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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Annual Parish Council Meeting held in the

Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 9 May 2019

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm

Members present

Cllr J Enright (Chair)                      Cllr G Quicke

Cllr R Cashmore                            Cllr C Southcott

Cllr L Ouldridge                             Cllr G Scopes

Cllr S Parker                                 

In attendance: 5 members of public, J Hole, Parish Clerk

Business to be Transacted

Councillors duly signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms prior to the start of the meeting and Register of Members’ Interest Forms were given out.  It was noted that Register of Interest Forms must be completed within 28 days and returned to the Clerk for forwarding to MDDC. 

Cllr J Enright welcomed all members of the new council.

01/05/19     Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

1.1              To accept nominations for the election of Chairman – to receive the Chairman’s declarations of acceptance of office form

Cllr J Enright was proposed by Cllr S Parker and seconded by Cllr R Cashmore and it was resolved unanimously to elect Cllr J Enright as chair.  Cllr J Enright duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance form and chaired the meeting

1.2              To accept nominations for the election of Vice-Chairman

There were no councillors willing to stand.  Cllr J Enright suggested that the matter be considered again at the September meeting by which time newer Councillors will be more familiar with the workings of the Council

Public Participation - Standing orders to be suspended

Cllr C Southcott noted that the grass in Court Orchard had been allowed to grow quite long before it was cut.  Now it had been cut it was messy and slippery.  Clerk to inform Cllr G Barnell, MDDC and request a grass cutting schedule.

Standing Orders re-instated                 

02/05/19     Apologies

Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (Induction training), Cllr M Squires, DCC (apology received after the meeting)

03/05/19     Declaration of Interest

None noted

04/05/19     Minutes of the last meetings held on Thursday 4 April 2019

Agreed and signed as a true record

05/05/19     To consider any applicants for co-option – two posts are available

Standing orders were suspended and Cllr J Enright asked if any members of the public were willing to stand for co-option.  Damien Hodge and Paul Taylor were willing to stand for co-option.  Cllr J Enright invited both to introduce themselves and say a few words about why they wished to be a Parish Councillor.  Both were proposed by Cllr C Southcott and seconded by Cllr R Cashmore and it was agreed unanimously to co-opt.   Declaration of Office Forms were duly signed and both joined the meeting as councillors and were welcomed by the Chair.  Standing orders were reinstated.         

06/05/19     To adopt the Power of Competency

The Council is eligible to adopt this power as more than 2/3rds of Councillors were elected and the Clerk is qualified. 

A brief explanation of the power had been circulated.  It was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously that the Parish Council should adopt the power of competency.

07/05/19     Mid Devon District Council

7.1              Planning Applications: None

7.2              Planning Decisions:

19/00151/LBC - LBC to replace existing cement render with lime-based render on front elevation/replace internal skirting boards with ventilated skirting on the ground floor front elevation at 1 Silks Cottages, Newton St Cyres

7.3              Report from newly elected District Councillor G Barnell

There was no report 

08/05/19     Election of Officer, Committee and Representatives

8.1   Allotment Officer - Cllr L Ouldridge

8.2   Arboretum Management Group - Cllr D Hodge

8.3   Boniface Trail Representative -  Cllr S Parker                           

8.4   Community Engagement Officer - Cllr J Enright (as Chair)

8.5   Community Speed Watch Officer  - Cllr G Scopes

8.6   Development Group - Cllrs J Enright (as Chair), R Cashmore P Taylor and G Quicke

8.7   Flood/Emergency Plan Integration Officer - Cllr R Cashmore

8.8   Highways and Railways Liaison Officer - Cllr C Southcott

8.9   Link with Primary School -  Cllr G Quicke                                 

8.10  Neighbourhood Litter Officer -  Cllr L Ouldridge                   

8.11  Neighbourhood Watch Officer -  Cllr D Hodge                        

8.12  Parish Car Park Management Group -   Cllr J Enright (as Chair) and Vice Chair

8.13  Parish Footpath Officer -  Cllr S Parker plus Cllr G Scopes. 

8.14  Parish Hall Representative  -  Cllr G Quicke

8.15  Press Officer - Cllr L Ouldridge                     

8.16  Raddon Hills Representative - Cllrs J Enright, R Cashmore, S Parker

8.17  Recreation Ground Representative - Cllr C Southcott

8.18  Snow Warden Co-ordinator - Cllr G Scopes                   

8.19 Staff & Personnel Committee - Cllrs J Enright (as chair), G Quicke and P Taylor

8.20  Training Officer - Cllr P Taylor

8.21  Website/Facebook Officer - Clerk   

Footpaths - It was resolved that the footpath support paper which allocated a footpath for each councillor to walk twice a year should be reviewed and Cllr S Parker would update for the next meeting.

