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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Notice of Meeting of Parish Council

Dear Councillors

I hereby give notice that a Meeting of the above-named Parish Council will be held remotely using Zoom on Thursday 4 June 2020 at 7.00pm.

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the Business to be transacted at the meeting set out hereunder. 

Dated this 29 May 2020

Signed                    Jane Hole

Clerk to the Parish Council          01392 851148

 Public Participation – please email by 6pm on Thursday 4 June for details of how to join the zoom meeting 

Public Participation

Public Question Time.  Members of the public are invited to give their views and ask questions on issues on this agenda or to raise issues for future consideration by the Parish Council. 

Formal Business 

(Members of the public may not take part in the formal business of the Parish Council except under special circumstances)

01/06/20     Apologies

To receive apologies 

02/06/20     Declaration of Interest

2.1              Register of Interests.  Councillors to update as required

2.2              Personal Interests.  Councillors must declare any personal interest in items on the agenda and their nature.

2.3              Prejudicial Interests.  Councillors must declare any prejudicial interest in items on the agenda and their nature and they must leave the meeting for that agenda item. 

03/06/20     Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 7 May 2020 (previously circulated)

To be agreed and signed as a true record 

04/06/20     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications: None       

4.2              Planning Decisions: None

4.3              Local Plan – to consider if the Parish Council wish its response submitted to the 2015 consultation regarding the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to still stand (see below for details).

4.4              To note MDDC consultations on: i) Public Space Protection Order re Dogs and ii) Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document

4.5              District Councillor, Cllr G Barnell, to report on MDDC business relevant to the Parish 

05/06/20     Finance

5.1              Parish Council Receipts Current Account:




Amount £



Allotment rents



Thorverton PC

Feniton PC

Clerk’s fee for carrying out internal audit



NSC Parish Hall

Contribution towards resurfacing



5.2              Parish Council Payment Current Account:         




Amount £


J Hole

Salary and expenses (incl £200.00 Thorverton and Feniton PC)







5.3              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

5.4              Balances (after above transactions):      

5.4.1           Parish Council Current Account balance: £15,356.89

5.4.2           Footpath Account: £268.02 

5.4.3          Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £6,012.18

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor (attached)

5.6              Quarterly bank reconciliation – to be checked and signed by signatories


06/06/20     Matters raised by the Chair 


07/06/20     Councillor’s Reports    

7.1              Update on Coronavirus and NSC PC response

7.2              Areas of Responsibility reports                  

08/06/20     Clerk’s Report


09/06/20     Parish Council

9.1              Update on progress with Community Shop

9.2              Average Speed Cameras – to consider writing to Peninsula Road Safety Partnership and DCC to enquiry about their strategy for the deployment of ASC

9.3              To consider cost of speed activated warning signs – details circulated separately

9.4              DCC Road Warden Scheme – to note DCC will fund materials (excl delivery charge)                  

10/06/20     Devon County Council

10.1            Outstanding Highways issues (see below)

10.2            New DCC issues

Condition of paths, bus stop, kerbs at Tytheing Close and School Hill 

10.3            Reallocation of road space for active travel – see DCC link at:

10.4            County Councillor, Cllr M Squires, to report on DCC business relevant to the parish 

11/06/20     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Thank you for Rec Ground and Parish Hall for grant

A list of any other correspondence will be available at the meeting                       

12/06/20     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Each Councillor is requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.  Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making. 

13/06/20     Date of next meeting: Thursday 2 July 2020, via zoom at 7.00pm.

End of Formal Business

Public Participation


Agenda item 4.3


On 31 March 2017, following public consultation on a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule between 3 January and 14 February 2017, Mid Devon District Council submitted the Draft and associated documentation to the Planning Inspectorate for examination. 

The Inspector currently conducting the Mid Devon Local Plan Review examination has indicated that he expects to be able to provide his report on the Local Plan to the Council this month, and will subsequently examine the CIL.  The timetable for the CIL examination will depend on the Council's adoption of the Local Plan following the Inspector's report, but hearings for the CIL examination, if required, are expected to be held later this year subject to Government advice on public gatherings. 

I understand from Mid Devon District Council that, on behalf of Newton St Cyres PC, you submitted a representation to the previous Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) consultation between 9 February and 27 April 2015. A copy is shown below 

Although the Inspector will be examining the 2017 Draft, Mid Devon District Council have asked the Inspector to also consider representations made to the 2015 Draft consultation. 

Can you please confirm whether the Parish Council still wish to progress the 2015 representation and if you will still be the main contact for further information in due course? 



Agenda Item 5.5

Budget Monitor Accessibility version here



Agenda Item 10.1

Outstanding Highways issues

  1. Speed restrictions in Station Road – SCARF re test requested
  2. Request for a School sign in Station Road and possible zig-zag lines outside the school – declined - requested this is re-considered
  3. Uncollected road signs
  4. Request for a Road Safety audit on A377 in centre of village
  5. Footpath from Layby to bus stop in Half Moon – request to DCC to improve surface/land owner re hedge
  6. School Hill pavement – grass needs clearing
  7. Various Drains


Outstanding District Councillor Actions
