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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the

Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 4 April 2019

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm

Members present

Cllr J Enright (chair)                      Cllr S Parker

Cllr D Baker                                   Cllr G Quicke

Cllr J Baker                                    Cllr C Southcott

Cllr L Ouldridge                             Cllr P Taylor

In attendance: Cllr M Squires, DCC (left 7.40pm), Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC (left 7.35pm) 8 members of public, J Hole, Parish Clerk

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation

Police Report

Sgt V Grimwood reported that the police were not able to provide reports as they were very time consuming to produce.  Instead they would arrange meetings for parishes where concerning issues could be discussed.  An overview of crime could be accessed via  Cllr D Baker noted that out of the Raddon Hills parishes it appeared that only the Crediton parishes did not receive reports.

Public Question Time.


Formal Business

01/04/19     Apologies

Cllr A Reeves (work commitments)

02/04/19     Declaration of Interest

None noted

03/04/19     Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 7 March 2019  

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/04/19     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:


4.2              Planning Decisions:


4.3              To note any update on excessive agricultural traffic using Langford Road – enquiry to planning. 

Cllr J Enright reported that MDCC continued to investigate and it was hoped to have an update for the next meeting.

4.4              To note Pollution monitor results: Dec 18 - 38.92 and Jan 19 – 42.6.

This item was omitted from the agenda that was circulated to Councillors so no discussion took place.  The December and January results were noted.  A yearly average was required and it was hoped this would be available for the next meeting

4.4              Report from Cllr P Hare-Scott

Cllr P Hare-Scott reported this would be his last meeting and he was sorry to be leaving.  He expressed his thanks to Cllr D Baker for all is work over the years and to Newton St Cyres Councillors and parishioners, who make Newton St Cyres a great parish. Cllr J Enright thanked Cllr P Hare-Scott for his support for the parish during his term of office.

05/04/19     Finance

5.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr G Quicke and Cllr C Southcott

5.2              Parish Council Receipts Current Account: None

5.3              Parish Council Payment Current Account:

The grass cutting cheques were omitted from the agenda circulated to councillors but it was resolved to make payment at this meeting.





Amount £


Cardiac Science

New defibrillator pads



Simon Saunders

Grass cutting parish



Simon Saunders

Grass cutting churchyard



J Hole

Salary and expenses






5.4             Balances (after above transactions):       

5.4.1          Parish Council Current Account balance: £14,436.88

5.4.2          Footpath Account: £388.02 

5.4.3          Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £3,001.04

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor

This was noted

04/19     Matters raised by the Chair

6.1              Correspondence with A377 Action Group – question re how DCC is monitoring the safety of the junction of Station Rd and the A377 and the speed limit on Station Road?  Is there any access DCC risk assessments and/or internal briefing notes that might help with understanding the monitoring process involved?

Cllr J Enright reported that DCC would be measuring the speed of traffic on Station Road as part of the SCARF review.  As far as he was aware, no accidents connected with the junction of Station Road and the A377 had been reported and no comments or complaints had been forthcoming from parishioners or school parents.  The Parish Council did not have access to DCC risk assessments and it was suggested that the A377 Action Group could contact DCC directly to request access. Clerk to advise Action Group. Cllr D Baker suggested that perhaps the new council should consider a policy on how to respond to pressure/action groups to ensure that requests did not generate extra work for the council

6.2              Report from seminar attended “Devon’s’ New Housing Need”

Cllr J Enright gave a report of the meeting as follows.  Stephen Walford, MDDC Chief Executive reported 220,000 houses were built nationally in 2018 against a Government target of 300,000 per annum by mid-2020`s.  The National Housebuilders Federation target was 340,000 (developers average £70,000 return on each new build).  The South West needs 25,000 – 27,000 new houses and the current plan is for 31,000 per annum.  The new Greater Exeter Plan (2020 – 2040) was likely to show a target of 53,000 per annum.  MDDC population is 80,000 and its area is 23rd largest in the country with only 2% of MDDC land built on

Dr Philp Bratby from CPRE suggested the Government target is already too high and 250,000 per annum would satisfy the changing demographic need.

Kit Malthouse, Government Minister for Housing reported the Government target was a national target to keep house pricing affordable with the aim that prices should only increase with inflation.  Areas are able to negotiate lower numbers but need sound justification

07/04/19     Councillor’s Reports    

7.1              Areas of Responsibility reports.

Allotments – invoices for rent had been issued.  Two allotments had been dropped so far and the Clerk was chasing those tenants who had yet to pay.  Cllr L Ouldridge would promote the allotments in the Newton Wonder to include a photo of the site.

Arboretum – Annual walk and AGM planned for 8 May

Boniface Trail – Cllr P Taylor reported that Quickes had changed their solicitor and that the agreement continued to move forward.  Once agreed, other land owners would be approached to sign agreements and then a formal planning application would be made.

New churchyard – the grass would be cut shortly

Crediton Local Action Group – resolved to delete this group as no meetings had been held for some time.

