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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Notice of Annual Meeting of Parish Council

Dear Councillors

I hereby give notice that the Annual Meeting of the above-named Parish Council will be held in the Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 3 May 2018 at 7.30pm.

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the Business to be transacted at the meeting set out hereunder.

Dated this 27 April 2018

Signed                    Jane Hole

Clerk to the Parish Council           01392 851148

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation

  • Police Report
  • Public Question Time. Members of the public are invited to give their views and ask questions on issues on this agenda or to raise issues for future consideration by the Parish Council.

Formal Business

(Members of the public may not take part in the formal business of the Parish Council except under special circumstances) 

01/05/18     Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

1.1              To accept nominations for the election of Chairman – to receive the Chairman’s declarations of acceptance of office form

1.2              To accept nominations for the election of Vice-Chairman 

02/05/18     Apologies - To receive apologies 

03/05/18     Declaration of Interest

2.1              Register of Interests.  Councillors to update as required

2.2              Personal Interests.  Councillors must declare any personal interest in items on the agenda and their nature.

2.3              Prejudicial Interests.  Councillors must declare any prejudicial interest in items on the agenda and their nature and they must leave the meeting for that agenda item. 

04/05/18     Minutes of the last meetings held on Thursday 5 April 2018 (previously circulated)

To be agreed and signed as a true record 

05/05/18     Mid Devon District Council

5.1              Planning Applications:

18/00414/MFUL - Erection of extension to brewery to include alterations to provide additional restaurant/bar floorspace, amended entrance arrangements, outdoor dining area, and erection of 11 holiday lodges at Yellow Hammer Brewing Ltd, Hanlons Brewery

18/00450/HOUSE - Erection of an artist's studio at Ash View Cottage, NSC, EX5 5AA 

5.2              Planning Decisions:

17/02013/HOUSE – Alterations/erection of extensions at Southay, NSC – grant permission

18/00213/MARM - Variation of Condition 6 of Planning Permission 16/01836/MARM, closing off of drive through to Plot 22 at East of Station Road – grant permission

18/00173/FULL - Retention of 4 static caravans for staff living accommodation at Langford Park Nursing Home, Langford Road, Langford – grant permission

18/00364/FULL- Variation of Conditions 5/6 of Planning Permission 17/01074/FULL to allow the concurrent demolition of the existing house/construction of the boiler/bat house and demolition during the period of March to September at Woodley Farm – grant permission

5.3              To note that a new footpath from the Half Moon layby is not eligible for S106 contributions.

5.4              Report from Cllr P Hare- Scott 

06/05/18     Election of Officer, Committee and Representatives – current rep as shown

6.1              Allotment Officer -  Cllr G Barnell

6.2              Arboretum Management Group -  Cllr A Reeves

6.3              Boniface Trail Representative - Cllr S Parker

6.4              Community Engagement Officer - Chairman

6.5              Community Speed Watch Officer - Cllr S Parker

6.6              Creedy Local Action Group -  Cllr G Barnell

6.7              Development Group - Cllrs D Baker, G Quicke, A Reeves, P Taylor

5.8              Flood/Emergency Plan Integration Officer -  Cllr A Reeves

6.9              Highways and Railways Liaison Officer -  Cllr C Southcott

6.10            Link with Primary School - Cllr A Reeves

6.11            Neighbourhood Litter Officer - Cllr G Barnell

6.12            Neighbourhood Watch Officer -  Cllr J Enright

6.13            Parish Car Park Management Group -  Cllrs D Baker & J Enright

6.14            Parish Footpath Officer - Cllr S Parker

6.15            Parish Hall Representative -  Cllr G Quicke

6.16            Press Officer -  Cllr J Baker

6.17            Raddon Hills Group of P C’s - Cllrs D Baker, S Parker & J Baker

6.18            Recreation Ground Representative -  Cllr C Southcott

6.19            Snow Warden Co-ordinator -  Cllr A Reeves

6.20            Staff & Personnel Committee - Cllrs D Baker, J Enright and G Quicke

6.21            Training Officer - Cllr P Taylor

6.22            Website/Facebook Officer - Parish Clerk 

07/05/18     To review: 

7.1              Standing Orders – to consider adopting updated NALC orders – circulated separately

7.2              Financial Regulations

7.3              Contents of Councillors’ Reference Pack

7.4              Terms and References for Committees  

7.5              Council’s Complaints procedure

7.6              Council’s procedure for handling requests made under FOI

7.7              Council’s policy Media Communication policy

7.8              Council’s Community Resilience Plan

7.9              Temporary signs on the Village Green Policy

7.10            Training and Development Policy

7.11            Community Engagement Strategy

7.12            Equal Opportunities Policy

7.13            Grant Awarding Policy

7.14            Parish Council’s Acton plan – (updated plan circulated separately)

7.15            Code of conduct

7.16            Overall Risk Management policy

7.17            Health and Safety policy statement

7.18            Asset register (circulated separately)

7.19            Confirmation of Insurance cover – to follow

7.20            Council/Employee membership of SLCC

7.21            Travel and Subsistence Allowances (in line with HMRC recommendations)

7.22            To confirm dates of Council Meetings inc APM up to December 2019 (circulated separately)

7.23           Bank Mandate and Signatures 

08/05/18     Finance

8.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

8.2              Parish Council Receipts Current Account:  




Amount £



Precept (1st instalment)