09/05/19     To review Policies and procedures (on website unless otherwise circulated)

9.1              Standing Orders - approved

9.2              Financial Regulations - approved

9.3              Updated Contents of Councillors’ Reference Pack.  The updated list had been circulated and was agreed.  Clerk to issue amended packs as soon as possible

9.4              Terms and References for Committees   - approved

9.5              Council’s Complaints procedure - approved

9.6              Council’s procedure for handling requests made under FOI - approved

9.7              Council’s policy Media Communication policy.  Cllr J Enright requested an amendment to state that all press releases should be reviewed by the Chair and Clerk prior to publication.  Clerk to table amended policy at the next meeting

9.8              Councils Digital and Social Media policy – Cllr J Enright requested an amendment to allow the Chair to post direct to Facebook rather than forwarding information to the Clerk to post.  Clerk to table amended policy at the next meeting

9.9              Council’s Community Resilience Plan – approved.  Clerk to update names of Councillors and arrange printing as previously agreed.

9.10            Temporary signs on the Village Green Policy - approved

9.11            Training and Development Policy - approved

9.12            Community Engagement Strategy - approved

9.13            Equal Opportunities Policy - approved

9.14            Grant Awarding Policy -approved

9.15            Parish Council’s Acton plan - approved

9.16            Code of conduct - approved

9.17            Overall Risk Management policy - approved

9.18            Health and Safety policy statement - approved

9.19            Asset register - noted

9.20            Confirmation of Insurance cover - approved.  Details had been circulated separately and it was noted that the council was in a long-term agreement with the insurance company so no other quotes had been obtained

9.21            To agree payment of employee membership of SLCC (approx. £100.00) - approved

9.22            To agree Travel and Subsistence Allowances (in line with HMRC recommendations) - approved

9.23            To confirm dates of Council Meetings inc APM up to December 2020 - agreed

9.24           Bank Mandate and Signatures.  All new councillors would be added as signatories and those Councillors no longer serving would be removed.  New signatories who did not bank with NatWest would need their identity verified by the bank and this verification should be forward to the Clerk who would obtain the correct bank form for completion. 

9.25            Statement of internal control.  A new statement had been circulated and it was resolved to adopt this

The Clerk noted that the Co-option policy had been missed off the list and required a small amendment.  Clerk to table amended policy at the next meeting

The distribution list was updated and the Clerk would circulate the updated list.

10/05/19     Finance

10.1            Parish Council Receipts Current Account:  





 Amount £


DALC (received in last financial yr)

Raddon Hill Admin payment




Precept (1st instalment)




Allotment rent



Parish Hall

Contribution to resurfacing






10.2            Parish Council Payment Current Account

 It was resolved to make the following payments




Amount £


Parish Hall

Rent of room Jan to March



Ian Salter

Bus shelter cleaning




Affiliation fees



Information Commissioner

Data Protection



Parish Hall

Grant - £500.00 and Wi-Fi obligation - £200.00



Recreation Ground

Annual payment



Reserve Account

Car park resurfacing fund

(incl £750 from hall)



Simon Saunders

Grass cutting green



J Hole

Salary and Expenses



Zurich Insurance







The Clerk noted that the Chairman’s allowance had been used to purchase a small gift for the internal auditor and this was duly approved.

10.3            To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

                   Cllr G Quicke and Cllr S Parker

10.4            Balances (after above transactions):     

Parish Council Current Account balance: £18,150.54, Footpath Account: £388.02 and Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £4,501.04

10.5            Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


10.6            10.6.1 Annual Return - approve Part 1 Annual Governance Statement 2018/19

Annual Return documents were posted on the Council’s website

Councillors resolved unanimously to approve Part 1 and the Chair and Clerk duly signed the form

                   10.6.2 Annual Return - approve Part 2 Accounting Statements 2018/19

Councillors resolved unanimously to approve Part 2 and the Chair and Clerk duly signed the form

                   10.6.3 To sign Certificate of Exemption stating that during 2018/19 the higher of the authority’s income for the year or gross annual expenditure did not exceed £25,000

This was duly confirmed and the form signed by the Chair and Clerk

10.7            To consider cost of weed killer treatment to village green at £80.00

It was resolved to accept this quote

11/05/19     Matters raised by the Chair


12/05/19     Councillor’s Reports

12.1            To allocate areas of Responsibility      

Item / Area

Councillor responsible


Cllr R Cashmore


Cllr L Ouldridge

Arboretum Management Group

Cllr D Hodge

Boniface Trail

Cllr S Parker

Bus Shelters (5)


Village - Cllr P Taylor, Old School - Cllr D Hodge

Half Moon – Cllr G Scopes


Cllr R Cashmore

Cllrs Reference Pack


Community Engagement Officer


Community Speed Watch Scheme

Cllr G Scopes

Development Group

Cllrs J Enright, P Taylor, G Quicke, R Cashmore

Flood & Emergency Plan Integration Officer

Cllr R Cashmore

Footpaths & Bridleways

Cllr S Parker with Cllr G Scopes

Highways and Station

Cllr C Southcott

Links with the School

Cllr G Quicke

Litter Collection

Cllr L Ouldridge

Neighbourhood Watch Officer

Cllr D Hodge


Cllr S Parker

Notice Boards (7)


Langford - Cllr J Enright;

Half Moon – Cllr G Scopes;

Sand Down Lane – Cllr D Hodge;

Village - Cllr S Parker;

