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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the

Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 1 November 2018 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members present

Cllr J Enright (chair)                      Cllr G Quicke (left 8.40pm)

Cllr D Baker                                   Cllr P Taylor

Cllr J Baker                                    Cllr C Southcott

Cllr S Parker                                                   

In attendance: Cllr M Squires, DCC (left 8.15pm), 6 members of public (4 remained to the end of the meeting), J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Business to be Transacted

                                                                   Public Participation

  • Police Report

There was no report

  • Public Question Time.

 Was there any progress on the Boniface Trail?  Cllr S Parker reported that progress was being made

The bus timetable was still missing at Half Moon – Clerk to report to Stagecoach again

A representative from the Motor Bikers Rally which had held an event at the Recreation Ground in September asked if there was any feedback on the event as they would like to make it a regular event and wanted to sort out any issues.  He thanked residents for their welcome and support and reported that the event had raised money for charity.   Councillors did not have any adverse comments and welcomed the event to the Rec.  Cllr J Enright suggested that next year they consider publicising through the Newton Wonder and apply to put an advertising sign on the village green. 

Formal Business

01/11/18     Apologies

Cllr A Reeves (away), Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC 

02/11/18     Declaration of Interest

Item 5.4/5/6 – Cllr S Parker (PI)                  

03/11/18     Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 4 October 2018

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/11/18     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:    

18/01181/LBC - Listed Building Consent for installation of new staircase at Ash View Cottage – no comment

4.2              Planning Decisions


4.3              To note any update regarding reports of excessive commercial and agricultural traffic using Langford Road – update on enquiry to planning

Cllr J Enright reported that Planning had been out to investigate but no further feedback had been received

4.4              To agree arboretum’s application for £1,000 of S106 monies for improved gateway to arboretum

Details of the application, which aimed to improve disabled access to the arboretum, had been circulated. Councillors resolved to support the application subject to confirmation that the landowner has been consulted and was in favour of the changes.  Clerk to confirm land owner agreement and send application to MDDC for approval.

4.5              Report from Cllr P Hare- Scott

There was no report 

05/11/18     Finance

5.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr J Baker and Cllr G Quicke

5.2              Parish Council Receipts Current Account:         




Amount £



Precept 2nd instalment




Village Green grant




P3 grant for strimmer purchase



5.3              Parish Council Payment Current Account:

These were agreed as:




Amount £


Simon Saunders

Grass cutting (churchyard)



Simon Saunders

Grass cutting (parish)



D Everitt

Allotment clearance



S Parker

Reimbursement from P3 for new strimmer



S Parker

Vodafone electricity



S Parker

Re-issued cheque for Arbrex seal & lightbulb



Ian Salter

Bus shelter cleaning



J Hole

Salary and expenses






A letter to the bank cancelling the cheque previously issued to Cllr S Parker was also presented for signing.

The Clerk explained that the Church were having difficulty with the Community Payback scheme, who usually cut the churchyard grass, so had engaged the parish council’s contractor.

5.4             Balances (after above transactions):       

5.4.1          Parish Council Current Account balance: £15,493.58

5.4.2         Footpath Account: £388.02 

5.4.3         Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £3,001.04

5.5            Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


5.6              To consider purchase of DAA sign at £50.00 plus VAT (3mm aluminium composite (420mm x 297mm) with gloss laminated digital print

It was resolved that the Clerk should order the sign. 

5.7              To consider grant request from Citizens Advice

Details of the request had been circulated separately.  It was resolved to grant £100.00 

06/11/18     Matters raised by the Chair

6.1              Update on Councillor vacancy and election of Vice-Chairman  No request had been made to MDDC for an election so a co-option notice would be posted on Facebook, the website, the village green noticeboard and next door, with a closing date of 29 November with applicants invited to make a short presentation at the December meeting.  Cllr D Baker volunteered to stand as Vice-Chairman and this was agreed unanimously

6.2              Update on traffic calming measures on Station Road

This was discussed under 10) vi

6.3              Update on the old School Site

Cllr J Enright reported that DCC were waiting for confirmation that the former school playing field could be included as part of the development and once this had been confirmed, the site would be advertised on the open market.  In the meantime, it was possible that the site might be used to train police dogs.  Site security was being managed.  Cllr D Baker asked if it would be possible to ensure that some green space was kept in the development in the same way that there was a green area in Kingfisher Close, and Cllr J Enright agreed to raise this with DCC.

6.4              Update on Average Speed Cameras through the village

Cllr J Enright reported that DCC had agreed that average speed cameras would benefit Newton St Cyres and some funding had been identified.  However, the cameras would be mobile and would be moved between parishes.  It would not be possible to tell if the camera was in use or not so this would still act as a deterrent.   It was hoped that installation would take place in the next 12 to 18 months. 

6.5              Update on a Pedestrian Crossing for the village centre

Engineer drawings of a possible crossing had been drawn up but had failed the safety requirements so were not approved.  Alternative plans were being considered using some of the village green, which should help meet the safety requirements.  Once new plans had been drawn up, consultation could take place.  However, even if approved no funding had been identified and it would take a number of years to identify funding, especially if this was from S106 money.  The Village Green is registered as such and permission would be required from the Secretary of State to change its use.

6.6              To consider a Community Fair

 Cllr J Enright had circulated a brief outline of his proposal for a Community Fair morning inviting village organisations and groups to provide a display advertising their activities.  The Parish Council could use the fair to publicise the role of Councillor and encourage parishioners to stand in the May elections. The Parish Hall would provide the venue free of charge and would sell refreshments to cover the cost. Organisations could be asked to provide up to 3 PowerPoint slides to allow a presentation which could run in the Club Room.  After discussion Councillors agreed this was a good idea and the Clerk would confirm the date of 16 March with the hall.

6.7              To consider if the Newton Wonder could be delivered free to all households

Cllr J Enright had circulated a brief proposal outlining how it may be possible to deliver the Newton Wonder free to all households.  However, following further discussions with the Newton Wonder editor it appeared this would not be possible financially.  Instead Cllr J Enright proposed that for the December edition only, the Parish Councils’ winter newsletter be incorporated with the Newton Wonder and delivered to all households.  The cost of printing the winter newsletter would be paid to the Newton Wonder to help cover their additional costs of extra pages and copies.  Delivering to all households would help to promote the Newton Wonder and hopefully generate more subscribers.  It was agreed that it was important that the Newton Wonder remained independent from the Parish Council.  Distribution to all houses would require co-ordination with the Newton Wonder distributers and this would present some logistical difficulties.  After discussion it was resolved, that although a good idea, it would not be possible to arrange in time for the December edition.  Cllr J Enright agreed to liaise further with the Newton Wonder team so a future combined edition could be planned in good time.

6.8              To consider Community Support for the parish

Cllr J Enright had circulated brief details of his ideas for community support in the parish which involved ensuring vulnerable parishioners were identified and supported.  Cllr J Baker said the Community Support Group had ended because vulnerable parishioners were receiving help from friends and neighbours without any other interventions.  It was agreed that any new initiative would require further thought and co-ordination with existing arrangements. 

07/11/18     Councillor’s Reports    

7.1              Short term re-allocation of duties caused by resignation of G Barnell

Cllr G Quicke would take responsibility for litter picking and Cllr P Taylor, allotments, until the election next year.  Cllr D Baker would take responsibility for the noticeboard at Smallbrook.  Cllr J Baker had updated the distribution list.  The Clerk had received an enquiry from a potential allotment holder and had arranged a meeting for next week.

7.2              Areas of Responsibility reports.

CSW – Cllr S Parker had two new volunteers who had been approved by the police.  A third volunteer was required.

Boniface Trail – The first land owner agreement should be signed very soon and then full planning would be applied for

Village flowers – A volunteer to plant up the hanging baskets had not been identified and it was agreed that the baskets would be taken down and given to Cllr S Parker who would obtain a price for planting up

Raddon Hills – Cllr J Baker reported on the meeting which had taken place on Tuesday 30 October.  Rural mental health was discussed and parishes had been asked to discuss this further to find out if there was any interest in setting up a group to consider the issues further. Clerk to put on a future agenda.                

Surgeries – Cllr J Enright reported that the issues raised at the last surgery had already been covered

7.3              To agree Councillor to attend the January (if held), February, March, April and May Saturday surgeries

Cllr J Enright would attend the November surgery and Cllr D and J Baker the December surgery.  A “thank you” presentation to Cllrs D and J Baker would take place at the December surgery.

Next year’s attendance was agreed as:

5 January – Cllr J Enright, 2 February – Cllr D and J Baker, 2 March – Cllr J Enright, 6 April – Cllr P Taylor and 4 May - Cllr J Enright 

08/11/18     Clerk’s Report  

8.1              Planning permission for new graveyard - to note that change of use must be started within three years of the application

It was resolved not to apply for planning permission at the present time as it was not clear when the new graveyard would be required.    Ongoing liaison with the church was needed to ensure permission was in place in time.  Confirmation of whether or not the Church would be closing the old graveyard was also required.

