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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the

Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 7 June 2018 

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm 

Members present

Cllr J Enright (chair)                      Cllr P Taylor (arrived 7.15pm)

Cllr D Baker                                   Cllr G Quicke

Cllr J Baker                                    Cllr A Reeves

Cllr G Barnell                                 Cllr C Southcott                                                                                 

In attendance: Cllr M Squires, DCC (left 7.55pm), 19 members of public (8 remained to the end of the meeting), Helen Govier, MDDC Planning, Ian Sorenson, DCC Highways, David Bowles, DCC Estates, (Officers left after the pubic session), J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation

  • Police Report

            There was no report

  • Public Question Time

At this meeting Officers from DCC and MDDC will be in attendance to provide

  • An initial update from MDDC/DCC regarding a potential Village Centre Crossing
  • An initial update regarding moving the 20mph School Warning signs
  • An initial update from MDDC and DCC regarding the old school site. 

Cllr J Enright welcomed the Officers from MDDC and DCC to the meeting and invited Ian Sorenson to update the meeting on the potential for a village centre crossing.  Mr Sorenson explained that DCC had agreed to commit money to investigate two possible options: a toucan crossing in the village centre and average speed cameras. A DCC design team would put together a plan for a toucan crossing which will probably involve relocating the current bus stops.  If the plan was adopted it would be eligible for financial contributions from future developments.  The estimated cost was £0.5 million.  With regard to average speed cameras, these have been used in a pilot study in a village in Cornwall which had similar problems to NSC with a busy main road going through the village.  Indications were that the cameras had helped to reduce speed and Mr Sorenson was waiting for full evidence from the study to evaluate further.  The cameras would be quicker and cheaper to provide.  It was possible that both a toucan crossing and average speed cameras could be used.  The cameras would probably be located near Quickes and out beyond Tytheing Close.

With regard to moving the 20mph School warning signs, Mr Sorenson reported that suitable relocation sites had been identified and agreed and a request had been sent to the electricity company to do the necessary work.  The signs should be moved in the next few weeks.

Cllr J Enright invited David Bowles to provide an update on the old school site.  Mr Bowles explained that he was the officer responsible for ensuring that the site was safe and secure and once legal requirements had been met he would make a recommendation to DCC on the future of the site which was likely to be disposal of the site. Disposal would involve an open market 8-week tender process.  Cllr J Enright invited questions from the public.  Residents asked that the list of previously submitted questions which had been circulated to councillors and to Mr Bowles be addressed. 

i) Road access. Mr Sorenson explained it was likely that any access would be purpose built and be direct off the A377 rather than down Sand Down Lane

ii) Ensuring any development was in keeping with the village. Mrs Govier explained that MDDC have policies to ensure high quality designs and proposals would be required to meet the policies.  Pre-application meetings are encouraged.  Privacy of existing properties would be considered as part of the planning process

iii)      Development of neighbouring fields.  It was confirmed that the school and playing field are in the development envelope but neighbouring fields are not so any proposal to include adjoining fields would require the plan to be revised.

iv) Future of existing school path. Cllr J Enright confirmed that the existing school path would be maintained although this was a not a public path and was for children and parents going to and from school

v) Minimising impact during development. Mr Sorenson explained that a construction management plan would be required for any development which would detail arrangements for site times, noise abatement, vehicle movements, control of mud etc,

vi) Protection of trees on site.  Mrs Govier was not aware of any Tree Protection orders (TPO) by would clarify this.  A resident had been told there was a TPO

vii)       Upgraded Broadband.  This would depend on what the site was used for.

viii)      Would DCC consider a community/co-operative proposal?  Mr Bowles confirmed this would be considered and in the past buildings had been transferred to a community at a discounted rate, if it could be shown these would benefit the community significantly.  This was more difficult with land and the need to obtain best value must be considered 

A parishioner suggested that the site would be ideal for light industry and was aware of interest from a local business who wished to re-locate. Mr Bowles stated that the advertising process would not be solely targeted for housing and all applications would be considered.  He was however, required to obtain the best value for disposal of assets and this usually meant the highest price.  It was confirmed the new homes target for NSC had been met but that some social housing was still required.  Mrs Govier explained that new developments are required to include an element of social housing but the exact amount depended on the financial viability.  MDDC would take advice from their Housing department on the need for social housing in NSC.

