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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Roles and responsibilities




Cllr Graeme Barnell


Chairs Parish Council meetings

Acts as face of Council to outside bodies, including Raddon Hills Group, A377 Action Group and Crediton Cluster

Oversight of new polices in consultation with Clerk.

Oversight of agenda planning with Clerk

Oversight for budget setting in consultation with Clerk.

Carries out annual review of Parish Clerk


Vice Chair


Cllr Liz Ouldridge

Deputises for Chair as required, including chairing meetings.

Carries out annual review of Parish Clerk

Works in collaboration with the Chair to ensure duties are discharged

Actively monitor training opportunities for Councillors/Clerk and brings them to the attention of the Council.


Development and Planning



Cllr Graeme Barnell

To oversee planning applications on behalf of the Parish Council and to explain planning policy issues/applications to the PC as required.

To liaise with the Environment and Climate officer on impact of proposed developments on environment.

To support/lead the development of the local Neighbourhood plan

To Investigate other development opportunities that arise and report to council.


Travel and Road Safety



Cllr John Dean


Cllr Ali Staite

To attend A377 action group together with chair

To supervise Community Road Warden scheme and act as a contact for volunteer wardens.  To monitor online recording system.

To run the Community Speed Watch Scheme.

To report road related problems to relevant authorities.

To attend Boniface Trail meetings and report back to the Parish Council

To attend HATOC as required


Publicity and Community Engagement



Cllr Jenna Browne


Cllr Jocelyne Rimbon- Whittaker

To compile annual Parish Council report and to writes regular articles for the Newton Wonder and Crediton Courier

To actively engage with community facilities and amenities for example School, Church, Parish Hall, Recreation Club and Arboretum

To reviews the media communications policy annually.

To monitor ‘Nextdoor’ app

To coordinates the Neighbourhood watch scheme and liaises with police.

To works together with the Emergency and Resilience Lead to enhance parishioner safety

To co-ordinate and oversee the recruitment of volunteers in liaison with various parish groups and organisations


2 x Emergency and Resilience


Cllr Liz Ouldridge


Cllr Peter Stephenson

To review and update Community Resilience Plan (CRP)

To chair of the Community Resilience Group (which includes flood group)

To ensure Community Resilience Group volunteers have adequate training.

To monitor and ensure emergency equipment is maintained and updated as necessary to include the tipping rain gauge, equipment in emergency shed and two defibrillators

To coordinate snow wardens and ensure they are trained

To check grit bins before winter


Environment and Climate


Cllr Donna Harris



Take an interest in environmental programs that could be relevant to NSC, particularly with reference to climate change and bring these to the attention of the council.

To liaise with NEW and other groups to help progress environmental improvements while still maintaining the support of the wider community.

To liaise with Development Officer and Planning Lead on the impact of proposed developments on the environment.

To coordinate litter picking volunteers.

To supervise the activities of the allotment holders to include quarterly inspection of allotments, including community allotment, liaising with and holding meetings with allotment holders as required. Review rent annually in December and make recommendation to Council.  Suggest relevant site maintenance during the year

Liaise with Footpath, Structures and Maintenance Lead to maintain communal green spaces within the village.

To ensure agreements are in place and regularly reviewed for mowing, maintenance of banks verges and greens including those not in the Parish Council ownership but in the settlement area.


Footpath, structures and maintenance


Cllr Steve Parker



Cllr Ali Staite

Coordinate P3 scheme with DCC working in partnership with land owners

Advise DCC of footpaths that require maintenance.

To liaise with local landowners on the use of permissive paths.

To monitors the condition of bus stops, seats, noticeboards and telephone boxes and bring the need for repair / maintenance to the attention of the council.

To maintain the hanging baskets on Pump Street.

To liaise with Environment and Climate Lead over the maintenance of communal green spaces within the village.