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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the

Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 6 June 2019

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm

Members present

Cllr J Enright (Chair)                      Cllr G Quicke

Cllr R Cashmore                            Cllr C Southcott

Cllr D Hodge                                  Cllr G Scopes

Cllr L Ouldridge                             Cllr P Taylor

Cllr S Parker                                 

In attendance: Cllr M Squires, DCC, (left 7.55pm) 4 members of public (1 stayed to the end), J Hole, Parish Clerk

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation

Public Question Time

Road work signs had not been picked up.  Clerk to report to DCC.  Cllr D Hodge noted that he had picked up discarded gloves and rubbish from School Hill following the resurfacing work.

The bollards on the pavement outside the old school were causing a road safety issue by reducing visibility for traffic turning right out of Sand Down Lane – Clerk to report to DCC

The hatched markings on the entrance to Station Road had not been replaced following the resurfacing work.  Clerk to report to DCC.

Cllr J Enright noted that following a meeting earlier today with DCC the road markings on the A377 were being checked against google maps as since the resurfacing the markings had been slightly altered

Formal Business

01/06/19     Apologies

Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (unwell)

02/06/19     Declaration of Interest

None noted

03/06/19     Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 9 May 2019 (previously circulated)

Agreed and signed as a true record

04/06/19     Chairman`s Welcome to DCC & MDDC Councillors

Cllr J Enright welcomed DCC Cllr M Squires to her first meeting of the new council.  He explained that the role of County Councillors and Mid Devon Councillors at Parish Council meetings was to pass information relevant to the parish between County and the Parish and between District and the Parish.

05/06/19     Mid Devon District Council

5.1              Planning Applications:


5.2              Planning Decisions:


5.3              To note Pollution monitor results for March of 29.28 µg/m3. The Annual status report is currently underway and should be available in June.


5.4              To note grass cutting schedule for Court Orchard

Cllr J Enright passed on thanks to Cllr G Barnell for circulating the grass cutting schedule for Court Orchard

5.5              District Councillor, Cllr G Barnell, to report on MDDC business relevant to the Parish  

A report had been circulated and was noted

06/06/19     Finance

6.1              Parish Council Receipts Current Account:




Amount £


Thorverton PC

Audit carried out by clerk



Feniton PC

Audit carried out by clerk



6.2              Parish Council Payment Current Account:

These were agreed as:




Amount £



Housing Seminar for Cllr J Enright











Garden Club




J Hole

Salary and expenses (incl £200.00 from FPC and TH PC)










6.3              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr G Quicke and Cllr P Taylor

6.4              Balances (after above transactions):      

6.4.1           Parish Council Current Account balance: £17,753.52

6.4.2           Footpath Account: £388.02 

6.4.3          Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £4,502.04

6.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


6.6              Quarterly bank reconciliation – available at the meeting for checking and signing

This was duly signed

07/06/19     Matters raised by the Chair

7.1              To note request by Church to put a stall on the Village Green on 7 June between 2.30-4.30 to engage the village in a global wave of prayer.  Insurance held by church

Permission was granted subject to the Church making good any damage to the grass, informing residents of the event and ensuring health and safety issues were considered such as not obstructing traffic’s line of sight.

7.2              To note NSC Parish Council is 125 years old this year – to consider any actions

It was agreed that Cllr L Ouldridge would undertake some research for a possible Newton Wonder article.  A note on the letterhead/website and display boards could also be considered.

08/06/19     Councillor’s Reports    

8.1              Areas of Responsibility reports.

8.1.1           Allotment – report from allotment holder meeting 

Cllr L Ouldridge had invited allotment holders to attend a meeting to discuss issues with rats and two allotment holders had attended together with Cllr D Hodge and the Clerk.  It appeared that an allotment holder had moved house and would be giving up four allotments and the tenant who had reported the rat problem would take over these four allotments which were some distance from her current plot.  It appeared that allotment holders were already using rat poison placed in plastic bate boxes.  Cllr D Hodge had sourced an advice leaflet on how to deal with rats and the clerk would circulate to all allotment holders.   There was an old shed on a vacant plot and it was thought that the roof may be asbestos.  Cllr D Hodge offered to take a sample and arrange for this to be tested at a cost of £50.00.  This was resolved.  Depending on the results of the test, further consideration would be given to whether or not a skip was required to help tidy up the allotments and to get rid of rubbish.  Cllr L Ouldridge had looked to see if any grants were available to help tidy and improve the allotments but grants were only available to registered associations.  A sample health and safety policy was circulated.  It was noted that it was difficult to keep plots in a rentable state.  Perhaps a deposit scheme could be considered to help encourage tenants to clear their site when leaving?   The Clerk advised that this had been considered previously but DALC had advised against a deposit.  The Clerk would circulate details of income and expenditure for the allotments over previous years.  The Clerk noted that an enquiry had been made for using a plot for planting fruit trees and it was agreed that a pro rata rent could be charged and trees in accordance with the tenant agreement were permitted.