Cllr M Squires noted that the cost to build access to the site was likely to be significant and that any development would need to take account of this cost as part of its proposal. 

Cllr J Enright asked the public if there were any other issues they wished to raise and Half Moon parishioners reported that a rude and offensive note had been put on a parked car in the Half Moon Layby 

Cllr J Enright thanked the three officers and the public for attending the meeting. 

Formal Business

01/06/18     Apologies

Cllr S Parker (holiday), Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC 

02/06/18     Declaration of Interest


03/06/18     Minutes of the last meetings held on Thursday 3 May 2018

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/06/18     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:    

18/00702/HOUSE - Erection of two-storey and single-storey extensions at 2 Meadowlands – no comment

18/00724/TPO - Works to TPO Trees Application to fell one Beech tree protected by Tree Preservation Order No. 93/00002/TPO at Garden House, Newton St Cyres, EX5 5BU – no comment

4.2              Planning Decisions:

18/00450/HOUSE - Erection of an artist's studio at Ash View Cottage – grant permission

18/00513/HOUSE - Erection of two storey extension to include alterations to existing fenestration at Winscott Barton – grant permission

18/00346/LBC - rethatching front elevation/roof/ridge at Mount Pleasant - grant permission

4.3              Report from Cllr P Hare- Scott

There was no report 

05/06/18     Finance

5.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr D Baker and Cllr G Quicke

5.2              Parish Council Receipts Current Account:  £100.00 from Feniton PC re Clerk’s audit and £ 20.00 allotment rent

5.3              Parish Council Payment Current Account

These were agreed as:




Amount £



GDPR Training course for Clerk



A J Carpenter

Benches, bus shelter, sheds and noticeboards











NSC Parish Hall








Garden Club




Simon Saunders

Grass Cutting



Parish Magazine

Printing of Annual directory



Thorverton PC

Installation of depth markers



J Hole

Salary and expenses incl £100 re Feniton audit






The Clerk advised that Shobrooke would pay their half of the cost of the Clerk training course direct to DALC so NSC half would be £28.00 and not £48.00 as detailed on the agenda

Cllr D Baker reported that the village green noticeboard had been stuck shut following the maintenance work and the notice board in Half Moon had not been fully painted.  The Clerk had asked Mr Carpenter to rectify the work and he had done so the next day.

5.4             Balances (after above transactions):       

5.4.1          Parish Council Current Account balance: £13,869.72

5.4.2          Footpath Account: £407.29

5.4.3          Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £3,000.38

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


5.6              Quarterly bank reconciliation (available at the meeting for signature)

Cllr J Enright explained a quarterly bank reconciliation was required under the new Financial Regulations and it was proposed that Councillors who signed the cheques also signed the reconciliation.   Cllr D Baker reported that the figures on the bank reconciliation for the current account did not agree with the figures on the budget monitor and the Clerk explained this was due to the receipt of late invoices which had not been taken account of in the reconciliation. The footpath and reserve account reconciliations were signed and the current account reconciliation would be re-presented at the next meeting.

5.7              To consider adopting the NALC Financial Regulations

The latest NALC Financial Regulations had been circulated and it was resolved unanimously to adopt and a copy was duly signed by the Chairman.

5.8              Update on possible provision of a salt bin at Creedy View/New Estate. 

Cllr A Reeves reported that the provision of a salt bin could be arranged but it was not clear whether DCC/MDDC would be responsible for keeping it filled up.  Item carried forward to next meeting

5.9              To consider quote for strimming existing school path – quote requested

The quote had not been received.  Item carried forward to next meeting 

06/06/18     Matters raised by the Chair

6.1              To note that the new graveyard will require planning permission.  To consider quote for strimming new graveyard - £160.00

It was resolved to put the cost of planning permission for change of use in next year’s budget and to apply in the next year or so depending on the need to use the new graveyard.  Cllr D Baker had obtained a quote for strimming the new graveyard twice a year for £200.00 and it was resolved to accept this quote.  Cllr D Baker agreed to discuss with Cllr A Reeves arrangement for re-instating the fence between the existing and new graveyard and how to gain access for maintenance purposes only from the arboretum

6.2              Update on proposed new school path and to note CEF grant application sent

Cllr D Baker reported that the licence agreement was still with solicitors.  It was resolved to wait until both agreements (with Quickes and Kingswood Homes) were signed before planning permission was sought.  Cllr D Baker would meet up with Cllr P Taylor to clarify where the proposed Boniface Trail would be in relation to the proposed school path.  The Clerk reported that the CEF application for approx. £5,500 had been submitted and would be considered by DCC in June.

