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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the

Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 6 February 2020                 

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm


Members present

Cllr J Enright (Chair)                      Cllr S Parker

Cllr R Cashmore                            Cllr G Quicke

Cllr D Hodge                                  Cllr G Scopes

Cllr C Southcott                             Cllr P Taylor

Cllr L Ouldridge                            

In attendance:  Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (left 7.30pm), 3 members of public, J Hole, Parish Clerk

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation

There were various pieces of discarded equipment in the field next to the new school.  Clerk to contact Kingswood and ask them to clear it

Dog mess was a problem down West Town Lane.  Note to go in Newton Wonder

An email had been received regarding cars parking on the double yellow lines near the Beer Engine which was causing a hazard for pedestrians and cars alike.  However, enforcement of parking restrictions is not a Parish Council issue and should be reported to parking enforcement or to the Police.  

Formal Business

01/02/20     Apologies

Cllr M Squires, DCC (arrived at 8.45pm after the end of the meeting) 

02/02/20     Declaration of Interest

Cllr G Quicke advised that the Planning Application for Bakers Farm was put in by a relative (Item 4.1) 

03/02/20     Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 5 December 2019

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/02/20     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:

20/00040/HOUSE - Formation of new opening at first floor level to include installation of French doors and Juliet balcony at 10 Tytheing Close, Newton St Cyres – no comment

Since the agenda had been circulated two planning applications had been received and details circulated to Councillors.  It was resolved to consider both at this meeting.  Cllr G Quicke declared a Personal Interest as noted above.

20/00131/FULL - Erection two single storey extensions to rear and side following demolition of existing extensions; construction of swimming pool and pool house; refurbishment and extension of barn for use as agricultural store; erection of bat box and installation of ground mounted solar panels and ground source heat pump at  Bakers Farm, Newton St Cyres, Exeter EX5 5BS – no comment

20/00135/LBC - Listed Building Consent for internal and external alterations and erection two single storey extensions to rear and side following demolition of existing extensions at Bakers Farm, Newton St Cyres, Exeter EX5 5BS – no comment         

4.2              Planning Decisions:

19/01208/CLU - Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of buildings as mixed use of agricultural storage and commercial storage (Class B8) for a period in excess of 10 years for Wiscott Barton – refusal of certificate

Standing orders were suspended and Cllr G Barnell commented that he had been asked by residents to find out what enforcement action may be possible as an excessive number of lorries continued to use Langford Road.  Standing orders were reinstated.

4.3              Update on nomination for old school site to be listed as an asset of community value – appeal to MDDC Chief Executive was denied

The Chief Executive had stated that there was no action that he could take.  This was a disappointing response; the Parish Council housing survey had shown that eleven households were in need of affordable housing and the ideal site and one which the Parish Council could take an active part in developing was not available to the PC. 

4.4              Mid Devon Local Plan Review – Proposed Main Modifications Consultation – to consider any comments. 

Details had been circulated and Cllr J Enright stated that the modifications were not in this parish although additional traffic generated by developments outside the parish, would impact.

4.5              To consider a letter to MDDC (at the request of Cllr G Barnell) to ensure they are aware of the impact on the parish of new housing developments north of the parish.  This may help in securing future CIL contributions.

It was resolved that the Clerk should write to MDDC as requested by Cllr G Barnell

4.6              To note MDDC have declined to install and pay for a new waste bin as requested by the arboretum.  The PC may pay for installation and collections costs

Costs had been circulated.  Another option was to move an existing underused bin and Councillors would consider if there were any that could be relocated.  Cllr D Hodge would inform the Arboretum Committee at the next meeting.

4.7              District Councillor, Cllr G Barnell, to report on MDDC business relevant to the Parish

Cllr G Barnell reported that he would be meeting the Planning Development Management Team Leader to find out what S106 agreements had been made previously with regard to Crediton.  For smaller developments CIL contribution was based on floor space but for larger developments the contribution was in the form of a S106 agreement negotiated at the time of the planning application.  Previously, Planning Officers had been responsible for the negotiations, but Cllr G Barnell would like more involvement from Ward Councillors and from Parish Councils.

A road safety follow-up meeting was scheduled shortly and this would provide an update on the progress of the proposed pedestrian crossing in the village center and the second identified priority, the path at Half Moon.

Cllr G Barnell reported that interested residents in West Town had formed a group to campaign for a 20mph speed limit down West Town.  A meeting with DCC was required to take this forward.

Following an application by a parishioner, a tree preservation order had been granted for a tree on the old school site

Cllr G Barnell reported that a new local plan was required and that the government had set housing targets for the district.  The Greater Exeter Strategic Plan should be available for consultation by the summer.

Cllr J Enright noted that the Boundary Commission had started a consultation on proposed boundary changes across Mid Devon and this would be on the next agenda.  Cllr G Barnell

reported that he disagreed with the current proposals and would welcome support from the Parish Council following an informed debate.

05/02/20     Finance

5.1              Parish Council Receipts Current Account: None

5.2              Parish Council Payment Current Account

                   These were agreed as:




Amount £


J Hole

Reimbursement for new computer



Parish Magazine

Winter newsletter



NSC Parish Hall

Rent of Room incl £13 hire for shop meeting



Mid Devon Mobility




Powderham Forge

New arboretum gate (from S106 grant)



Hydro-Logic Services

Telemetery for rain gauge to 31.7.20



J Hole

Salary and expenses (Dec and Jan)




PAYE (Dec and Jan)


                        * already paid                                                                            

5.3              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr G Quicke and Cllr S Parker.  The bank had not confirmed that the new signatories had been added.

