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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the

Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 6 September 2018                  

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members present

Cllr J Enright (chair)                      Cllr G Quicke

Cllr D Baker                                   Cllr A Reeves

Cllr J Baker                                    Cllr P Taylor

Cllr S Parker                                  Cllr C Southcott    

In attendance:  Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC (left 8.50pm), Cllr M Squires, DCC (arrived 8.10pm), 4 members of public, J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Business to be Transacted

 Public Participation

  • Police Report

         There was no report

  • Public Question Time

There were no questions

Formal Business 

01/09/18     Apologies

Cllr G Barnell – away 

02/09/18     Declaration of Interest

Item 9.5 – Cllrs D Baker and J Enright (PI), Item 5.3.8 – Cllr S Parker (PI) and Item 5.3.7 – Cllr A Reeves (PI) 

03/09/18     Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 5 July 2018

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/09/18     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:    

18/01196/HOUSE - Erection of single storey extension to rear at Orchard View 5 Meadowlands, West Town Road – no comment

18/00414/MFUL - Erection of extension to brewery to include alterations to provide additional restaurant/bar floorspace, amended entrance arrangements and outdoor dining area, and erection of 11 holiday lodges at Hanlons, Brewery Hill Farm, Newton St Cyres – no comment

18/01184/FULL - Change of use of land for the siting of a temporary agricultural worker's dwelling at West of Shute Cross, Shobrooke - consultation as a neighbouring authority – no comment

18/01183/MFUL - Erection of agricultural building for free range egg laying, clean, dirty water handling facilities, control room/packing area, 2 feed bins and creation of new access at West of Shute Cross, Shute, Shobrooke – consultation as a neighbouring authority – no comment

4.2              Planning Decisions: 18/00724/TPO - Application to fell one Beech tree protected by Tree Preservation Order at Garden House, Newton St Cyres, EX5 5BU – permission refused

18/001813/HOUSE - Creation of a new vehicular access at 2 Brook View – grant permission

18/00768/FULL - Change of use of restaurant/cafe (Class A3) to children’s nursery (Class D1) at Home Farm, Newton St Cyres – approval granted

4.3              To consider request from Crediton Town Council (CTC) to write to MDDC to oppose the decision to sell CTC offices to a private buyer

An e-mail from the CTC Clerk had been circulated explaining that CTC had used the offices for over 40 years and 12 other organisations also used the offices.  They wanted parity with Tiverton Town Council who had been allowed to purchase their council offices at 50% of the restricted value.  Cllr P Hare-Scott was invited to comment. He explained that Tiverton Town Council’s sale was a different situation as that building was listed and could not be used for other purposes.  When disposing of assets, MDDC were duty bound to get best value and a commercial buyer had been found and contracts would be exchanged shortly.  CTC had been offered the opportunity to remain at the offices, albeit it at a higher rent, but had declined. Cllr D Baker noted a letter in the local newspaper by MDDC’s Chief Executive which had explained the situation.  Cllrs resolved to make no comment.

4.4              To note visit by Tree Protection Officer to old school - there are some trees worthy of Tree Protection Order


4.5              To note data from Pollution monitor

Data for February to July had been circulated and it was noted that several months were very close to the 40 µg/m3 maximum allowable.  Cllrs would be interested to see information from other locations to see how close they came to the maximum.

4.6              To note the Recreation ground and Parish Hall have been successfully re-listed as a community asset


4.7              Report from Cllr P Hare- Scott

The Tiverton Town Hall site was being re-developed.  Two consultations were currently running; one for J27 and the other for the Culllumpton relief road.  Work was taking place on next years budget.  A query had been raised with regard to traffic along Langford Road and this would be on next month’s agenda, questions having been raised with planning. 

05/09/18     Finance

5.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr P Taylor and Cllr C Southcott

5.2              Parish Council Receipts Current Account:  None

5.3              Parish Council Payment Current Account - To ratify payments made in August





Amount £


R Nethercott

Strimming new churchyard



Simon Saunders

Grass Cutting



Quickes Traditional

Allotment hedge and topping



Dorset & Devon CRC

Grass Cutting at Churchyard



J Hole

Salary and expenses






New payments Current Account and 5.3.8 from Footpath Account

These were agreed as: 




Amount £



Training course for Cllr J Enright



Quickes Traditional

Repairs to fencing at churchyard



S Parker

Fuel for strimmer (FP account)




Domain reg and 9 x e-mail accounts



Devon Communities

Annual Membership



J Hole

Salary and expenses



5.4             Balances (after above transactions):       

5.4.1           Parish Council Current Account balance: £11,979.85

5.4.2           Footpath Account: £388.02 

5.4.3           Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £3,000.66

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor

Noted. Cllr D Baker enquired about the Village Green grant from MDDC and the Clerk explained that this would be the last year that MDDC would pay it.  Clerk to chase for payment.

