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Left to right:  Cllr Graeme Barnell, Cllr Jocelyne Rimbon-Whittaker, Cllr Steve Parker (resigned March 2024), Cllr Jenna Browne, Cllr Alison Staite (resigned April 2024), Cllr Donna Harris, Cllr Peter Stephenson, Cllr John Dean, Cllr Liz Ouldridge


Cllr Graeme Barnell (Chairman)

07564 541572

I’m the eldest of five children. I was brought up a village in Northamptonshire. We lived a Council house. I attended the local Grammar School, then went in to Nottingham and Bristol Universities. I started my career as a Social Worker, working in London before managing health and social care services in both the commercial and public sectors. I came Devon in 2005 as Operations Director for the Devon Partnership NHS Trust. I retired in 2013 and worked for a few years in my own consultancy business. I moved to Newton St Cyres in 2010 and live in a traditional cob and thatch house in West Town After a brief spell on the Parish Council I became local District Councillor in 2019. I decided not to stand again in the elections of 2023 but to stand for the Parish Council instead. I am honoured to have been elected as Chairman. My focus will be on sorting out local issues relating to housing, road safety, and the in the environment. I hope to see encourage the involvement of younger people in the life of the village.

I have four children, now all grown and gone, and two dogs. I sing in two choirs, am a keen gardener, and I’m fascinated by the  history of our communities. I’m passionate about protecting and enhancing our environment 

Cllr Jenna Browne


I am originally South African and have been here for 7 years, after my partner convinced me to move from SA. 

I am passionate about the environment and have previously owned a sustainable business, completed an MBA in sustainability and currently consulting as a circular economy lead for a company making computer parts from tree bark. We farm in the village and have a cider orchard where we supply Sandford Orchards. Other than that, I enjoy outdoor sports and spending time with my toddler. 

Cllr John Dean

07778 640025

I have lived in Half Moon, in the parish of Newton St Cyres since 1995. I am a retired consultant cardiologist having worked in the NHS for 42 years where I have held a number of leadership roles. As a keen cyclist I am a strong supporter of the proposed Boniface trail and will do what I can to make this project a success. I look forward to working alongside my fellow councillors on issues that will make a real difference to the community we live in. 

Cllr Donna Harris

07805 391864

Myself and my family have been a resident of Newton St.Cyres since October 2021, prior to this we lived in Crediton and had spent several years on and off living in Melbourne, Australia.  
Newton St.Cyres is very familiar for myself and my husband, he was born here and spent his youth in the village.  For me, my mother was born here, grew up in the village and I spent much of my time in the village as my grandparents lived here, until a few years ago.
I work with the NHS as a nurse and have extensive experience nursing within the community, in Crediton and in Exeter.  I am aware of the isolation challenges facing many of our elderly community and the provision for care at home.
I am excited to support the local parish as a councillor and to work with the community in developing and enhancing services available.

Cllr Monika Herpoldt-Bright

07834 764471

A Devon Dumpling through and through. Born in Flete Castle I then lived in Exeter, went to school and university there before eventually moving to Newton St Cyres in 1995. I worked for our national airline for 35 years and have travelled the world extensively. I met my husband David flying and we both haven't lost the 'travel bug' yet. With my daughter living in America we visit there as much as possible and otherwise can be found cruising the canals on our narrow boat.  Sadly the Exeter Canal at just over 5 miles is not feasible. The magical thing is being able to come home to the village. For 20 years I have been a listening Samaritan, having had the privilege of being the Director of the Branch in Exeter, the regional training officer and now a Quality Mentor verifying the quality of our service. A skill I shall put to use in ensuring that your Parish Council continues to be, probably the best parish council in Devon.

Cllr Liz Ouldridge

01392 851621

My husband and I have lived in Newton St Cyres since 2003, moving here from the South East. Although not Devon born-and-bred, we both appreciate living in such lovely countryside. I was born in Luton, but grew up in the Vale of the White horse in Berkshire and in Hertfordshire. After studying Biology at Birmingham University, I completed a phD at Leeds University, where I met my husband. As well as bringing up two sons, I worked have worked as a research scientist in the Pharmaceutical industry and as a science teacher. I retired from teaching in 2015. 

Since retiring I have enjoyed taking an active part in the local community, particularly as a parish councillor.  


Cllr Jocelyne Rimbon-Whittaker

I was born on the beautiful island of Guadeloupe in the Caribbean.  On my 16th birthday I was sent to Paris to complete my education.  A few years later in 1988, I ended up in the seaside town of Torquay, sea and sands - home from home!

I have since then visited several towns and cities of Devon and further afield but this County reminds me of my island in so many ways!  We finely moved to Newton St Cyres, my husband Stephen and I, in 1992.  Our 3 beautiful children attended the village school and have fond memories of their time and teachers!

I am a Hospitality and Catering Manager by trade 9HNC/HCIMA).  in 2003 I retrained as a Modern Foreign Languages Teacher for 11 to 19 years old (French and Spanish), just in time to teach two of my children in High School!

I run the Adonai Community Kitchen on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in NSC Village Hall with some very special and beautiful helpers, then the rest of the week is back to school.

I do enjoy pottering in the garden, reading a good book, and when the weather is favourable follow my husband in his hilly walks (or more to the point I try to follow and complain!)

I love keeping chickens and ducks, but the foxes love them more!


Cllr Peter Stephenson

07704 684818

I have worked in the charity world for the past 30 years, mainly in issues related to homelessness, having  previously worked as a Civil and Structural Engineer for a few years in my 20s. I currently lead the homeless charity St Petrock's in Exeter.

After living in Exeter most of my adult life, I moved to Newton St Cyres in 2022 and love everything about the village, and want to do what I can to contribute positively to the life of the community here. My main areas of concern are housing and homelessness, as well as the environment and the rural economy.


Councillor register of interest forms can be viewed at the link below:



 Parish Council Surgery is held in conjunction with Saturday coffee mornings in the Parish Hall - usually the 2nd Saturday in each month. 

10am to 12 noon

Come along and talk to the Councillor present