5.4              Balances (after above transactions):      

5.4.1           Parish Council Current Account balance: £12,832.91

5.4.2           Footpath Account: £268.02 

5.4.3           Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £4,509.93

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


5.6              To consider a donation to the Citizens Advice Bureau

A letter requesting support had been circulated. It was resolved to grant £100.00

06/02/20     Matters raised by the Chair


07/02/20     Councillor’s Reports    

7.1              Areas of Responsibility reports.

Litter – Cllr L Ouldridge reported that there was a shortage of litter pickers following the resignation of two pickers.  Cllr D Hodge agreed to look after Tytheing Close.  The Clerk would contact MDDC to find out if any equipment could be supplied.  If not, to get a quote for litter pickers and reflective jackets.  Notices asking for volunteers would be posted on noticeboards.

CRG – Cllr R Cashmore reported that the flood group meeting was yet to take place.  It was noted that the drains around Norton Cross had been cleared

Neighbourhood Watch – Cllr D Hodge reported that there had been several burglaries in the parish recently and one attempted break-in.  He had been in contact with our PCSO and the advice was to keep building secured and remain vigilant.

Boniface Trail – Cllr P Taylor reported that the first land owner agreement should be signed shortly

Defibrillator – the Clerk reported that the new defibrillator had been installed in the old BT Kiosk and the electrician had not charged for the installation.

7.1.1           Allotments – to consider tidy up

An allotment holder had moved and would be giving up two plots, and keeping one.  An email had been sent requesting they tidy up their old plots and they had agreed to this. A new tenant had taken on a plot and had offered to clear several empty plots so it was agreed that rent would not be charged until 1 April.  It was resolved to wait until after 1 April to see which tenants renewed and then consider a tidy up.  Cllr D Hodge would find out about the construction of the old sheds as any tidy up would ideally include removal of  old sheds.

7.1.2           Snow Wardens – update on training/grit bins

Cllr G Scope was waiting for further information on training

08/02/20     Clerk’s Report

8.1              Update on Quality Council application and DCT grant application for Hi-Viz jackets and Aquascas.

The Clerk reported that in order to apply for the Quality Level, the Clerk was required to have 12 CPD points, 3 of which must come from a course.  It had previously been agreed that the Clerk could attend a VAT course and the application would be postponed until after this course had been attended.

Devon Communities Together had confirmed that the grant application had been successful

8.2              To consider request to purchase “Clerks’ Manual” from SLCC as an up to date reference book. Cost £52.30

This was agreed

09/02/20     Parish Council

9.1              Update on Post Office

The Post Office was open in the Parish Hall twice a week on Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon.  So far, customer numbers were low and it was agreed that more publicity was required.  A sign would be posted on the Village Green when the PO was open and notices would be kept on noticeboards and in the Newton Wonder.  The PO would also sell a small supply of goods and newspapers.

9.2              Update on progress with Community Shop

A meeting had taken place in January and an agreement in principle to use the Parish Hall site had been reached and provisional plans drawn up.

9.3              Update on Community Land Trust

Cllr R Cashmore reported that the planned January meeting had been cancelled as it was still not known what was happening with the old school site. 

9.4              To agree new date for May PC meeting as Club Room is booked for Police Commissioner elections

Clerk to find out if the Club room was available on Wednesday 6 May

10/02/20     Devon County Council

10.1            Outstanding Highways issues

It was agreed to wait until Cllr M Squires was present to follow these up.  Road issues would be raised at Raddon Hills

10.2            New DCC issues

There were none identified

10.3            To consider any projects suitable for Devon Highways Maintenance Community Enhancement Fund. 

It was agreed that a suitable project would be to clear the footpath up School Hill and the Clerk would try to obtain an estimate from a contractor.  It was noted that the hedges around the bus stop in Langford and Half Moon had been cut by BT.

10.4            County Councillor, Cllr M Squires, to report on DCC business relevant to the parish

A report had been circulated and was noted

11/02/20     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Two abandoned vehicles at the Parish Hall car-park - Clerk to follow up

Request from Exe Valley Federation for discussion re possible allocation of CIL money to the Federation – The Clerk had asked MDDC if a school was eligible for CIL contributions and had been advised that they could be but discussion with DCC would be required.  It was suggested that the question should be raised at the Raddon Hills Group as the Federation had schools in Brampford Speke and Thorverton and perhaps a co-ordinated response might be appropriate.

Crediton Town Council were offering a free place on a Defibrillator training course – It was agreed to take up the offer

Community Volunteer of the year – no nominations had been received so it was resolved to extend the deadline until the end of February and publicise further.


12/02/20     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda


13/02/20     Date of next meeting: Thursday 5 March 2020, Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.00pm.

End of Formal Business

Public Participation

A parishioner pointed out that the Winter Newsletter stated that the Annual Parish Meeting was on the same day as the May Parish Council meeting

A parishioner asked what could be done about speeding traffic in the centre of the village and a discussion took place about the issues.  It was hoped that average speed cameras, Community Speedwatch (once resumed) and eventually a pedestrian crossing would all help with the problem.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm