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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the

Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 6 December 2018 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm

Members present

Cllr J Enright (chair)                      Cllr G Quicke

Cllr D Baker                                   Cllr A Reeves

Cllr J Baker                                    Cllr P Taylor

Cllr S Parker                                  Cllr C Southcott                                                         

In attendance: Cllr M Squires, DCC (left 8.15pm), 6 members of public (1 left 8.15pm), J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Business to be Transacted

                                                                   Public Participation

  • Police Report

        There was no report

  • Public Question Time

The missing bus timetable had now been replaced at Half Moon. 

Cllrs D and J Baker thanked Councillors for the painting and card that had been presented as a leaving gift at the recent coffee morning.

Formal Business

01/12/18     Apologies

Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC 

02/12/18     Declaration of Interest

Item 6.3.2 – Cllrs J Enright and D Baker – PI

Item 6.9 – Cllrs P Taylor and S Parker – PI re Boniface Trail 

03/12/18     Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 1 November 2018

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/12/18     To consider applicants for co-option

Standing orders to be suspended whilst candidates make a five-minute presentation on why they wish to be a parish councillor.  Standing orders will be reinstated whilst councillors vote on appointment.  Successful candidate to sign declaration of office form and join the meeting

Candidates:  Liz Ouldridge and Damian Hodge

Cllr J Enright thanked both candidates for applying to stand as a Councillor and for attending the meeting.  He noted that it was especially pleasing to have two candidates and it was hoped that the unelected candidate would stand at the May elections

Standing orders were suspended and Liz Ouldridge and Damian Hodge each gave a five-minute presentation.  Councillors voted using voting slips and Cllr J Enright announced that Liz Ouldridge was duly elected.   The acceptance of office form was duly signed and Liz joined the meeting 

05/12/18     Mid Devon District Council

5.1              Planning Applications:    

18/01794/FULL - Conversion of barn to two holiday units at Ford Farm, Newton St Cyres – no comment 

18/01800/MFUL - Construction of an on-farm anaerobic digestion plant and associated infrastructure at Lords Meadow Industrial Estate, Crediton, consultation as a neighbouring authority – no comment

5.2              Planning Decisions:

18/01422/NMA - Non-Material Amendment to allow alterations to rear elevation at The Old School, West Town Road, Newton St Cyres - approved

18/01645/NMA – Non-material amendment for 18/00213/MARM to allow an amendment to Lambourne house type to include additional windows, material change from brick to render for a number of garages, plot 16 handed, plot 18 amended chimney detail at Station Road, Newton St Cyres - approved

18/01181/LBC - Listed Building Consent for installation of new staircase at Ash View Cottage, Newton St Cyres – approved

18/01641/NMA - for 16/00532/FULL - to change original timber pergola to a glass cover at Elms House, Newton St Cyres – approved

Cllr J Enright reported that he had contacted MDDC with regard to non-material amendments not being sent to Parish Councils for comment.  He was waiting for a meeting date with the Head of Planning and would let Councillors know when the meeting was so any other Councillors could attend if they wished.  The point that would be made to MDDC was that if the change is visible and its subject to planning in the first place then it should be considered as a material change and parishes should be consulted.  Otherwise there is a risk that render becomes brick, for example, and this leads to a change in appearance which is not necessarily in keeping with existing buildings.

5.3              Consultation on internal procedures - illegal encampments on MDDC land

Consultation papers had been circulated from MDDC and were noted

5.4              To note that a new application can be made to nominate the Crown & Sceptre as a community asset – to agree action

As the Crown & Sceptre was now operating as a successful restaurant it was resolved not to re-list as a community asset. 

5.5              Consultation on S106 Governance arrangements

Details from MDDC had been circulated and were noted.  It was resolved that the Clerk should inform the Recreation ground of the S106 grant process with a view to listing the play equipment as a potential project for S106 contributions.  However, it was noted that any contributions would not be available immediately and there may be a considerable waiting period.

5.6              Report from Cllr P Hare- Scott

There was no report 

06/12/18     Finance

6.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr A  Reeves and Cllr C Southcott

6.2              Parish Council Receipts Current Account: None

6.3              Parish Council Payment Current Account:

These were agreed as:




Amount £


Citizens Advice





AGM Cllrs D Baker & J Enright



Signs Express

DAAT Sign for Rec



Parish Magazine Printing

Winter Newsletter



J Hole

Salary and expenses







It was noted that Cllr M Squires had previously offered to pay for a DAAT sign and the Clerk would apply for reimbursement.

6.4             Balances (after above transactions):       

6.4.1          Parish Council Current Account balance: £15,899.08

6.4.2          Footpath Account: £388.02 

6.4.3           Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £3,001.04

6.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


6.6              Quarterly Bank Reconciliation – available at the meeting for signing

This was duly signed

6.7              To consider if a new BKV sign should be purchased for the village green (about £60) or if the sign should now be removed as it was won six years agoIt

t was resolved not to replace the sign and Cllr S Parker would remove the posts.

6.8              To agree format of future payments to key village organisations

Cllr J Enright explained that historically the Parish Council had paid the Recreation Ground 25% of its rent, had agreed with the Parish Hall that it would pay for half the cost of Wifi and always paid for the grass to be cut at the churchyard.  These payments had been classified as grants.  However, they were really obligations and should be formally recorded as such. This would give certainty of income to the organisations and allow the Parish Council to budget accordingly.  The organisations would no longer be required to apply for these sums of money each year and this would mean they could apply for grants under the grant giving policy.  This was resolved and the Clerk would inform the organisations

6.9              To agree budget and set precept for 2019/2020

A draft proposed budget had been circulated.  Cllr J Enright ran through the miscellaneous proposals which included an amount for a replacement defibrillator if required and money towards a community support initiative.  It was proposed that the Council would move to Quality Council status if possible, following the elections and this cost was included in the budget as was an allowance for election costs.   It was resolved to grant the Parish Hall £500.00 towards re-decoration and £500.00 to the Boniface Trail once confirmation had been received as to exactly what the grant would be used for as required by the grant giving policy.  The precept would remain the same as last year at £12,768.00.   Cllr D Baker noted that even though the precept had not increased, parishioners would see a small increase due to the removal of the Council Tax support grant and this may require some public explanation.  Also, at some point it may be necessary to look at the amount of money being carried forward from year to year.  Cllr J Enright noted this was due to various projects which were in the planning process such as speed cameras and pedestrian crossing which if agreed may require financial contribution from the parish. The budget was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously.

 07/12/18     Matters raised by the Chair

7.1              To note report from Devon Resilience Forum

Taken together with Item 10.6.  Cllr J Enright thanked Jock Campbell for his report from the Forum and for the work carried out on the Community Resilience Plan (CRP).  As the final version of the CRP had only been circulated recently, it was agreed to put this on the Agenda for the next meeting.  The notes from the Co-ordinators meeting had been circulated.  It was proposed that hard copies of the CRP be left at the Rec and the Hall as these were the muster points.  Copies could also be left at the School and possible the Beer Engine and Belluno.  A note would be posted on the noticeboards signposting that the parish had a CRP and where this was available, together with main contact numbers.  The Clerk would check with individuals first before including telephone numbers.

7.2              Parish Council response to non-material amendments to planning applications as noted in 5.2 above

This was discussed in 5.2 above 

08/12/18     Councillor’s Reports    

8.1              Re-allocation of duties to newly elected councillor

It was resolved that Cllr L Ouldridge would take responsibility for allotments, litter pickers and the noticeboard and bus shelter at Half Moon.  It was agreed not to amend bank signatories until after the elections.  The Clerk would meet with Cllr L Ouldridge to go through various items.  Cllr D Baker would arrange to show Cllr L Ouldridge the delivery area he currently covers.

8.2              Areas of Responsibility reports. 

Press – Cllr J Baker noted that copies of the Winter Newsletter had been distributed to Councillors for delivery.  She would forward the last Annual report to the Clerk who would then pass on to the next Press Officer after the elections.

Recreation Ground – a legacy had been left to the Rec.  Cllr D Baker reported that the Rec would like to discuss with the Parish Council the possibilities for putting together a purchase proposal for the Recreation Ground which had 11 years left on the lease and Cllr D Baker had suggested the Rec write to the Clerk. A working party could then be set up to look at proposals.  It was possible for the Parish Council to borrow money at low lending rates with a long pay back period.  

Snow Wardens – Cllr A Reeves would be arranging some training which would be provided by DCC.  The new salt bin had been installed at New Estate.                  

 09/12/18    Clerk’s Report  

9.1              To agree Christmas card list

It was resolved to use the same list as last year

9.2              To agree that Councillor packs will not have copies of policies etc as these will be available on the website and where possible more documents will be posted online to reduce copying

This was resolved, although hard copies of financial regulations, standing orders and code of conduct would still be included in packs


10/12/18     Parish Council

10.1            Review of action plan and areas of responsibility

Cllr J Baker had circulated a draft copy of both the action plan and areas of responsibility and it was agreed unanimously to adopt both.

10.2            Review of new e-mail addresses

Cllr J Enright would send details of the e-mail set up to Cllr L Ouldridge.  Most Councillors were now using the new e-mail addresses.  It may be necessary to increase the capacity for sending data and this would be kept under review.      Zip files were difficult for some councillors to access and in future the Clerk would send files individually

10.3            To consider an input to a Rural Mental Health agenda to be discussed by Raddon Hills Group

Further thought would be given prior to the next Raddon Hills meeting in February which was in Newton St Cyres.  Any interested Councillors could attend the meeting.

10.4            To consider supporting a Village Focus board in the Parish Hall 

The Parish Council had been invited to be the first organisation to use the new village focus board in the Parish       Hall during January.  This was resolved and the Clerk would put a display together.

10.5            To agree if the new school path should go ahead and if so, which grants should be applied for (e.g. TAP, Lottery)

After discussion it was resolved that due to cost and various other factors, the new school path would not go ahead.  The Clerk would write to the land owner and offer to pay the legal costs incurred to date. Cllr A Reeves would inform the School and Kingswood Homes

10.6            To agree final updated version of Community Resilience plan and to note minutes from Co-ordinators meeting

This had been discussed in 7.1 above

10.7            To agree maintenance works required around parish

Cllr S Parker and Cllr C Southcott had updated the list and this had been circulated.  Cllr D Baker requested that tidying up round the bus stop in Half Moon be added.  It was resolved to send the list to the Thorverton Handyman and request that he manages the list with regard to timing of weed spraying.  Some weeding could be done by hand, for example down School Hill.  The broken wooden fences alongside the A377 were on private land and would be removed from the list.  

Minited here but taken after item 4

11/12/18     Devon County Council

11.1            Outstanding Highways issues

  1. Concrete blocks by Langford Road – with Bridges and Structures Department. Cllr D Baker reported that DCC website recorded that an inspection would take place next week.
  2. Advertising signs on A377 – DCC to put up notices asking for signs to be removed within a month Any that are not will be removed by DCC. DCC had not posted notices and even  more advertising signs had appeared recently.   
  3. Curb at new school – The Clerk had e-mailed Ian Sorenson who had agreed to follow up.
  4. Missing bus pole at A377 Crediton to Exeter at Home Farm – with Transport Co-Ordination team
  5. Resurfacing of School Hill. This had been delayed due to the work by Wales and West and was on the list for the end of the financial year
  6. 20mps in Station Road at school times – under review but unlikely to meet national standard required. The Clerk had requested a SCARF assessment.  Cllr D Baker had circulated Government Guidelines on implementation of speed limits.  It was noted that data from Community Speed watch was recorded with the police and Cllr M Squires would inform our Neighbourhood Highways Manager as this may speed up the SCARF assessment.
  7. Manhole cover on bridge in Station Road – reported to DCC and manhole marked up
  8. This was of concern as it was on the arch of the bridge
  9. Road surface at entrance to Station Road from A377 – some work has taken place and this could be removed from the list
  10. Moving school flashing signs further down A377 – no date agreed for work to take place
  11. Overgrown hedges on Langford Road. One side had been cut and this could be removed from the list
  12. Cement pile on A377. Unlikely to be removed until the road is resurfaced

It was noted that the ivy on the pole on School Hill had been removed. 

Councillors were disappointed that so many items were still outstanding and it was resolved that Cllr J Enright would write to Meg Booth, Head of Highways and copy to Cllr M Squires, with details of all the outstanding items as noted above.

11.2            New DCC issues – Sand Down Lane flooding at junction with A377

The drain had flooded in the recent heavy rain.  Cllr A Reeves reported that the contractor had excavated the pipe and this was not blocked or damaged with tree roots as previously thought and did not require replacement.  The problem was silt from the road being washed down the drain.  The solution was for the drain to be dug out on a regular basis.  It was agreed to add this to the maintenance schedule for checking every three months.  The Clerk reported that DCC, who had provided a matched funding grant for this work, had asked for confirmation that the work had been carried out and copy invoices.  It was hoped that the DCC grant would cover the full cost of the works and that DCC would accept this without matched funding as maintenance of the drain was a DCC responsibility.  Cllr J Enright would include this in his e-mail to Meg Booth and Cllr M Squires would highlight to our Neighbourhood Highways Manager.

11.3            Report from Cllr M Squires

Cllr M Squires reported that approx. £16 million from central government had been allocated to Devon.  Children’s services were overspent and the campaign to get fairer education funding for Devon’s children continued.  

12/12/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence

There was none. 

13/12/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Publicity for the elections 

14/12/18     Date of next meeting: Thursday 3 January 2019 if required for planning in the Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.30pm, otherwise Thursday 7 February 2019 

End of Formal Business

 Public Participation 

It was noted that a sign had been posted by Wales and West to start work at Half Moon.  Clerk to request work schedule from Wales and West.

The name of the Police contact for Community Speed watch was noted. 

The meeting closed at 9.30pm