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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the

Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 8 March 2018

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members present

Cllr D Baker (chair)                        Cllr G Quicke

Cllr J Baker                                    Cllr A Reeves

Cllr J Enright                                  Cllr C Southcott

Cllr S Parker                                                                                   

In attendance: Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC (left 8.30pm), 12 members of public (1 left 8.30pm), J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation

  • Police Report

01/01/2018 – 07/03/2018

Incidents reported: Concern for female walking on A377 in darkness, road traffic collision, damage only, domestic incident, 2 x missing person, 2 x concerns for welfare, possible drunk in charge of vehicle, concern for driver, complaint against police

Crimes recorded: Vehicle interference (car parked on Langford Road was accessed and steering column tampered with)

  • Public Question Time.

Half Moon residents spoke about the parking issues with regard to the Half Moon bus stop.  It had been agreed at a meeting in 2005 that 3 houses without parking could park in the Exeter end of the bus stop.  The bus stop was marked with yellow dashes at the bus end and white dashes at the other end.  However, after the most recent resurfacing a single yellow dash was painted.   A no stopping sign had now been put in the bus stop and residents had received parking tickets.  Residents were very unhappy that they had not been consulted or notified of the change.  It was not safe to expect residents including children to walk to and from the layby, without a proper lit path.  Residents felt that safety concerns of the occasional bus user had been given priority over their safety. Cllr D Baker ran through the actions from the 2005 minutes onwards and it appeared that DCC had not made official the agreement reached in 2005.  Following concerns expressed by bus users that access to and from the bus was difficult, the Parish Council had asked DCC to confirm the status of the bus stop and they had confirmed that it was a bus stop and that parking was not allowed.   Residents requested that the previous agreement be re-instated and that residents be allowed to park in the Exeter end of the bus stop.  Parking in the Crediton end of the bus stop made access issues greater for bus passengers.    It was noted that often buses did not pull into the bus stop as it was too difficult for them to pull back out into the traffic. 

Formal Business

01/03/18     Apologies

Cllr G Barnell (personal), Cllr P Taylor (holiday), Cllr M Squires (holiday) 

02/03/18     Declaration of Interest

Item 9.8 - Cllr S Parker (PI as Trustee of Boniface Trail Association) 

03/03/18     Minutes of the last meetings held on Thursday 1 February 2018

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/03/18     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:    

18/00213/FULL-  Removal of condition 6 of planning permission 16/01836/MARM, closing off of drive through to Plot 22 Location at Station Road, Newton St Cyres – no comment

18/00173/FULL - Retention of 4 static caravans for staff living accommodation at Langford Park Nursing Home, Langford Road, Langford – no comment

4.2              Planning Decisions

17/01719/HOUSE - Erection of single storey extensions to rear and first floor extension over garage at 3 Meadowlands Newton St Cyres – grant permission with conditions to discharge

17/02013/HOUSE - Alterations and erection of extensions at Southay, Newton St Cyres, EX5 5AL – grant permission

17/01986/FULL - Erection of a pre-fabricated building and decking area at Langford Park Nursing Home, Langford Road, Langford – grant permission

4.3          To note Review of Local Government Ethical Standards: Stakeholder

No comment

4.4              Report from Cllr P Hare- Scott

It had been agreed at the recent full council meeting that MDDC’s proportion of the Council tax would increase by 3% and DCC’s proportion by 6%.  It was regrettable that council tax would be increased but it was necessary as government grants continued to decrease.  This year would finish on budget, or just over.  A consultation of sustainability had been started with regard to the local plan. 

05/03/18     Finance

5.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr D Baker and Cllr A Reeves

5.2              Parish Council Receipts Current Account:  £649.04 – VAT refund, £250.00 – DCC Locality grant towards new school path and £500.00 – Grant reimbursement from Rec

5.3              Parish Council Payment Current Account

These were agreed as




Amount £


J Hole

Salary and expenses






5.4             Balances (after above transactions):       

5.4.1          Parish Council Current Account balance: £12,962.19

5.4.2          Footpath Account: £407.29

5.4.3          Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £1,500.19

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


5.6              To agree maintenance costs for noticeboards - £170.00 and 3 x Resilience sheds - £185.00

It was resolved to accept both quotes.

5.7              Update on proposed new school path

Cllr D Baker informed the meeting that planning permission for change of use would be required for the proposed new path and he would discuss this with the land owner next week.  Cllr D Baker confirmed that the existing school path had required planning permission and if it were no longer going to be a path, it would need planning permission to change it back to agricultural use.  The date for the official opening of the new school had been changed to 22 June.

 06/03/18     Matters raised by the Chair 

6.1              Update on plans for new cemetery

Cllr D Baker updated the meeting with regard to access into the new churchyard.  The access that had been indicated by the Church as suitable for a path, was not suitable as it crossed unmarked graves.  Another solution was required and Cllr D Baker would make further enquiries.

6.2              Chairmanship of Parish Council

Cllr D Baker reported that he would not be seeking re-election as Chairman at the Annual Parish Meeting in May.  In addition, he would not be standing for re-election in May 2019. 

07/03/18     Councillor’s Reports    

7.1              Areas of Responsibility report

Bus SheltersClerk to arrange to be cleaned and for a quote to maintain the Half Moon bus shelter

SeatsClerk to obtain a quote for maintenance.

Village Green – Cllr S Parker to prune tree

Allotments – A meeting had taken place with allotment holders.  Clerk to circulate notes to Councillors.  Allotment holders would like permission to cull rabbits using ferrets and the Clerk would seek the land owner’s permission.