Issues raised at PC surgery - overhanging branches by Meadowlands – Cllr S Parker would inspect the site.  Water supply to the allotments – it was agreed that this should be put on a wish list for if and when the old school site was redeveloped.

Footpath support – this was still under review.  Cllr C Southcott reported an overgrown path by Lake Farm and Cllr S Parker would contact DCC Footpath Warden to request further strimming work be carried out

Community Resilience Group – Cllr R Cashmore had contacted the NSC flood group and was waiting for updates. 

Environment Agency Consultation on draft strategy for flood – Cllr R Cashmore’s report would follow next month

Neighbourhood Watch - Cllr D Hodge reported that NHW was no longer supported by PSCO‘s and the scheme was now run through alerts from the police.

Recreation Ground – the AGM was 26 June

Footpaths – Cllr S Parker noted that the old school path required strimming and the Clerk would arrange for the parish grass contractor to strim.

Parish Hall – the AGM had taken place and it was reported that hall bookings were up by 20%.  Various maintenance work was scheduled to be carried out during the year.                

09/06/19     Clerk’s Report  

9.1              Training – to note 3 councillors have been booked on Councillor training course


10/06/19     Parish Council

10.1            To note correspondence received re pedestrian crossing – circulated separately together with draft revised plan for comment

5 comments had been received including one since the agenda had been circulated.  Cllr R Cashmore had passed his draft revised plan to DCC at the meeting earlier today.  Following review, Cllr R Cashmore hoped that DCC would contact the Parish Council with 3 options detailing the pros and cons of each.  Cllr J Enright stated that once DCC had finalised the options, a further public consultation would be held.  He stressed that even if an option was selected there were currently no funds available and the implantation of any scheme was a long way away.  The Clerk would forward all comments to DCC.

10.2            To consider if we should request an A377 crossing at Tytheing Close

After discussion it was resolved that it would be desirable to have a pedestrian refuge to allow safer crossing of the A377 by Tytheing Close crossing between Tytheing Close.  The Clerk would inform DCC and request that this was given serious consideration, although it was noted that agreement would be very unlikely unless it was part of the old school redevelopment.

10.3            Average speed cameras – to note request these be extended to Half Moon

The current proposal was for ASC between Quickes Home Farm and the old school where the speed limit was 30mph.  The speed limit from the old school site down to Half Moon was 40mph and it would not be possible for ASC to go across speed limits.

10.4            To consider if we should apply for the Quality level of the Quality Council Scheme. Cost of application £130.00

If achieved, this award would demonstrate that the Parish Council has good governance and effective community engagement.  It was resolved to apply for the Quality level and the Clerk would check the criteria and advise on actions required.

10.5            To approve minor amendments to Co-option, Press & Media and Digital & Social Media policies

Amendments had been circulated and it was resolved to accept these

10.6            To consider if we should replace the defibrillator in the Village centre

It was noted that the defibrillator had been in place for some time and it was agreed that it was essential that the defibrillator was maintained in accordance with recommendations to ensure that if it was required in an emergency it would work properly. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact the supplier for maintenance information and arrange a site inspection visit. 

10.7            Request from parishioner to consider an electric car charging point at the Parish Hall

After discussion it was resolved that the Clerk should pass the request to the Parish Hall.

10.8            To consider letter from Brampford Speke, Upton Pyne & Cowley Community Land Trust

A letter had been circulated.  Councillors felt more information was required before any decisions could be made and Cllr R Cashmore agreed to contact the Trust representatives.

