass cutting for 2024

                       Standing Orders were suspended for agenda item 7.1  to allow Rev. Tim Collins to comment on the proposals which had been previously circulated to interested parties.  It was noted that burial space in the current churchyard is running out, with possibly 5 or 6 burial spaces remaining (there was still space for ashes).  The Church were therefore willing to explore the options proposed by the Parish Council and the Archdeacon was supportive of the proposals.

                       It was resolved:

  • That the Parish Council would not take on the management and maintenance of the churchyard if the churchyard was closed
  • The Parish Council is prepared to gift to the Church authorities the area of land adjacent to the Churchyard originally given to the Council in 2018 by John Quicke for “the use of the Parish”.
  • This gift is offered on the understanding that the Churchyard is extended to include the gifted land and, thereby, will continue to be kept open for burials and cremations and, therefore, managed and maintained by the Church.
  • The gift of the land is also contingent upon final agreement between the Church authorities and the Parish Council on the terms and conditions involved in the transfer of land ownership including responsibility for legal costs.
  • On the basis of an in principle agreement between this Council and the Church Authorities, the Council will seek, and take into account, the views of John Quicke on the proposed transfer.
  • Clerk to contact solicitors to start the process and to speak to DALC for advice
  • The Parish Council would not pay for any more grass cutting at the churchyard. Clerk to inform grass cutting contractor

A meeting with Church representatives had recently taken place to discuss the move to an annual grant, based on a service agreement, rather than the Parish Council paying for grass cutting.  A follow up meeting would take place in April to finalise the arrangements.


7.2                 To consider Proposed delegated spending limits

                       A proposed scheme had been circulated and it was resolved:

  • To give delegated spending power of up to £50.00 to the Road Warden Scheme Co-ordinator for purchases of materials for work carried out under the Road Warden Scheme in consultation and agreement with the Cllr responsible for Travel and Road Safety
  • To give delegated spending power of up to £50.00 to Cllrs and the Clerk for items such as training and minor repairs
  • Payment/reimbursement to be made at the next Parish Council meeting on prior production of invoices to the Parish Clerk
  • The Parish Clerk retains the provisions stated in Financial Regulations, item 4.5.


7.3                 Quarterly Report – Development and Planning – Cllr G Barnell

Cllr G Barnell confirmed that the Neighbourhood Plan presentation to be made at the Annual Parish Meeting would be shared with Cllrs in advance – Cllr G Barnell to action

The Parish might benefit from the formation of a Housing Action Group, which would build on the work previously done when a Community Land Trust was considered.  Clerk to  add to the Future Agenda Planner

Broadband – an informative article had been written in the March edition of the Newton Wonder and Cllr G Barnell suggested Broadband and internet access be added to a future PC agenda for discussion Clerk to  add to the Future Agenda Planner

                       MDDC local plan – following a call for sites, the HELAA process was taking place (Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment).  This was a confidential process and should be completed by December 2024, with a public consultation from January 2025.

7.3.1              Crediton Cluster Meeting – report of meeting on 19 January 2024

Cllr G Barnell gave a brief report of the meeting he had attended with Cllr L Ouldridge. 

A meeting to progress the Boniface Trail was being set up with DCC. 

The Neighbourhood Highway Manager for East Devon, Exeter, Mid Devon, North Devon had agreed to attend the next meeting of the Crediton Cluster Group to discuss possible devolution plans with regard to road works.

7.4                 Quarterly Report – Footpaths – Cllrs S Parker, A Staite

                       Deferred to next month’s agenda due to Cllr S Parkers absence

7.4.1              To agree request to apply to National Lottery Awards for printing costs of “Country Walks in NSC”

                       It was resolved to apply – Clerk to progress

7.4.2              To agree priorities for Footpath work to include path from Sandown Lane to Pump Street

                       Deferred to next meeting


7.5                 Quarterly Report – Travel and Road Safety – Cllrs J Dean, A Staite

                       Deferred to next month’s agenda due to Cllr J Dean’s absence

Minuted here but taken after Agenda item 5

7.5.1              To consider Road Warden work at Newcombes

Standing orders were suspended for agenda item 7.5.1 to allow input from the Road Warden Co-ordinator who had proposed the work at Newcombes.

It was noted that the road surface at Newcombes was very poor but that remedial work was very low on DCC’s priority list.  The cost of the proposed work was estimated at £265.00 and four local residents had stated they would contribute £50.00 each towards the cost.  Some work had already been carried out by a local farmer and the remainder would be carried out by a contractor and the Road Wardens would then make good any potholes etc.  The Road Warden Co-ordinator confirmed that he had spoken to our Neighbourhood Highways Officer who was aware of the work required and our proposal to fix the problem.   After discussion it was resolved:

  1. To go ahead with the work. The Parish Council would hire the contractor and request donations from relevant households. Clerk to action with assistance from Road Wardens

7.5.2              To set up a meeting to discuss priorities for future RWS work

                             The need to set up a priority list for future road warden work was agreed and would be discussed at a future meeting.


Minuted here but taken after Item 4.4

7.6                 Empty Homes – discussion paper circulated

Cllr P Stephenson had circulated a discussion paper which noted that the housing crisis may lead to pressure in parishes such as Newton St Cyres to deliver additional housing which could threaten to fundamentally change the character of the parish, particularly if large scale greenfield developments occur.  Bringing empty homes back into use should take priority over new builds and this would also be more climate friendly.


                       Following discussion it was resolved:

  • That the Parish Council lobby MDDC to take effective action to charge Council Tax (CT) premiums on empty homes to encourage these to be brought back into use whilst also obtaining additional council revenue for public services.   Clerk to contact the Leader of the Council and the MDDC Cabinet member responsible for housing to ask how MDDC can support this initiative.
  • That the Parish Council recommends to the Neighbourhood Planning Group to include bringing empty homes back into use as a key strategy for meeting local housing need, as opposed to sole reliance on greenfield development. Cllr G Barnell to action
  • That the Parish Council discuss this issue with neighbouring PCs with the aim of having a common policy and a shared lobbying of MDDC on empty homes, including holiday homes. For example, to invite Crediton Town Council to debate the issue. Cllrs G Barnell and L Ouldridge to action
  • That a notice is placed in Newton Wonder encouraging parishioners to report empty homes to both MDDC and the Parish Council so that we can understand the scale of the issue, and where appropriate lobby MDDC to take action to charge the relevant CT premium. Cllr P Stephenson to draft the notice


7.7                 To agree attendance at Community Resilience Forum – 22 March 2024

                       It was resolved:  that Cllr L Ouldridge would attend


08/03/24      Forward Agenda Planner/Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

8.1                 Review of agenda planner for future meetings.

                       Several items had been added to the agenda planner during the meeting

                       Noted that Crediton Town Council had a “Community Conversation” on 23 March 2024

                       Noted that NSC Table Tennis Club had an open morning on 17 March 2024.

                       Cllr L Ouldridge reported that the Resilience sheds at Smallbrook and the Parish Hall were leaking.  Clerk to obtain estimate for re-felting.

                       Noted that there was a Flood Group meeting on 14 March and the requirement for batteries and throw ropes would be discussed

                       Cllr J Rimbon-Whittaker reported that no one in the parish had expressed interest in the French exchange and QE School would be approached to see if any interest could be generated.


09/03/24      Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Thursday 4 April 2024 at 7pm in the Club Room


End of Formal Business


Public Participation


There was none

The meeting closed at 9.25pm