Community Speed Watch – PSCO Lisa McMillan was now authorised to look at NSC local sites to agree which ones could be used.   Following this it was hoped that a meeting with local and Crediton volunteers could be held to take the scheme forward

Defibrillators – Cllr C Southcott requested a future agenda item to discuss the replacement of the defibrillator by the post office.  It was noted that there were various purchase options available, some of which included parts, maintenance and annual training.  Clerk to put on June agenda

Footpaths – Cllr S Parker reported that there were a couple of stiles to replace and some kissing gates to install.  Cllr J Enright suggested encouraging walkers to report issues and problems direct to Cllr S Parker and this could be advertised in the Newton Wonder.  It was noted that DCC would only cut the P3 paths once per year when requested.  It was suggested that the new council consider transferring some money to the footpath account to help pay for footpath strimming.

Neighbourhood Watch – One person was leaving the parish and would therefore cease to be involved with the scheme.  This would be picked up by the new council.

Next Door – members continued to grow.  A new website called “In your area” was also available

Noticeboards – Cllr C Southcott would replace the plastic sheeting on the noticeboard by the Rec.  The repair to the Smallbrook noticeboard had been carried out free of charge and a quote was due for the work required to the Village Green noticeboard

Recreation Ground – the AGM would take place shortly

Training – training for new councillors would be discussed at the May meeting

Flowers - Cllr S Parker would arrange these

Village Green – a quote had been requested for weed killing treatment

Issues raised at PC surgery - these had been addressed

Station – a new helper had been recruited to help with planting and maintenance.          

8/04/19     Clerk’s Report  

8.1              None

09/04/19     Parish Council

9.1              Review of Community Fair and defibrillator training

Cllr J Enright had sent a short questionnaire to participating ganisations and a summary of the results had been circulated.  The event was successful and organisations were happy with the layout and refreshment arrangements but thought a later start time would be better.  The defibrillator training was well attended and received good feedback, although it would have been preferable to keep the Club Room for refreshments through-out the whole event.  It was agreed the new council should consider how any future Community Fairs should be run including how to attract more people together with the frequency of the event. Cllr D Baker proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr J Enright for organising the event.

Cllr C Southcott would be willing to give a demo of the Rec defib to anyone interested

9.2              Review of Annual Parish Meeting and to note any actions required.

It was noted that attendance was high due to the discussion on the pedestrian crossing.  It was agreed that holding the meeting before a Parish Council meeting was a good idea. 

9.3              To note any update on caravans using Half Moon layby

The caravans had now left so this could be taken off the agenda.

10/04/19     Devon County Council

10.1            Outstanding Highways issues

Cllr J Enright gave a report on his recent meeting with Tom Vaughan, DCC Highways and the responses are shown in italics below

-Concrete blocks by Langford Road – Engineering Department are considering wire ropes to hold back any falling stones and remove the blocks. Timing unknown.

-Advertising signs on A377 – If the PC formally write to DCC then ALL signs will be immediately removed. It was resolved to put this on the agenda for the new council to consider.

-Curb at new school – Confirmed by Ian Sorenson that this will be done

-Resurfacing of School Hill - scheduled for night closure in early May. Estimated 3 nights. School Hill to Quickes.

-Speed restrictions in Station Road - The SCARF review will take place soon. It is unlikely that signage will be installed.

-Manhole cover on bridge in Station Road – A section 81 notice has been issued to the Utility Company. The work will be done.

-Moving school flashing signs further down A377 – delayed due to gas pipe road closures. They are looking into turning them off in the meanwhile. The aim is to remove and immediately re-site in the village centre.

-Drain at Sand Down Lane – best that the PC reports blockages on-line as they occur. Better still to clear it as they occur!! It was noted that this was on the handyman list to clear on a regular basis

-Request for a School sign in Station Road and possible zig-zag lines outside the school – request passed to Traffic Team

-Drains at Five Elms Lane – work anticipated to be done by December.

10.2            New DCC issues

Broken hazard sign in Station Road at A377 junction.  Cllr C Southcott reported this had been repaired.

Minuted here but take after item 4

10.3            Report from Cllr M Squires

Cllr M Squires reported that a recent e-mail to parishes from DCC outlined a new procedure for dealing with potholes which meant that pot hole reports were inspected and agreed against the criteria before repair gangs were sent out. However, it was best if all pot holes were reported online to DCC.   Delays to the A377 resurfacing were due to the gas works being carried out but this work had now been programmed for May and would include the stretch up the hill towards Quickes.

11/04/19     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Thank you letter from Mid Devon Mobility for grant

Request to fly the Red Ensign on 3 September 2019               

12/04/19     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda


13/04/19     Date of next meeting: Annual Parish Council Meeting Thursday 8 May 2019 in the Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.30pm. First meeting of the new council – please arrive early to sign forms

End of Formal Business

Public Participation

Could an additional drain be considered for Sand Down Lane?  Clerk to put on agenda for next meeting


The meeting closed at 8.35pm