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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the

Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 5 April 2018 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members present

Cllr D Baker (chair)                        Cllr G Quicke

Cllr J Baker                                    Cllr A Reeves

Cllr G Barnell                                 Cllr C Southcott

Cllr J Enright                                  Cllr P Taylor

Cllr S Parker                                                                                   

In attendance: Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC, Cllr M Squires, DCC, 6 members of public, J Hole, Parish Clerk

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation

  • Police Report

There was no report

  • Public Question Time

Signs etc at Half Moon layby making it untidy – Cllr M Squires to take up with DCC

Difficulty of turning right into Tytheing Close from A377 due to speeding vehicles.  Suggested that parishioner should report on 101

The bus stop at Half Moon, Crediton side was still missing a timetable – Clerk to re-contact Stagecoach

Pot holes on School Hill – causing a danger to cyclists/motorcyclists and vehicles were swerving to avoid – Cllr M Squires confirmed School Hill was in the system to be resurfaced

Parking at Half Moon – residents emphasised the dangers and difficulties of parking in the layby and walking up.  Cllr M Squires confirmed she was arranging a meeting and would advise a date as soon as possible

Speeding through the village, could traffic calming be considered?  Cllr D Baker explained that Speed watch did help to slow traffic down but due to lack of volunteers and operational changes made by the police, was no longer operating. 

Formal Business

01/04/18     Apologies


02/04/18     Declaration of Interest

Item 4.1 – Cllr G Quicke (PI) and item 7.1 – Cllr G Quicke (PI) and Cllr A Reeves (PI)                  

03/04/18     Minutes of the last meetings held on Thursday 8 March 2018 (previously circulated)

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/04/18     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:    

18/00364/FULL- Variation of Conditions 5 and 6 of Planning Permission 17/01074/FULL to allow the concurrent demolition of the existing house and construction of the boiler/bat house and to allow demolition during the period of March to September at Woodley Farm, Newton St Cyres – no comment

18/00346/LBC - for the rethatching of front elevation of roof and ridge at Mount Pleasant, Pump Street, Newton St Cyres Exeter Devon EX5 5BY – no comment

18/00513/HOUSE - Erection of two storey extension to include alterations to existing fenestration at Winscott Barton – no comment

4.2              Planning Decisions:

17/02008/ARM - Reserved matters for the siting of a building for use as a pre-school following outline approval 14/01332/MOUT at NSC Primary School – approval granted

4.3              To note MDDC’s consultation on the Sustainability Appraisal of the Local plan

It was confirmed that the Sustainability Appraisal had no significance for Newton St Cyres parish and stated that some previously proposed sites had been discounted.

4.4              To consider projects that can be nominated for S106 contributions

No projects had been notified to the Clerk.   Councillors agreed to put forward a new footpath at Half Moon from the pavement down to the Half Moon layby to include lighting.  Clerk to advice MDDC

4.5              To note the pollution monitor results for February - 38.67 ug/m3. An annual mean (Bias adjusted) under 40 µg/m3 is acceptable

It was thought nitrogen oxides only were being monitored.  Cllr G Barnell suggested other monitoring was also required for example, fine particulates.  It was resolved to wait for more results to be available before taking any further action

4.6              Report from Cllr P Hare- Scott

Cllr P Hare-Scott reported on the sad death of Cllr Clarissa Slade at the age of 21.  MDDC had finished the year slightly over budget.  Fines for dropping litter were increasing to £150.00.  It was hoped the local plan would be agreed by September 

05/04/18     Finance

5.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr G Quicke and Cllr J Baker

5.2              Parish Council Receipts Current Account:  None

5.3              Parish Council Payment Current Account

These were agreed as:




Amount £


Ian Salter

Cleaning of bus shelters



J Hole

Salary and expenses






5.4             Balances (after above transactions):       

5.4.1          Parish Council Current Account balance: £12,962.19

5.4.2          Footpath Account: £407.29

5.4.3          Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £1,500.19

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor and unaudited accounts for 2017/18

These were noted

5.6              To consider DAAT night landing site lighting maintenance for switching units only at an annual cost of £79.95 plus VAT fixed for 2 years

The Recreation Ground had indicated that they were not able to pay for the maintenance of the lights.  Cllrs resolved to pay for the maintenance.  Clerk to arrange.