6.3              To agree date for Annual meeting of PC in May 2019 – suggested 9 May due to elections being held on 2 May

It was resolved that the Annual meeting would take place on 9 May 2019. 

07/06/18     Councillor’s Reports    

7.1              Areas of Responsibility report

Cllr J Enright explained he would go through the full areas of responsibility list every quarter, and in-between go round the table for reports

Footpaths - Cllr D Baker reported on behalf of Cllr S Parker.  The fencing on the existing school path required maintenance and Cllr A Reeves agreed to look at this.  Two footpaths required strimming and a request had been made to DCC’s contractors to carry this out.  Councillors were reminded they should walk their designated footpaths.   A query had been received concerning the permissive footpath from Tytheing Close down to Court Orchard, as the housing development had cut off the end of the path.  This path would be the easiest and safest route to the new school for children living in Tytheing Close.   Cllr A Reeves agreed to have a look and see what could be done in the short term whilst the building work was on-going.  Cllr D Baker reported that the existing graveyard was very overgrown and he understood this was due to the fact that the community payback team who usually cut the grass could not be contacted.  It was resolved to put this on next months agenda and to suggest to the Church that the Parish Council takes over responsibility for contacting the contractors.  Clerk to discuss with  church rep.

Press – Cllr J Baker asked if another councillor could do the press report next month and Cllr G Quicke volunteered.  Annual directories had been delivered

Boniface Trail – Cllr P Taylor reported progress continued to be made and a meeting would be set up soon with Highways to review the proposed route further

Arboretum – Cllr A Reeves reported that the query at last months meeting on whether to insure the arboretums mower had led to discussion on the insurance cover that was in place with the new insurer and the Clerk would seek clarification that the arboretum was covered under the council insurance

Allotments – to agree action re clearing/maintenance of unused allotments. 

Cllr G Barnell reported there were two allotments that required clearing and discussion took place on the best way to do this and how to keep unused allotments in check so they were ready for rent when required.  Various suggestions were made including putting plastic down or weed killer (Clerk to check that the agreement with the land owner allows use of weed killer).  It was resolved that a quote to clear the plots from a previously used contractor should be obtained.  It was suggested that a deposit could be taken as an incentive to ensure that tenants clear up when they leave.

Litter picking – to note the minutes from the meeting – circulated separately

Notes from the meeting with litter pickers had been circulated. Problem areas included the Half Moon layby and Cllr G Barnell would speak to Hanlons and the Half Moon Café to see if they could help, ideally in conjunction with volunteers from Half Moon.  The entrance to the SWW was being temporarily covered but a permanent picker was required

Risk Assessments – to consider moving the annual risk assessments to March/April to allow any information to be fed into the insurance renewal in May and to comply with Financial Regulation 15.1

This was agreed and Cllr A Reeves and G Quicke would undertake the risk assessments in September and again in March/April and then yearly.

7.2              Surgery report from May and June – to agree content for updating display boards

Cllr J Enright reported there were no matters raised at the May surgery.  Cllr G Quicke reported a concern regarding speeding traffic through the centre of the village.  Cllr G Quicke would report to the parishioner the proposals regarding average speeding cameras.  Clerk to update display boards in time for Revels.  Cllr G Barnell said it was important to ensure that the police were involved in any consultation with regard to average speed cameras 

08/06/18     Clerk’s Report   


09/06/18     Parish Council

9.1              To agree GDPR:

a) General Privacy notice for website

b) Privacy notice for staff, councillors and volunteers to be sent with consent form and covering e-mail

Two privacy notices, as recommended by NALC, had been circulated.  It was resolved to adopt both privacy notices.  The privacy notice would be sent to volunteers together with a covering e-mail explaining the need and a consent form which when completed should be returned to the Clerk.  Councillors to circulate to volunteers according to areas of responsibility.  Cllr D Baker wanted to ensure that village organisations were compliant and the Clerk reported that MDDC had said they would issue guidance in “Parish Matters” would could then be forwarded.  Councillors were requested to take care when sending e-mails and to ensure that blind copying was used.