Station - Cllr C Southcott;

Smallbrook - Cllr G Quicke;

Tytheing Close – Cllr D Hodge

Old School Site

Cllr J Enright

Parish Council Archives

Parish Clerk

Parish Council Surgeries

All Cllrs by rotation

Parish Hall

Cllr G Quicke

Policy Statements

Chairman/Parish Clerk

Press Officer

Cllr L Ouldridge

Pump in Pump Street

Cllr S Parker

Quality Council

Cllr J Enright

Raddon Hills Group of Councils

Cllrs J Enright, R Cashmore and S Parker

Recreation Ground Club

Cllr C Southcott

Risk Assessment

Cllrs G Quicke, D Hodge


Village Green and Court Orchard – Cllr S Parker; School Hill – Cllr D Hodge

Snow Warden Coordinator

Cllr G Scopes

Telephone Boxes

Beer Engine Box - Cllr C Southcott

Village Green - Cllr S Parker

Training Officer

Cllr P Taylor

Village Flowers

Cllr S Parker

Village Car Park

Cllrs J Enright and Vice Chair

Village Green

Cllr S Parker

Website and Facebook page

Parish Clerk


It was noted that there was no risk assessment for the allotments.  All risk assessments were now posted on the website and should be reviewed by the Councillor responsible for that area.

12.2            Areas of responsibility reports and to agree Parish Surgeries Councillors

Attendance at Parish Surgeries for the next three months was agreed as:

Cllr L Ouldridge – June; Cllr G Quicke – July and Cllr C Southcott - August.  Cllr J Enright suggested that new councillors may like to attend the surgery with another councillor in the first instance.

Allotment – a tenant had reported a problem with rats and had asked if rat poison could be used and whether other tenants would be able to share the cost.  After discussion it was resolved that rat poison should only be considered as a last resort. Clerk to forward query to Cllr L Ouldridge for her to reply

13/05/19     Clerk’s Report - none

14/05/19     Parish Council

14.1            To consider any training requirements

Clerk to circulate DALC new councillor training dates

15/05/19     Devon County Council

15.1            Outstanding Highways issues (latest updates in italics) and to consider policy on advertising signs along A377

-Concrete blocks by Langford Road – Engineering Department are considering wire ropes to hold back any falling stones and remove the blocks. Timing unknown. It was resolved that the Clerk should contact DCC urgently and request that when the white lining is re-applied following the tarmac work scheduled for next week, the lines be adjusted to allow for correct traffic lanes

-Advertising signs on A377 – If the PC formally write to DCC then ALL signs will be immediately removed. After discussion it was resolved that the Parish Council did not wish to have a blanket ban on advertising signs. It was resolved that any issues with signs would be dealt with on an individual basis.  If a sign posed a health and safety risk, then it may be necessary to consult with Highways.

-Curb at new school – Confirmed by Ian Sorenson that this will be done.  It was noted that dropped curbs had been completed at the entrance to Kingfisher Close but the work had not included the dropped curb at the school.  Clerk to contact Ian Sorenson and request a date by which the work would be done.

-Resurfacing of School Hill - scheduled for night closure in early May. Estimated 3 nights. School Hill to Quickes. Remove from list

-Speed restrictions in Station Road - The SCARF review will take place soon. It is unlikely that signage will be installed. Clerk to request update

-Manhole cover on bridge in Station Road – A section 81 notice has been issued to the Utility Company. The work will be done.

-Moving school flashing signs further down A377 – delayed due to gas pipe road closures. They are looking into turning them off in the meanwhile. The aim is to remove and immediately re-site in the village centre. Clerk to request update

-Drain at Sand Down Lane – best that the PC reports blockages on-line as they occur. Better still to clear it as they occur – delete from list as this is on the maintenance schedule

-Request for a School sign in Station Road and possible zig-zag lines outside the school – request passed to Traffic Team. Clerk to request update

-Drains at Five Elms Lane – work anticipated to be done by December. DCC report that contractor has cleared gully 18/3/19

15.2            New DCC issues

Pot holes in Godolphin Close had been reported

15.3            Report from Cllr M Squires

There was no report

15.4            To consider a new drain in Sand Down Lane

After discussion it was resolved that this was not a Parish Council issue.

16/05/19     Miscellaneous Correspondence

E-mail from A377 Action Group – comments noted.  Clerk to reply there is a footpath through Court Orchard, and some new cross hatching on the road which helps guide traffic. 

E-mail from school PTA – Clerk to advise PTA of grant policy and request they apply in November.  Cllr R Cashmore said the PC should ensure that all other promised funding was in place before any PC grant was given.  He would supply a list of grant organisations for information.

Consultation on proposed expansion of the Exe Valley Federation to include Silverton School – resolved that the Clerk should send a letter of support

Devon’s best churchyard competition – forwarded to Church

17/05/19     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Letter of support for tennis club grant application

Quality Council

Comments re pedestrian crossing

Crossing at Tything Close          

18/05/19     Date of next meeting: Thursday 7 June 2019 in the Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.30pm

End of Formal Business

Public Participation

There was none

The meeting closed at 9.45pm