5.6              Quarterly bank reconciliation (available at the meeting for signature)

Noted and signed                  

06/09/18     Matters raised by the Chair

6.1              Proposed new school path. To note receipt of draft Permissive Path agreement.  To discuss the legal costs of decision taken in July - minute ref 02/07/18 - item 6.2

Cllr D Baker expressed concern that legal costs were being incurred when the Council did not have full funding to build the path.  Legal costs would need to be paid even if the path did not go ahead.  In addition, Kingswood Homes had remained silent about the agreement.  The Clerk reported that the School were very supportive of the project and keen for the path to go ahead.  After discussion it was resolved to inform both sets of solicitors not to carry out any further work and to check with Kingswood Homes if they were in agreement in principal.  As previously agreed, the Clerk would make a CTF grant application, the deadline for which was 30 September.  A letter of support from the school was required. Clerk to put on agenda for next month for a further discussion on the future of the project. 

6.2              To note incident reported by litter picker – email previously circulated and to consider any actions required/changes to policies and procedures

The incident, where a litter picker was verbally abused and threatened by a member of the public, had been reported to the Police.  Cllr J Enright asked the Clerk to invite  PCSO to attend a Parish Council meeting to provide advice on how such matters should be dealt with.  It was important that the Parish Council amended all its policies to reflect police advice and ensure that all volunteers were aware what to do if they were abused or threatened and how such incidents should be reported.  Ideally the PCSO could also meet with volunteers.

6.3              Review of new e-mail addresses

New individual e-mail addresses with a extension had been set up for each Councillor and the Clerk.   Existing e-mail addresses would continue to be used as well as the new addresses until everyone was confident with the new set up.  A few Councillors were experiencing problems with using the new addresses.  The Clerk requested that the attachment size of files was increased from 8mb as this was too small to send all the attachments and Cllr J Enright would make enquiries.

6.4              To note defibrillator in Village was out of action for a few days due to possible vandalism

It was not clear if the defibrillator had been vandalised or if someone had tried to access it.  Cllr S Parker reported that there were too many books in the kiosk and these were impacting on the ease of access to the defibrillator.  It was agreed to remove the top shelf and Cllr S Parker would monitor the number of books to ensure they were kept at an acceptable level.  Next year’s budget should consider a new defibrillator for the Village kiosk as this was now at least five years old 

07/09/18     Councillor’s Reports    

7.1              Areas of Responsibility reports.  Allotment – to agree cost of clearing allotments and to note any items for allotment holders meeting 13 September.

New ChurchyardClerk to ask parishioner to mow the grass once more before winter

CSW – Cllr S Parker was waiting for PCSO Lisa Crocker to arrange a meeting

Station – 3rd place had been awarded in the Station competition

School - Cllr J Enright reported that the flashing lights on the A377 should be moved by the end of October.  The school had heard that it would be next year.  The School would be in favour of two flashing signs along Station Road and a 20mph speed limit during drop off and collection times. Cllr M Squires would make enquiries.

Parish Hall – Notes from the Car park meeting would be circulated next month

Recreation ground – Cllr C Southcott reported that due to insurance restrictions there would be no fireworks this year.  The safety fencing around the cricket wicket had been removed as requested by DAAT

Flowers – Cllr D Baker requested this was on the December agenda to allow arrangements for next year to be made in good time given that there were council elections in May

Facebook – Cllr D Baker requested that Cllr J Enright signed his posts on the Council’s facebook page to validate the post and avoid confusion with scam postings

 Allotments – The cost of clearing two allotment plots was agreed.  There were no items for the allotment holders’ meeting 

08/09/18     Clerk’s Report  

8.1              GDPR – As required by Standing Order 21 to agree adoption of policy/procedures to respond to a Subject Access Request and managing a data breach 

Standard SLCC policies had been circulated separately and it was resolved to adopt these.

