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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the

Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 5 September 2019

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm 

Members present

Cllr J Enright (Chair)                      Cllr G Quicke

Cllr R Cashmore                            Cllr G Scopes

Cllr D Hodge                                  Cllr C Southcott

Cllr L Ouldridge                             Cllr P Taylor


In attendance:  Cllr G Barnell, MDDC, (left 8.05pm), Cllr M Squires, DCC (arrived 8.30pm and left 9.30pm) 2 members of public (left 7.35 and 9.15pm), J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation 

Presentation by Brampford Speke, Upton Pyne and Cowley Community Land Trust (CLT) together with members of the Wessex Community Assets Trust

Alison Ward (Wessex Community Trust) gave a short presentation and Stewart Wass and Andrew Wiles (Brampford Speke and Upton Pyne and Cowley CLT) explained how their project had worked. (Alison’s presentation is available on Parish Council website)

A CLT is a not for private profit organisation set up to benefit a specific community.  CLT’s can own land and other assets which are important to a community starting with affordable housing.  They hold these assets so they are available and affordable for future generations.  A CLT would allow the community to have greater control over a housing project for example site selection, design, and occupancy criteria.  The CLT would lead the project and own the freehold but a Housing Association would have a long-term lease and would collect rent etc. CLT housing benefits people on low and average incomes unable to afford market house prices in their own communities.  Priority can be given to people with a community connection through residency, work or family. Wessex Community Trust would guide the CLT through the whole process and would charge a fee for its services on completion of a project but this fee would be recouped from the developer and there is no charge to the CLT or to the Parish Council. 

The Brampford Speke and Upton Pyne scheme had built seven houses and a play area.    

The next step for Newton St Cyres would be to hold a public meeting and see if a working group could be formed to take the project forward.  On average, it takes 4-6 years to complete a project. The project group could decide to set up its own CLT or it could enter an agreement with the existing Brampford Speke and Upton Pyne CLT and benefit from their experiences. It was important to have a project group with wide and varied skills. 

Cllr J Enright thanked Alison, Stewart and Andrew for attending and they left the meeting

Public Question Time

The double yellow lines opposite the hall were being obstructed by overgrown vegetation leading to vehicles parking and blocking the road.  Clerk to write to owner.

A parishioner commented that the draft proposal for the pedestrian crossing in the village centre which involved the use of land owned by Godolphin Close residents would not be possible as residents would not agree to sell.  Cllr J Enright confirmed that a letter from Godolphin Close resident’s association had been forwarded to DCC and their objections noted.

Formal Business

01/09/19     Apologies

Cllr S Parker (holiday)                  

02/09/19     Declaration of Interest

Item 4.1 19/01379/CAT - Cllr G Quicke – PI 

03/09/19     Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 4 July 2019

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/09/19     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:

19/01290/HOUSE - Conversion of barn to additional residential accommodation and garage at West Barn, Newton St Cyres – no comment

19/01379/CAT - Notification of intention to fell 1 Conifer tree within the Conservation Area at 5 Court Orchard, Newton St Cyres – no comment

4.2              Planning Decisions:        

19/01056/FULL – Change of use from post office to additional residential accommodation at 6 The Village, Newton St Cyres – grant permission

4.3              Update on traffic issues re Winscott Barton. To note Certificate of Lawful Use applied for

Cllr G Barnell advised that a decision was due tomorrow.  It was noted that a lot of objections had been registered on the MDDC planning portal including one from the Parish Council.

4.4              To note the annual result from the pollution monitor is 32.1 µg/m3, bias adjusted. This is below the 40 µg/m3 annual objective.  Draft report has been sent to Defra and monitoring is continuing for the time being   


4.5              MDDC have advised that approx. £2,705.00 of unallocated S106 money is available – to consider projects

The Clerk reported that £5,410.00 was available in total but had been split between Newton St Cyres and Shobrooke parish.  After discussion it was agreed to nominate the playground refurbishment project.  Three quotes for an item of play equipment were required and the Clerk would follow this up with the Rec.

4.6              District Councillor, Cllr G Barnell, to report on MDDC business relevant to the Parish - report circulated separately

Cllr G Barnell reported on the meeting held with Jamie Hulland and Tom Vaughan (DCC Highways), Cllr R Cashmore and Cllr M Squires to look at road safety on the A377.  It had been agreed at the meeting that a safety audit of the centre of the village would be carried out.  This would include: looking at a third option for a pedestrian crossing road layout as submitted by Cllr R Cashmore; road markings at the entrance to Station Road and lines of sights for the current bus stops. The meeting had also considered how to support the development of the Boniface Trail and DCC may be able to provide some project help.