10.9            To agree a letter of support for NSC Tennis Club for use in applying for grants

It was resolved that the Clerk should send a letter of support

10.10          To note proposed closure of village Post Office/shop at the end of June and to consider any action

A consultation had been received from Post Office Limited which stated the temporary closure of the Post Office on 19 June.  It was agreed that if an alternative community run post office was to be set up, then a volunteer from the community was required to lead the project.  The Parish Council, would provide support where it could but would not run the project.  It was resolved to invite a representative from the Post Office to the next Parish Council meeting on Thursday 4 July at 7pm and possibly someone with experience of running a community post office.   The Clerk would ask the current owners if it would be possible for the PO and shop to be rented.  If not, to ask the Parish Hall if they would consider a portacabin the parish hall car park.  The meeting would be publicised as widely as possible to include the Newton Wonder and Facebook

Minuted here but taken after item 4

11/06/19     Devon County Council

Cllr M Squires had requested a site meeting with Highways to look at safety concerns regarding the operation of the School Crossing Patrol.  This had taken place earlier today and Cllr J Enright had also attended.  Cllr M Squires was concerned that since the A377 had been resurfaced, the white lining had been altered which meant that when buses were parked in the bus stop the line of sight for the School Crossing Patrol was reduced.  The recent incident where a car struck the Lollipop man was noted and it was confirmed that DCC were aware of the incident.  It was resolved that the Clerk should request that DCC carry out a formal safety audit on the A377 in the centre of the village.

Cllr J Enright had received an email from Cllr G Barnell earlier today asking who was responsible for the routine weeding and strimming of the pathway and banks leading to the Court Orchard from the main road and roads and paths in Tytheing Close and New Estate.  It was thought that these areas were MDDC responsibility

11.1            Outstanding Highways issues

-Concrete blocks by Langford Road – informed by DCC that the white lines will be adjusted

It was confirmed that the lines had been adjusted and this could be removed from the list.  It was noted that the height of the concrete block had been reduced.  There was an intention to put a steel mesh over the hill at some point in the future

-Curb at new school – Ian Sorenson to discuss it with the agreements officer, works are part of the section 278 legal agreement and this cannot be passed as complete until the drop kerb is in. There was no further update.

-Speed restrictions in Station Road. The SCARF result had been circulated.  A hand held speed check had been carried out in Station Road between 8.45am and 9.15am and a total of 74 car movements were recorded.  Of these 4 were above 34 mph and another 6 were above 30mph. The average speed had been calculated as 25mph and it was concluded by DCC that no further action was required.  Cllr R Cashmore asked if a camera could be installed for a week as this would catch speeding traffic at all times during the day before and after the school rush.  Cllr M Squires advised that a speed camera would usually only been installed if the SCARF check showed a significant problem.  After discussion it was resolved that the Clerk should request a re-test at a different time of day.

-Manhole cover on bridge in Station Road – A section 81 notice has been issued to the Utility Company. No further update

-Moving school flashing signs further down A377. Cllr J Enright reported that following his meeting today with DCC and the engineer responsible for the work, the lights would be moved within the next two weeks.  Councillors pointed out that the school moved 12 months ago and promises to move the lights in the next two weeks had been received on numerous occasions before.  It was noted that a school warning notice had been put up at the end of Station Road.

-Request for a School sign in Station Road and possible zig-zag lines outside the school – With Traffic Team. Cllr J Enright reported that this request had been turned down for the present.

11.2            New DCC issues

Following the resurfacing work a man-hole cover on the A377 just by the Lodge was not level with the road surface.  Clerk to report to DCC  

11.3            County Councillor, Cllr M Squires, to report on DCC business relevant to the parish Cllr Squires reported that she had been elected Vice Chair of Devon County Council and congratulations were offered.  She was also on the Children’s Scrutiny Committee.

12/06/19     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Election to DALC County Committee – there were no nominations

Thank you from Rec for annual payment

Arboretum Festival – 15 June

Devon Communities Action for Wildlife Conference       

13/06/19     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Cllr R Cashmore to table a proposal for using the Cloud to store Parish Council documents.

Cllr L Ouldridge noted that the annual report would be printed shortly and the Clerk would arrange for councillors to collect their copies for distribution              

14/06/19     Date of next meeting: Thursday 4 July 2019 in the Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.30pm with a pre-meeting to discuss the Post Office at 7pm

End of Formal Business

Public Participation

There was none.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm