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Carbon Policy for Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Following on from the UK government’s commitment to net zero Carbon emissions by 2050 and subsequent commitments by Devon County Council and many other District and Parish Councils to declare a Climate Emergency; Newton St Cyres also endorses a Climate Emergency policy from 1st July 2021.

This policy includes:

  • Taking action to reduce our carbon footprint, as declaring a Climate emergency justifies a cross cutting approach to all decisions taken by the Parish Council,
  • Improving our environment and biodiversity for assets directly under the Parish Council’s control and by engaging with and providing support to the community, local organisations and landowners to take similar action,
  • Taking action to prepare our community for the adaptations and mitigations necessary that Climate Change will bring to our way of life through a community engagement policy and action plan,
  • Providing feedback on wider council strategies on housing, transport and energy as they relate to this Parish and specific feedback on local planning applications in relation to Climate Change issues.
  • Collaborating with other District and Parish councils to learn from their experiences and to attract potential funding for Parish initiatives.

Reviewed:  May 2022