Cllr G Barnell reported that MDDC would be giving a £2.1 million loan repayable over a number of years for the new GP building in Crediton. The building should be ready by 2021 and it was hoped would lead to improved health outcomes once up and running.

Cllr D Hodge asked what the safety priorities were for the A377 as crossing the road from/to Tytheing Close was becoming increasingly difficult.   Cllr G Barnell said there were issues all along the A377 with regard to lack of pavements and lack of safe crossings but the crossing in the centre of the village was the first priority.  Consideration would then be given to Tytheing Close, Smallbrook and a pavement at Half Moon.  The aim was to get a plan in place which was agreed by DCC, MDDC and the Parish Council, this would then be costed and a phased expenditure plan drawn up.  The issue of speeding through the parish would hopefully be addressed by average speed cameras

Cllr G Barnell reported that the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan had been further delayed but once published would have implications for this parish.  The plan would set out how housing targets would be met through planned structured developments rather than one-off contractor led developments.  It was noted that sites that were excluded for development could be used for social housing.  

05/09/19     Finance

5.1              Parish Council Receipts Current Account: None

5.2              Parish Council Payment Current Account: To ratify payments made in August




Amount £


Simon Saunders

Grass cutting parish



Simon Saunders

Grass cutting churchyard




Councillor Training




IT services (Original cheque lost in post)



J Hole

Salary and expenses



Payments to be made in September




Amount £


Devon Communities Together




J Hole

Salary and expenses










5.3              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr G Quicke and Cllr P Taylor

5.4              Balances (after above transactions):      

5.4.1           Parish Council Current Account balance: £14,774.49

5.4.2           Footpath Account: £388.02 

5.4.3          Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £4,505.50

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor

Noted.  The Clerk advised that the budget for grass cutting at the churchyard was likely to be exceeded this year. This was due in part to a change of contractor and the weather.

After discussion it was agreed to move additional money as required from grass cutting for the new graveyard and to review the budget for next year.

5.6              Quarterly bank reconciliation – available at the meeting for checking and signing.

This was duly signed

5.7              To agree letter to bank to authorise the bank to speak directly to the Clerk

A letter was duly signed

5.8              To consider annual subscription to The Parish Online map service at £75.00

Cllr R Cashmore explained the benefits of the subscription which included an online mapping service which could show multiple layers of information.  It was resolved to purchase for a year and monitor its usefulness.


06/09/19     Matters raised by the Chair

6.1              Update on NSC Parish Council 125-year anniversary

The History Society would make some enquiries but could not be specific about when.  It was resolved to adopt a 125-year logo for use on stationery and for publicity.  Cllr R Cashmore would forward a design to the Clerk.

6.2              To consider any nominations for the position of Vice Chairman

Cllr R Cashmore was duly elected as Vice Chairman 

07/09/19     Councillor’s Reports    

7.1              Areas of Responsibility reports.

Boniface Trail – the first land owner agreement had been agreed and would be signed very shortly

Bus shelterClerk to ask grass contractor to get rid of the weeds growing by the bus shelter opposite the village green

Clerks appraisal – Cllr J Enright would arrange

Footpaths – several issues had been identified and Councillors would e-mail the Clerk details

Litter pickers – Cllr L Ouldridge would arrange a meeting shortly

Neighbourhood Watch – Cllr D Hodge would arrange a meeting shortly

Car Park – Cllr J Enright would speak to the hall to arrange a meeting

Raddon Hills – next meeting was 28 October

Recreation Ground – the project to update the play equipment had started

Seats – the seat on School Hill had been repaired temporarily

7.1.1           Allotment – to consider request from an existing tenant to rent a further 4 plots to plant trees on and request for a discounted rent

 After discussion it was resolved that fruit trees only would be permitted and no discount would be given.

7.1.2           Issues raised at PC surgery  

July – overgrown hedge on A377 by Belluno obstructing visibility when pulling out – the Clerk had emailed and would chase

Attendance at future surgeries was agreed as follows:      September – Cllr P Taylor, October - Cllr D Hodge, November - Cllr J Enright and December - Cllr R Cashmore

7.2              Update on Hi-Viz jackets for CRG and possible pagers?

Cllr R Cashmore advised that a grant of up to £1,500.00 was available from DCC towards the cost of Hi-Viz jackets.  He would provide quotes and wording to the Clerk to apply for approximately 15 jackets.

