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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Notice of Meeting of Parish Council

Dear Councillors

I hereby give notice that a Meeting of the above-named Parish Council will be held Council will be held in the Club Room, Parish Hall on Thursday 7 September 2023 at 7.00pm


All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the Business to be transacted at the meeting set out hereunder.


Dated this 1 September 2023

Signed                        Jane Hole

Clerk to the Parish Council             01392 851148


Public Participation

Public Question Time.  Members of the public are invited to give their views and ask questions on issues on this agenda or to raise issues for future consideration by the Parish Council.


Formal Business 

(Members of the public may not take part in the formal business of the Parish Council except under special circumstances)


01/09/23      Apologies - To receive apologies


02/09/23      Declaration of Interest

2.1                 To receive declarations of personal interest (PI) and disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI’s) in respect of items on this agenda


03/09/23      Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 6 July 2023 (previously circulated)

                       To be agreed and signed as a true record


04/09/23      Co-option – to consider candidates

                       Following co-option/signing of the declaration of office form to join meeting as Cllr

4.1                 Update on lead responsibilities


05/09/23      Newton St Cyres Parish Council Issues relevant to Mid Devon District Council

5.1                 Planning Applications 

                       23/00996/LBC - Listed Building Consent to replace front and back external doors with flood doors at 1 Silks Cottages Newton St Cyres, Exeter  - “no comment” already made

                       23/01096/HOUSE - Erection of single storey rear extension and two storey side extension at  3 Godolphin Close Newton St Cyres Exeter – “ no comment” already made

5.2                 Planning Decisions: None   

5.3                 Update on New Estate petition for speed calming measures – Cllr L Ouldridge and D/Cllr M Binks

5.4            To note formal complaint to MDDC re street lighting of Shuttern Close

5.5                 Update on progress of  maintenance of Court Orchard community orchard

5.6                 To consider Dog poo Bins – paper circulated separately – Cllr D Rowell

5.7                 Report from District Councillors on issues relevant to the parish


06/09/23      Newton St Cyres Parish Council issues relevant to Devon County Council

6.1                 School Hill pavement maintenance; grit bin for Kingfisher Close; pot holes on A377.

6.2                 To note proposed meeting with DCC Neighbourhood Highways Manager:  Discussion to include SCARF process and signs and markings by the school. 

6.3                 To consider offer from DCC to instal wig wag by the school but only if funded by the Parish Council with an estimated total cost of £2,300, less a contribution of £500 from Cllr M Squires. PC decision required.

6.4                 Report from County Councillor on issues relevant to the Parish


07/09/23      Finance

7.1                 To ratify Parish Council Payments made in August and agree September payments and note Receipts:


Expenditure – current account


Receipts – current account


Unity Trust Bank – bank charges


P3 Parish Paths


Simon Saunders grass cutting – parish £80/Church £140




DALC training courses




Neilis Grass Cutting – old school path £50/PROW £150




Parish Hall room rent June to August.  NHP £39




Senior Internet Ltd – provision of email and domains




J Hole – Salary and expenses


Resurfacing Account




Interest at 31 June 2023


September payments:  Stuart Todd – NHP


Interest at 31 July 2023


Parish Magazine Printing – Annual report




PKF – External audit fee




Simon Saunders grass cutting – parish £420/church £140




J Hole – Salary and expenses









 7.2                To approve signatures for this month’s payments and to note bank reconciliation circulated separately.  To sign letter to close NatWest Accounts and form to open new Unity savings account

7.3                 Balances (after above transactions)

7.3.1   Parish Council Current Account balance: £7,816.45

7.3.2   Footpath Account: £268.02

7.3.3   Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £7,268.50                

7.3.4   NHP: (-£370.42 – this does not include costs for meetings on 6/13 September)

7.4                 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor – see below