Allotment rent



Western Power Distribution







8.3              Parish Council Payment Current Account




Amount £


Parish Hall

Rent of room Feb to March



S Parker

Arbrex seal for tree and lightbulb




Affiliation fees



MAT Electrics Ltd

Maintenance of DAAT lights at Rec



Resurfacing Account

Contribution resurfacing fund PC & Hall



Parish Hall

Grant (£800 but £750 contribution as above so balance of £50)



Recreation Ground




Boniface Trail




Tony Lewis

Felling trees in new graveyard



D Baker

Chairman’s expenses



D Baker

Village Flowers



Simon Saunders

Grass cutting



J Hole

Salary and Expenses














8.4             Balances (after above transactions):       

Parish Council Current Account balance: £15,798.92, Footpath Account: £407.29 and Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £3,000.38

8.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor 

8.6              8.6.1 Annual Return - approve Part 1 Annual Governance Statement 2017/18

8.6.2 Annual Return -approve Part 2 Accounting Statements 2017/18 (circulated separately)

8.6.3 To sign Certificate of Exemption stating that during 2017/18 the higher of the authority’s income for the year or gross annual expenditure did not exceed £25,000

8.7              Update on request for a salt bin for Creedy View/New Estate.  

09/05/18     Matters raised by the Chair

9.1              Update on proposed new school path and progress of CEF grant application

9.2              Official opening of new school – 22 June 11am – invitation to Councillors circulated 

10/05/18     Councillor’s Reports    

10.1            To allocate areas of Responsibility – Circulated separately

10.2            Areas of responsibility reports

10.3            Surgery report from 7 April – 20mph in Station Road by new school and Surgery April 2019                    

11/05/18     Clerk’s Report  

11.1            Data Protection – to update Cllrs on actions required 

12/05/18     Parish Council

12.1            Parking at Half Moon Bus Stop – report from report from meeting held on 3 May and to agree any actions required

12.2            Review of Annual Parish Meeting

12.3            Mayflower event 2020 – see below

12.4            Nomination of Community Assets expires 26 September 2018 – to consider re nominations for Parish Hall and Recreation Ground

12.5            Cllr G Barnell proposes a formal request to MDDC/DCC to attend June/July PC meeting to:

12.5.1         Update PC on current housing and business developments in Crediton and surrounding parishes including those in the planning process.

12.5.2         Update PC on MDDC Local Plan following the recent Sustainability Review and its implications for homes and business development in Crediton.

12.5.3         Inform PC about any impact assessments that have been carried out into the impact of current/planned developments on traffic flows along the A377 between Crediton and Exeter and on the communities that straddle the road.

12.5.4         Discuss next steps in terms of further impact assessments and remedial action that will be required to mitigate the impact of increased road traffic volumes on our communities

12.5.5         Raise a formal objection to the Gleeson Planning application on the grounds that there has been no assessment into the impact of current/planned developments on traffic flows along the A377 between Crediton and Exeter and on the communities that straddle the road. 

13/05/18     Devon County Council

13.1            Outstanding Highways issues (see attached)

13.2            New DCC issues

13.3            Report from Cllr M Squires to include response to items raised under Minute 9.3/03/18 

14/05/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence – list available at meeting    


15/05/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

  Each Councillor is requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.  Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making. 

16/05/18     Date of next meeting: Thursday 7 June 2018 in the Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.30pm 

End of Formal Business - Public Participation

Public Question Time.  Members of the public are invited to give their views and ask questions on issues on this agenda or to raise issues for future consideration by the Parish Council.


Agenda Item 13.1

Outstanding Highways Issues

  1. Drainage in Sand Down Lane – Contractor has visited site
  2. Concrete blocks by Langford Road – remove from list?
  3. Retaining wall at Shuttern Brook – Reported to DCC
  4. Mud on road east of Wyke Cross – reported to DCC


Outstanding District Councillor Actions




Agenda Item 12.3

I appreciate its quite a long way off, but there is a forecast of a large number of US visitors in 2020, with Devon and Plymouth being a magnet. I feel there is an opportunity to raise the profile of Newton St Cyres and benefit from this influx.  Amongst other things, we have a direct ancestor in our parish in the Bidwell family who were amongst the first to emigrate and found the Americas.  I just thought I would explore whether the Parish Council are planning any initiatives or would be supportive of actions to feature Newton St Cyres. I raised it with the Newton St Cyres History Group who agreed I would approach the Council.



Meeting information