An issue had been identified with the warning system for the tipping rain gauge which sends alerts via text message or e-mail.  The poor mobile signal meant text messages were not always received in a timely manner and e-mails were not appropriate.  Cllr R Cashmore had spoken to the rain gauge supplier to enquire if the message could continue to be sent until the recipient confirmed receipt.  Pagers had been considered but ruled out due to similar issues with coverage


08/09/19     Clerk’s Report  

8.1              To note the Thorverton handyman has resigned

The position had been advertised. 

8.2              To consider Introduction to VAT training course for Clerk cost £40.00

 It was resolved that the Clerk could attend.


09/09/19     Parish Council

9.1              Update on progress with Post Office and Community Shop

The provision of a Post Office service in the Parish Hall was being held up by an insurance issue.  Surveys for the siting of the new post box were currently being carried out.

A working group had been formed to look at the possibility of a Community Shop and one meeting had been held.  A questionnaire was being devised

9.2              To consider quotes for a new defibrillator in the Village centre

Quotes from three companies had been circulated.  After discussion it was resolved to order a new defibrillator from the supplier who had supplied the defibrillator at the Recreation Ground.  Cllr M Squires offered £265.00 towards the cost.

9.3              To consider if the Parish Council should encourage the formation of a Steering Group to look into the value of setting up a NSC Community Land Trust and, if so, whether the PC should apply for listing the old School site as an Asset of Community Value so that the PC may steer the development to provide affordable homes for local residents

It was resolved that the Parish Council should encourage the formation of a Steering Group and a public meeting would be arranged. 

It was resolved to apply to list the old school site as an asset of Community Value.  Clerk to apply. It was noted that if a CLT was formed it might be possible to use this for the proposed village shop.

9.4              To consider use of google drive support services

A paper had been circulated.  Cllr R Cashmore explained that using google drive would allow greater information sharing with Parishioners and increase community engagement.  The Clerk received lots of information which was forwarded to Councillors, some of which went on the agenda, some of which didn’t and was for information only.  He felt that this information should be shared with parishioners via a google drive link on the website and the link publicised in press reports etc.  It was resolved to trial this.  Agendas and meeting information would continue to be sent in the same way as at present and not subject to google drive at this time.

9.5              To agree attendance at DALC AGM, Conference and Exhibition on 23 October

Clerk to book places for Cllrs J Enright and R Cashmore 

10/09/19     Devon County Council

10.1            Outstanding Highways issues

  1. Curb at new school – waiting for 278 legal agreement sign off
  2. Speed restrictions in Station Road – SCARF re test requested
  3. Manhole cover on bridge in Station Road – with Utility Company.
  4. Moving school flashing signs further down A377 – now working. Delete from list
  5. Request for a School sign in Station Road and possible zig-zag lines outside the school – declined - requested this is re-considered
  6. Uncollected road signs
  7. Raised drain cover on A377 Crediton to Exeter near The Lodge
  8. Missing hatched markings at A377 junction with Station Road
  9. Tar on School Hill footpath
  10. Request for a Road Safety audit on A377 in centre of village
  11. Request for bollards on pavement by old school to be removed due to safety issue
  12. Request for consideration of a crossing at Tytheing Close
  13. Request for a new drain at Sand Down Lane
  14. Broken drain near Smallbrook – repaired. Delete from list


10.2            New DCC issues

The Church and Arboretum had requested a sign to warn of the dangerous road junction at the end of Church Lane where it joins the A377.  It was resolved to ask them to produce the proposed wording for agreement by the Parish Council who would put their name to the sign.  Cost to be met by Church/arboretum

10.3            County Councillor, Cllr M Squires, to report on DCC business relevant to the parish

Cllr M Squires had asked DCC if they could cut the grass verge from the Half Moon layby up to the bus stop.


11/09/19     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Belluno are happy to move the planter if we supply the tractor to move it

MDDC – how to report Fly tipping – circulated separately

CPRE presentation 18 September, 7pm, Boniface Centre – circulated separately

Changes to provision of public toilets in Mid Devon – circulated separately

Pavement parking at Half Moon causing an obstruction – advised to call 101/report to DCC.  The police had referred the parishioner back to the parish council.  It was agreed to put a note through resident’s doors asking them to be considerate of pavement users.

MDCC Tourism project – request for village information.  Clerk to provide information

MDDC Boundary review – details circulated


12/09/19     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Car and trailer parked in Tytheing Close

13/09/19     Date of next meeting: Thursday 3 October 2019 in the Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.00pm.   

End of Formal Business

Public Participation

There was none 

The meeting finished at 9.40pm