Parish Hall – the new kitchen was being installed.  Hire charges would be increased by 10%

Footpaths – Cllr S Parker continued with repairs and maintenance A finger post was damaged at Venny Cleave

Rec Ground – Cllr C Southcott reported that the Rec did not consider it was responsible for the maintenance of the DAAT landing lights, although they would pay for the electricity.  Clerk to put on next agenda for consideration

Raddon HillsClerk to circulate notes from last meeting

Arboretum – had received a lottery grant

Training – Three Councillors and the Clerk had attended planning and S106 training.  Parish Councils were being asked to nominate projects for S106 monies.  The council had previously nominated the new school path but not enough contributions would be available in the time scale so a grant request for money from the general S106 fund was being prepared.  Clerk to put on next agenda to consider project ideas for S106 contributions and Cllr J Baker to ask for ideas through the press report

CRG/Flood – Councillors expressed their thanks to all parishioners who helped their neighbours during the snowy conditions.  Two new Snow Wardens and Neighbourhood Watch Deputies had been recruited.

Boniface Trail – Cllr S Parker reported that a planning application had been submitted to MDDC for the middle part of the route from Smallbrook to Half Moon. 

Telephone Boxes – Cllr S Parker would fix the light in the box outside the pub.

7.2              Surgery report from 3 February and to agree allocation of Councillors for future months

No issues were raised on 3 February and Cllrs Baker would attend the surgery this Saturday which had been postponed from last weekend.  Cllr G Barnell would attend the April surgery. 

08/03/18     Clerk’s Report  

8.1              None 

09/03/18     Parish Council

9.1              To consider issues relating to parking in the bus stop at Half Moon – several parking tickets have now been issued.  Three emails received from Half Moon residents which make reference to a meeting held in 2005 - notes from 2005 PC meetings circulated separately

 Cllr D Baker suspended standing orders to ask which end the cars were parked in that received tickets and this was clarified as both ends.  Standing orders were re-instated.  Councillors made various suggestions as to how the problem could be solved such as installing a proper path down to the layby and making the layby bigger.  As stated in the public session, it appeared that the 2005 agreement had never been properly followed through by DCC as official residents parking would require permits.  Councillors were in agreement that a safe solution for all parties must be found.  Cllr J Enright proposed a meeting with all concerned and this was seconded by Cllr S Parker and agreed unanimously.  Clerk to arrange a meeting with DCC, Cllr M Squires, Stagecoach and residents as soon as possible

9.2              Update on access to existing School path

The resident who had queried the access to the school path had withdrawn their query so no further action would be taken.

9.3              To consider request from resident for i) installation of one (or perhaps two) street lights leading from West Town Road up Church Lane to the church.  Residents attending early morning or evening events at the Church are faced with a very dark walk, sharing the road with cars heading to the Church as well. ii) The extension of the reflective posts along the A377 from Sand Down Lane down to Shuttern Bridge.  The pavement is used by residents and the posts would give added protection and awareness to drivers passing through the village.  

It was resolved to ask Cllr M Squires if both these actions would be possible

9.4              Arrangements for Annual Parish Meeting – Thursday 3 May 2018

Although it had previously been agreed to invite Simon Trafford, Planning Officer and Ian Soreson, DCC to report back on matters raised at the February Parish Council meeting with regard to the impact developments north of the parish have on the parish.  Both officers had reported that there would be no feedback until the Greater Exeter Strategic plan progressed further.  It was therefore agreed not to have a speaker or to ask organisations to provide displays.  The meeting would start at 7.00pm to 7.30pm ahead of the Parish Council meeting

9.5              To consider nominations for volunteer of the year award – nominations will be available at the meeting

Three nominations had been received and voting slips were passed around to Councillors. The presentation to the winner would take place at the Annual Parish Meeting

9.6              Electric charging point for cars

Cllr J Enright had done some research and advised that it was probably too soon for the Parish Council to consider an electric charging point for the village.  Technology was moving fast and points would likely be installed in garages.  It was agreed to take no further action.

9.7              Drones and the legal position – Cllr P Taylor to update meeting.

 Cllr P Taylor had circulated some notes to Councillors.  It would appear that legislation would soon be passed which would limit the use of drones.

9.8              To consider support for TAP application from Boniface Trail.

It was resolved to support the TAP application unanimously.                  

10/03/18     Devon County Council

10.1            Outstanding Highways issues

  1. Drainage in Sand Down Lane – waiting for contractor to carry out work
  2. Cllr A Reeves reported that the contractor had now rodded the drain and hoped this would solve the problem without the need for further work.  However, the drain required testing with heavy rain.  If a new drain is not required, the grant received from DCC to carry out the work would need to be repaid
  3. Concrete blocks by Langford Road – request sent to Highways to clean
  4. No update
  5. Retaining wall at Shuttern Brook – no update, with Cllr G Barnell to chase

10.2            New Issues

Clerk to report blocked drains at Five Elm Lane (re-report), Hookway Cross, Newbridge and Turners corner.  It was noted that pot holes recently filled in Station Road had come out again. 

10.3            New school crossing point on A377  

There was no update.  Clerk to ask School for a progress report including the moving of the flashing lights 

10.4            Update on the old school site                 

Cllr J Enright reported on a meeting he had attended with Cllr G Barnell and a member of DCC Corporate Estates Team.   DCC are taking advice as to whether to market the site with or without planning consent so as to maximise their return. It is too early in the process to say any more and we will be kept up to date with developments.

10.5            Report from Cllr M Squires

There was no report 

11/03/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence

The Clerk had received an email from Heavitree Brewery stating that contracts should be exchanged on 23 April with regard to the Crown & Sceptre pub.                  

12/03/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda


13/03/18     Date of next meeting: Thursday 5 April 2018 in the Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.30pm 

End of Formal Business 

Public Participation 

Half Moon residents thanked the council for their support in trying to find a sensible solution to the parking issues at the Half Moon bus stop 

The meeting closed at 8.55pm