8.2              To agree if the Clerk may store Shobrooke Parish files in NSC filing cabinets at Parish Hall

This was agreed subject to Shobrooke Parish Council accepting the risk of storage 

09/11/18     Parish Council

9.1              To consider updates to existing Press/Media Communications policy and to consider new Digital & Social Media policy

The existing Press and Media Communications policy had been circulated with a few minor amendments and it was resolved to adopt these.  A new proposed Digital and Social Medial policy had been circulated.  Cllr D Baker explained that DALC had advised there was no national or county policy but had provided a copy of another council’s policy that they would recommend.  One important point was that all social media input should be controlled by one person, who should be the Clerk.  This was because any issues could be dealt with through a disciplinary procedure whereas any issues with councillors would have to be dealt with under the Councillor Code of Conduct through MDDC.  It was resolved to adopt the policy.  The Clerk clarified that any village event could be publicised on Facebook

9.2              To note any update on ownership of overgrown south side of A377 opposite Newton House

Cllr P Taylor had carried out land registry map search and the area of land in question was not registered and was shown as white on the search.  The white area includes the church and churchyard which would seem to suggest that this land was in the same ownership.  Clerk to inform parishioner that the owner of the land is not certain but it is not the Parish Council.

9.3              Review of action plan and areas of responsibility

Draft copies had been circulated. Cllr J Baker had some queries and it was agreed to put this on next month’s agenda for discussion.   Cllr J Baker offered to amend the documents and circulate ahead of the next meeting.

9.4              Review of new e-mail addresses

There were still some connection issues.  It was resolved to minute that the Parish Council were working towards full implementation of the requirement for all Parish Councillors to use parish council e-mail addresses for PC business.  It was hoped this would be in place for the new council next May 

Minuted here but taken after item 3

10/11/18     Devon County Council

10.1            Outstanding Highways issues

Cllr J Enright thanked Cllr M Squires for providing answers to some of the outstanding queries.

  • Concrete blocks by Langford Road. This had been referred to the Bridges and Structures Department.  Councillors remained concerned especially as there were reports of skid marks on the road.  Cllr M Squires agreed to make further enquiries.
  • Advertising signs on A377. Our NHM had advised that he would put up notices requesting signs be removed within a month.  Any that are not will be removed by DCC.  This would apply to sigs on the public highway only.  It was agreed that it was important to treat all signs in the same way and business who required signs would be advised to apply for permission.
  • Curb at new school. Although previously advised that this will be actioned prior to building work sign off, it was noted that this is likely to be at least a year and given this caused a mobility issue this timescale was too long.  The Clerk would contact Ian Sorenson to find out if a work could be carried out sooner.
  • Missing bus pole at A377 Crediton to Exeter at Home Farm. This had been referred to the Transport Co-Ordination team
  • Resurfacing of School Hill. This was now scheduled for April 2019 and Cllr M Squires would e-mail highways for confirmation that it would not be pushed further back.
  • 20mps in Station Road at school times. Cllr J Enright reported that it was not policy to put 20mph outside schools unless a need can be proved.   Cllr D Baker reported that two parents had spoken to him with concerns about the speed of traffic along Station Road and Cllr S Parker confirmed that speeding was common when CSW operated in this area.  Cllr M Squires advised the Clerk to e-mail her and request a SCARF check is undertaken.
  • Flashing sign on School Hill obstructed with ivy. DCC would arrange a site visit
  • Manhole cover on bridge in Station Road. The manhole had been marked up and the work would be carried out by South West Water.
  • Road surface at entrance to Station Road from A377. Work was taking place
  • No stopping signs in bus stops. DCC had advised that these are only put in place if there is an access issue
  • Moving school flashing signs further down A377. No date had been agreed for work to take place

Cllr D Baker reported that the current temporary traffic lights just by the post office were causing a problem for the lollipop man and it had now been agreed that when required, both traffic lights would be switched to red so that children could cross. 

10.2            New DCC issues – overgrown hedges on Langford Road and small cement pile on A377 School Hill – both reported to DCC

DCC had inspected the hedges on Langford Road and would send a letter to the land owner requesting cutting.

Cllr C Southcott had updated the parish maintenance list supplied by the Clerk and had passed to Cllr S Parker for comment

There was some fly-tipping in the Half Moon layby and the Clerk would report to MDDC

10.3            Report from Cllr M Squires

Cllr M Squires had attended a recent HATOC meeting which had considered the consultation feedback regarding the parking restrictions outside the Parish Hall, one of which was the issue of being able to load/unload.   No comments had been received about the proposed parking restrictions opposite the Beer Engine so no discussion had taken place.

The Hanlons planning application had gone to committee yesterday and was approved subject to ten planning conditions, one of which was the installation of a footpath from the layby to the bus stop. 

11/11/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Devon Community Resilience Forum - 22nd November.  The CRP co-ordinator would attend

Request for brambles opposite Parish Hall to be cut – not a parish council issue so no action required.                                

12/11/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Rural Mental Health 

13/11/18     Date of next meeting: Thursday 6 December 2018 in the Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.30pm

End of Formal Business

Public Participation 

Three-way traffic lights would solve the problem with the lollipop man 

The meeting closed at 9.45pm