8.2              Welcome leaflet – updated copy available at meeting for agreement

An updated copy was circulated and any amendments should be notified to the Clerk 

09/09/18     Parish Council

9.1              Risk Assessments (RA) – all areas to check/update risk assessments. RA required for assets (circulated), general/overall risk, CSW, Litter pickers, Arboretum (circulated), Footpath Warden – new     

The risk assessment of assets had been completed and was noted. Cllr G Quicke raised a concern about the longer-term liability of the old school path, which at some point would need maintenance.  It was agreed to make provision in next year’s budget.  Clerk to ask our NHO for spare road chippings.  All other areas needed to review and update their risk assessments.  Clerk to circulate to relevant councillors.  Cllr S Parker would look for a Footpath risk assessment.

9.3              To note concerns raised by parishioner regarding the overhanging branches/full trees growing on the south side of the A377 opposite Newton House and request for the Parish Council to adopt responsibility for this area.  E-mail circulated separately

It was not clear who owned this land and Cllr P Taylor agreed to make enquiries with Land Registry.  After discussion it was resolved that the Parish Council would not adopt responsibility for this area as the cost to maintain would be prohibitive and would mean an increased precept.  Clerk to inform parishioner and explain that we would try to find out who the owner was.

9.5              Training – to agree attendance at DALC AGM for Cllrs J Enright and D Baker - £25.00 each; Clerk’s attendance at Cemetery Management course - £80.00 and Cllr G Barnell attendance at Budget and Precept course - £25.00

Attendance at all was agreed.  Clerk to make bookings 

10/09/18     Devon County Council

10.1            Outstanding Highways issues

  • Drainage in Sand Down Lane – waiting for heavy rain to test drain
  • Concrete blocks by Langford Road – Cllr M Squires to discuss with Highways.

Cllr M Squires confirmed she had discussed with our Neighbourhood Highways Officer (NHO).  Cllrs were concerned that vegetation was covering the blocks which needed cleaning and replacing to ensure continued visibility to traffic

  • Retaining wall at Shuttern Brook – work was currently being undertaken
  • Advertising signs on A377 – Cllr M Squires to follow up.

Cllr M Squires confirmed she had spoken to our NHO.  Cllr D Baker requested that the Clerk write to Cllr M Squires with a list of outstanding items and copied the Head of Highways.  Some of the items had been outstanding for six months.

  • Curb at new school – Cllr M Squires to follow up and Kingswood Homes contacted

Cllr J Enright reported that DCC had advised that the work won’t be signed off until this had been completed.  The curb at the other side of the entrance was being left until it was known if the path would go ahead

  • Overgrown hedges, A377 Crown & Sceptre – reported to owner – now cut
  • Missing bus pole at A377 Crediton to Exeter at Home Farm. The Clerk had reported this to DCC and Cllr M Squires would add to her list. Cllr D Baker asked if no stopping signs had been put in all A377 bus stops and it was thought that this had not yet happened.
  • Obstruction of flashing sign at Smallbrook – this had been cleared. The flashing sign on School Hill was obstructed by ivy and Cllr J Enright advised that DCC were aware of this
  1. Resurfacing of School Hill – on the list, although the recent gas pipe laying works may cover some pot holes

10.2            To consider traffic amendment orders at Station Road/West Town Road

Details had been circulated.  The Parish Hall committee were in favour of the proposals and would be writing to support the order.  Cllr C Southcott was aware of some opposition regarding the Station Road proposals.  It was noted that this was a consultation and unhappy residents should write and object.  All Councillors were in favour of the amendments except Cllr C Southcott who voted against.

10.3            New DCC issues – manhole cover at Half Moon, e-mail from resident received

Clerk to report manhole cover at Half Moon.  It was noted that this had been continually repaired over a number of months    

Manhole cover on the River bridge in Station Road – Clerk to report

Road surface at Station Road entrance – Cllr M Squires to arrange for Cllr C Southcott to inspect with NHO.

10.4            Report from Cllr M Squires

Cllr M Squires gave a brief update on work she was involved with regarding the transition between children’s and adult services for children with special needs. 

11/09/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Local Neighbourhood Policing team meeting – 19 September

DALC Annual Report and accounts 

12/09/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future

Cllr A Reeves apologised for not attending the Council surgery in September 

13/09/18     Date of next meeting: Thursday 4 October 2018 in the Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.30pm 

End of Formal Business

Public Participation 

A Half Moon resident asked how long would it be for work to start on the Boniface Trail?  The exact timescale was not known and Cllrs P Taylor and S Parker would speak separately to the resident 

The meeting closed at 9.30pm