9.2              To note correspondence received from Parish Hall querying the grant received this year given that the previous grant arrangement finished in 2016/17.  A grant of £600 which included £200 for wi-fi was given in this financial year.  To clarify how organisations should apply for grants in the future

It was resolved that in future all organisations requesting grants would need to apply  using the Councils grant giving policy.  Clerk to advise Hall and Rec.

9.3              To agree and sign amended Standing orders – circulated separately

A copy of standing orders had been circulated and it was resolved unanimously to adopt.  Cllr J Enright duly signed a copy

9.4              To consider the Temporary signs on the Village Green policy – circulated separately

Cllr C Southcott was concerned that village organisations may not be able to advertise on the village green as their signs may be too big.  However, as no request to place a bigger sign had been received it was resolved not to change the policy at this present time.

9.5              To note meetings held with DCC/MDDC re potential village crossing point, agree actions

This had been discussed in the public session and no further actions were necessary at this time.

9.6              To note meeting held with DCC/MDDC re moving of school flashing signs, agree any actions

This had been discussed in the public session and no further actions were necessary at this time

9.7              To note meetings held with DCC/MDDC re disposal of old school site and agree any actions

This had been discussed in the public session and no further actions were necessary at this time.  Cllr D Baker noted that the Parish Plan and the affordable housing survey both identified the old school site for affordable housing. 

Minuted here but taken after item 3

10/06/18     Devon County Council

10.1            Outstanding Highways issues

  1. Drainage in Sand Down Lane – waiting for heavy rain to test drain
  2. Concrete blocks by Langford Road – request sent to Highways to clean. Cllr M Squires would raise with our Neighbourhood Highways Manager (NHM)
  3. Retaining wall at Shuttern Brook – with Steve Densham to action. It was clarified this was a DCC issue and not MDDC and Cllr M Squire’s would therefore follow up
  4. Two outstanding issues had been missed off the agenda and these were
  5. iv                advertising signs along the A377.  Cllr M Squires would pick this up with our NHM
  6. Dropped curb at new school entrance. Cllr M Squires would pick this up and the Clerk would contact Kingswood Homes

10.2            New DCC issues


10.3            Report from Cllr M Squires

A written report had been circulated

 Cllr M Squires reported that she would arrange a meeting for later in the year for all her parishes in order to provide a Broadband update

With regard to grass cutting on visibility splays, main roads and primary gritting routes would be done twice a year.  Cllr C Southcott reported that cutting had not happened in Station Road and Cllr M Squires would pass this on to our NHM.  Cllr D Baker reported that visibility from the Half Moon bus stop was blocked by trees and asked whose responsibility it was to cut these?  Again, Cllr M Squires would take this up with our NHM.

Cllr M Squires written report had stated that the Tarka line would be improving rolling stock with 3 coach trains.  Cllr D Baker asked when this would take place and reported that the 9.40 train from Barnstaple last Saturday was severely overcrowded and only had 2 coaches. Cllr M Squires thought the improvements would be from January and requested that Cllr D Baker e-mail her the details so she could follow up.

There was no date for resurfacing School Hill

It was noted that Ian Sorenson had agreed to ensure the warning sign on the A377 that was blocked by ivy was cleared. 

11/06/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence

The Clerk had received a complaint that overgrown hedges at the Crown and Sceptre were blocking visibility when pulling out from Godolphin Close and was trying to contact the new owner to request they were cut.

DCC Consultation on libraries service in rural communities – Clerk to send to Cllr G Barnell 

12/06/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Visibility when pulling out of Higher Marsh

Arboretum insurance

Cllrs D and J Baker gave apologies for next months meeting 

13/06/18     Date of next meeting: Thursday 5 July 2018 in the Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.30pm 

End of Formal Business

Public Participation 

Half Moon residents expressed their concern about the note left on a car in the Half Moon layby.  They were advised this was not a Parish Council matter and should be reported to the Police. 

The meeting closed at 9.15pm