5.7              To consider quote for maintenance of Half Moon Bus shelter - £85.00 and 4 x seats - £320.00

Cllrs resolved to go ahead with both of these.  Clerk to arrange.

5.8              To consider request for a salt bin for Creedy View/New Estate.  Residents are willing to raise some money if the council could contribute.  Cost approx. £150.00 plus VAT

It was noted that bags of salt were available at Creedy View/New Estate and it was agreed that a new salt bin would be beneficial. Cllr A Reeves agreed to investigate the cost and whether DCC could supply one. 

06/04/18     Matters raised by the Chair

6.1              To consider giving the new churchyard to the church for the church to administer.  The Land Registry deed would require amendment

 Cllr D Baker explained that the Church did not wish to administer the new churchyard so this agenda item was incorrect.  There was a problem of access to the new churchyard as the diocese had insisted that the old fence was reinstated.  Cllr D Baker had spoken to John Quicke to ask if temporary access for maintenance purposes could be granted through the arboretum and was waiting to hear if this was possible.  Once the existing graveyard is full the parish council will take over responsibility for both the old and new graveyard so access will then be possible through the existing graveyard.  The Parish Council will be responsible for the new graveyard and this includes fees, rules and site allocations etc, although will have to liaise with the church re the church services that may be required

6.2              Update on proposed new school path and to discuss planning application required.  To note that an application for S106 contribution has been made. 

The licence agreement with John Quicke was still with solicitors.  However, Councillors were happy to go ahead with the planning application and Cllr A Reeves agreed to assist the Clerk with making the application.  Once the licence agreement had been agreed, a similar agreement would be required with Kingswood Homes for the part of the path owned by Kingswood.  Cllr D Baker confirmed that Kingswood were on board with the project and would sign a licence agreement.  The Clerk had applied for S106 funding from the general pot.  However, it was a requirement of funding that the path must be available to the general public all of the time in perpetuity.  This was not the case, so S106 money would not be applicable.  Clerk to investigate other funding sources including Devon Community Enhancement fund   

6.3              Official opening of new school - update from Headteacher

The official opening had been advised as 11am on 22 June.  Cllr A Reeves to confirm arrangements with the school

6.4              To note the minutes from DALC’s County Committee, circulated separately

These had been circulated and were noted. 

07/04/18     Councillor’s Reports    

7.1              Areas of Responsibility report

Village Green – the new grass contractor had started.  The tree on the green had been pruned

Allotments – to note the minutes from the allotment holders meeting and to ratify the rent as £20.00 per plot with the option to charge an extra £35.00 per plot should the need arise.  To consider access required across allotments by combine, approx. 6 times per year

It was resolved that the allotment rent would remain at £20 per plot.

Allotment holders had identified the gap in the bottom hedge as allowing deer into the allotments.  However, closing the gap would not stop deer, only deer proof fencing would and this was too expensive.  It was agreed that at present there was not a problem with the combine having access across the allotments as allotments nearest the school, which had been rotovated, would continue to be let first.

Press – the Annual Report and Summer newsletter would be due soon

Speed watch – Cllr S Parker reported that the Police were keen for speed watch to continue and had said that the police layby at Half Moon could be used.  It was resolved to advertise for volunteers in the newsletter and on the website.

Litter – Cllr G Barnell had arranged a litter pickers meeting.  More volunteers were required and this would also be advertised in the newsletter and on the website.

CLAG – Clerk to find out if this was still in operation

Boniface Trail – Cllr S Parker reported that the TAP grant application had been successful and Crediton Town Council had also given a grant

Telephone Boxes – Cllr S Parker had tidied up the box by the Crown & Sceptre to ensure that easy access was available to the defibrillator and replaced the broken bulb

7.2              a)  Surgery report from 11 March – Nextdoor and the problem of misinformation

Cllr D Baker had spent a considerable amount of time on the Friday before the surgery and at the surgery explaining that the information posted on Nextdoor was incorrect with regard to potential developments in Newton St Cyres.  It was not possible to control what information was posted on Nextdoor and Councillors agreed to be vigilant and to challenge misinformation as soon as it appeared. 