7.5                 To note successful conclusion of external audit by PKF Littlejohn – details posted on website

7.6                 To consider continued membership of Devon Communities Together £24.00 per year – see below

7.7                 Update on NHP grant

7.8                 To consider attendance at DALC conference and AGM on 27 September 2023 - £45.00


08/09/23      Other Parish Council Matters

8.1                 Emergency and Resilience – Cllrs G Scopes and P Stephenson

                       8.1.1            Update on Defibrillator at Rec – is it rescue ready?

                       8.1.2            Update on walking of Shutternbrook to ensure its clear of debris

                       8.1.3            Update on Neighbourhood Watch (NHW)

8.2                 Footpaths, Structures and Maintenance – Cllr S Parker

                       8.2.1            Permissive paths consultation – to agree next steps

8.3                 Publicity and Community Engagement – Cllr J Browne

                       8.3.1            To consider plan to set up a local discussion forum (eg Facebook, website) on local farming issues.

8.4                 To consider re-listing the Parish Hall and Rec Ground as Assets of Community Value – current listing expires 22 November 2023

8.5                 Raddon Hills – to review responses re the future of the Group and consider future involvement – see below

8.6                 To note attendance at next Coffee morning surgery on 9 September – Cllr P Stephenson


09/09/23      Clerks Report

9.1                 No report


11/09/23      Forward Agenda Planner/Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

                       To report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.  Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.

11.1               Review of agenda planner for future meetings.  Copy circulated


12/09/23      Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Thursday 5 October 2023 at 7pm in the Club Room


End of Formal Business

Public Participation









Agenda Item 7.6


Dear Newton St Cyres Parish Council

I am pleased to inform you that membership prices are frozen this year, they remain at £24 for organisations with an income of £5000 or less or £50 for organisations with an income above this, we are writing to invite you to renew your membership which is due to expire on 09/10/2023.

As you will see in our regular communications to members, Devon Communities Together works hard for communities across Devon. We believe in helping rural communities thrive and as valued members of Devon Communities Together, we are dedicated to supporting your organisation and community with:

  • Discounts - make savings on supplies and services
  • Funding and Loans - advice, support and signposting
  • Webpage entry and support on the Devon Village Halls website
  • Services and Support - helpline for advice and support
  • Training Hub - heavily discounted training courses; typical saving 25%
  • Communications - be the first to know about grants, events and policy changes
  • Voting rights - have your say

As you will see in our regular communications to members, Devon Communities Together works hard for communities across Devon, and we have led the way in supporting communities throughout the pandemic.

Your continued support is highly valued by our charity and is pivotal in ensuring we continue our work to help communities help themselves across Devon. To renew your membership of Devon Communities Together, please click here to access our simple online membership form that you can fill in on our website.


Agenda Item 8.5

Raddon Hill responses


I am sorry I have been so long in getting back to you.

Though we are happy to support the group with our hall as a venue none of us are in position to chair, gather information etc as we are all very stretched with a plethora of other voluntary responsibilities.

Apologies for this rather limp response.


Stoke Canon


Thank you for your email and apologies for the slowness of my reply.


I can quite see why NSC feel they've done their bit and you should be commended for your leadership on this.


As a very minor member (Huxham) I have found it an occasionally useful forum for information sharing but in truth little more, a role I can see could be achieved via other simpler means.


I am not in a position to offer to take on the running/chairing of the group due to my time commitments and lack of manpower here (Huxham Parish Meeting consists solely of me).


I hope this if helpful if not positive.


Kind regards


Huxham Parish Meeting 



From a personal point of view I would not be too disappointed if the Raddon Group doesn't meet on a regular basis.  I think if we have any items to raise with neighbouring PC's we can still so do on an ad hoc basis.  As an example we met Margaret Squires and Steve Tucker recently who gave us details of the way your Parish uses a Road Warden.  This is something we might also do in Thorverton, but we can discuss this direct with NStC without having to go through the Raddon Group.


I sent some details of the work we are doing on Affordable Housing in Thorverton following the last meeting, and although this is something I could have updated everyone on at a future Raddon meeting I also feel that we can be approached directly.


I, summary, if others want to have less frequent meetings of the Group I'll attend on behalf of Thorverton, but I don't think it's vital.


Thorverton PC



The Raddon Hills group has been discussed by BSPC on several occasions. While the principle of the group has its attractions, there is limited support for the idea of regular, structured meetings. The Council would be supportive of managing relationships and issues with neighbouring Councils on an informal, as needed basis.


Kind regards


Brampford Speke Parish Council


After our recent meeting it was decided that were happy for the Raddon Hills group to continue and Cllr Balkwill will be our representative, however, our council doesnt want to chair it.


Let me know the outcomes from the others to see if it does continue.

Shobrooke Parish