                   b) To allocate Councillors for the remaining 2018 surgeries including Revels

                   April – Cllr G Barnell, May – Cllr J Enright, June – Cllr G Quicke, July at Revels Cllr C Southcott if table for the station could be combined, August – Cllr P Taylor, September – Cllr A Reeves, October- Cllr G Barnell, November – Cllr J Enright and Dec – Cllrs Baker 

08/04/18     Clerk’s Report  

8.1              The Clerk has been asked to act as internal auditor for Feniton PC.   To agree if the PC is willing to invoice Feniton PC for this work so the Clerk can be paid through payroll

Councillors resolved to agree this 

09/04/18     Parish Council

9.1              To consider issues relating to parking in the bus stop at Half Moon – update on meeting

This had been discussed earlier.  It was agreed that Cllr J Enright, Cllr C Southcott and Cllr S Parker would represent the Parish Council at the meeting

9.2              Arrangements for Annual Parish Meeting and Volunteer of the Year presentation – Thursday 3 May 2018

It was agreed that it would be more appropriate to present the Volunteer of the Year award at a different time to the Annual Parish Meeting and Cllr D Baker would make arrangements.  The Clerk would organise the plaque and certificate. 

10/04/18     Devon County Council

10.1            Outstanding Highways issues (see attached)

  1. Drainage in Sand Down Lane – the work previously carried out had not been effective and flooding had recently occurred. Cllr A Reeves agreed to contact the contractor and ask for the work originally agreed to be carried out.
  2. Concrete blocks by Langford Road – The sign had been cleaned.
  3. Retaining wall at Shuttern Brook – This was the responsibility of DCC. Clerk to report online.

10.2            New DCC issues

A parishioner had reported accumulating mud on the road immediately east of Wykes Cross, causing regular flooding, and a danger to road users.  Also causes a constant stream alongside the road towards station which further undermines that road surface.  was thought that water draining off the field was causing the problem and the Clerk was asked to discuss with Shobrooke Parish Council as the field was in their parish.  

10.3            i) Update on new school crossing point on A377 and warning signs – school to report

The School had confirmed that the School Crossing Patrol Officer would be moving down to the island crossing point.  Arrangements for the warning lights to move had yet to be made.

ii) Update on request to DCC for sight of report/risk assessment stating why a zebra/pelican crossing is not possible – response below

The response from DCC stated that to put in a pelican crossing would require extensive civil engineering works such as moving the bus stop and the only way to cost it would be to commission an engineer’s report.  Discussion took place about traffic issues and traffic management on the A377.  Cllr G Barnell proposed that the Parish Council should be pro-active in looking at the issue and in seeking a strategic approach.  It was resolved that Cllr G Barnell contact DCC to find out the cost of an engineer’s report.

10.4            Report from Cllr M Squires to include response to items raised in March, minute 9.3 – street light on Church Lane and extension of reflective posts on School Hill

Cllr M Squires did not have any update on the issues raised under minute 9.3.  The recent snow and wet weather had been a priority for Highways so some routine matters had been put back.  Cllr M Squires had met with Meg Booth, Head of Highways and had discussed the importance of drainage and ploughing at the edges of roads.  It was hoped that some extra funding could be used to prioritise these two areas and also filling smaller pot holes which don’t meet the criteria but are near pot holes that do meet the criteria. Cllr M Squires encouraged the reporting of pot holes.  It was noted that once a report had been made on line, only a certain number of additional reports were allowed.  Cllr G Barnell asked if the Council could carry out its own repairs?  This would be possible under the Road Warden Scheme, but this required a suitably trained volunteer.  It was agreed to advertise again for a volunteer. 

11/04/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Request for donation for Victim Support Charity – no further action

E-mail received from parishioner about events for the Mayflower in 2020 – Clerk to put on next agenda                  

12/04/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Data Protection and possibly banking due to the closure of NatWest in Crediton 

13/04/18     Date of next meeting: Thursday 3 May 2018 Annual Parish Meeting 7pm followed by Annual Parish Council Meeting in the Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.30pm 

End of Formal Business

Public Participation              

Support for a strategic approach to traffic management

Concern that if the school lights were moving, access in and out of Tytheing Close would be more difficult

The meeting closed at 9.30pm