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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held remotely via Zoom on Thursday 2 September 2020 

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm 

Members present via Zoom

Cllr J Enright (Chair)                      Cllr G Quicke

Cllr R Cashmore                            Cllr G Scopes

Cllr D Hodge (joined 7.25pm)       Cllr C Southcott (zoom connection unreliable during meeting)

Cllr L Ouldridge                             Cllr P Taylor
Cllr S Parker                                       


In attendance:  Cllr M Squires, DDC (joined 7.20pm, left 8.20pm), 2 members of public, J Hole, Parish Clerk

Public Participation

A parishioner expressed concern about speeding traffic in the parish and asked why there were no double white lines on the A377 in the centre of the village to show that overtaking was not allowed?  Perhaps these could be put in when the new crossing was installed?  Clerk to ask DCC.  Cllr L Ouldridge would include a note about speeding traffic in the Newton Wonder.  The sad death of another motorcyclist on the A377 was noted.

A parishioner had asked if the pile of wood chippings on Church Lane could be moved as they were causing an obstruction.  Cllr G Quicke would follow this up. 

Formal Business 

01/09/20     Apologies

Cllr G Barnell, MDDC 

02/09/20     Declaration of Interest

None noted 

03/09/20     Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 2 July 2020

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/09/20     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications: None       

4.2              Planning Decisions:

20/00743 - Conversion of existing annex to separate dwelling including raising of roof for first floor at Lilly Farm, Newton St Cyres – grant permission

20/00744/FULL - Erection of 2 dwellings following demolition of barn at Lilly Farm, Newton St Cyres          - refuse permission

20/00898/HOUSE - Alterations to enclose part of existing porch at Ridgeway House, Newton St Cyres – grant permission

20/00002/TPO at former NSC School site – order confirmed

20/01180/NMA - Non Material Amendment for 16/00804/HOUSE to allow alterations to roof and fenestration on South West and North East elevations and installation of velux window on North West elevation at The Old School, West Town Road – grant permission

4.3              To note that MDDC have adopted their Local Plan 2013-2033


4.4              To note publication of Greater Exeter Strategic Plan (GESP) consultation – to agree any actions/response

East Devon District Council (EDDC) had voted to withdraw from the GESP so the plan in its current form was no longer valid and therefore no consultation would be taking place.  MDDC were willing to see if a new plan can be formed without EDDC.  It was agreed to update Facebook and the Newton Wonder and the Clerk would check with Cllr G Barnell for any official wording.  Cllr R Cashmore had posted updates on Nextdoor

4.5              To consider upgrade of litter bins to dual use

Details had been circulated and MDDC were asking Parish Councils if they wished to upgrade their existing litter bins to dual use bins which would allow for mixed recycling.  After discussion it was agreed that the PC did not wish to upgrade its litter bins

4.6              District Councillor, Cllr G Barnell, to report on MDDC business relevant to the Parish

There was no report 

05/09/20     Finance

5.1              Parish Council Receipts Current Account: £23.00 allotment rent (pro rata for 2 new plots)

5.2              Parish Council Payment Current Account: To formally ratify payments made in August




Amount £


Simon Saunders

Grass cutting parish



Simon Saunders

Grass cutting churchyard



J Hole

Salary and expenses








Maintenance of tipping rain gauge



Payments due in September.  These were agreed as:


Devon Communities Together

Annual Membership



Simon Saunders

Grass cutting parish



Simon Saunders

Grass cutting churchyard



J Hole

Salary and expenses








5.3              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr G Quicke and Cllr S Parker.  The Clerk had emailed the local bank manager and the complaints manager to ask if the new signatories had been added but had received no reply

5.4              Balances (after above transactions)

5.4.1   Parish Council Current Account balance: £11,594.10

5.4.2   Footpath Account: £268.02 

5.4.3   Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £6,013.83

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


06/09/20     Matters raised by the Chair 


07/09/20     Councillor’s Reports    

7.1              Update on Coronavirus and NSC PC response

Cllr D Hodge reported that demand for Covid support was now greatly reduced but still available if required

The Clerk had attended a webinar on DCC Local Outbreak Management planning which recommended that details be included in the Community Resilience Plan.

7.2              Areas of Responsibility reports

Churchyard – a meeting was planned with the church later in September

Bus stop – The old school bus stops had lots of weeds.  This had been reported to DCC

Allotments – 4 new plots had been rented out.  The remaining plots were very overgrown and it was agreed to get a price to tidy these up.

School – a report from the school had been circulated to Councillors

Boniface Trail (BT) – Cllr P Taylor reported that a meeting had been held with DCC.  Although no money was available in the immediate future, they had promised the help of an engineer and a site meeting was scheduled for September.  It was agreed to send the latest BT newsletter to the Newton Wonder. 

08/09/20     Clerk’s Report

8.1              Post office report there are no issues with stoats in the post box by the old school

It was possible that the problem was snails.

8.2              To note receipt of details of vehicles hassling drivers on A377

A parishioner had emailed to provide details of two companies whose drivers often speed/tailgate on the A377 and the Clerk would contact the companies concerned

A parishioner from Tytheing Close had written to the police to complain about speeding traffic on the A377.

8.3              To agree Clerks attendance at SLCC virtual training conference (£25.00)


8.4              To note NALC National Salary award backdated to April 2020


09/09/20     Parish Council

9.1              Update on progress with Community Shop

Not much had happened due to lockdown.  The post office service running on Tuesdays and Thursdays is reasonably well used.

9.2              To agree arrangements for October meeting – see hall restrictions below

It was agreed to meet in the main hall and follow the guidelines issued by the hall.  Members of the public who wished to attend should let the Clerk or Chair know in advance to ensure numbers were manageable.  Cllr J Enright noted that DALC advised that login details for zoom meeting should be published on the agenda.

9.3              To agree a change of use for the grant already awarded to the Parish Hall from stage lighting to installation of an additional radiator in the Club Room.

This was agreed

9.4              To note request from parishioner for the PC to establish a community broadband initiative to assist those areas of the parish which do not have a good connection speed

The Vodafone booster signal boxes were still in operation.  It was noted that progress on providing fibre optic to the remaining areas will be slow.  Clerk to pass parishioner details to Cllr R Cashmore to follow up.

9.5              To note response from DCC re Average Speed Camera (ASC)

Speed monitoring equipment had been installed near the Quickes shop, the village green and by the old school but was only in place for a short period of time.  Cllr J Enright was in contact with DCC Road Safety Manager and would chase up the results.  ASC could not go across speed zones so ideally the 30mph speed zone would be extended to Half Moon.   Cllr M Squires reported that she had asked Meg Booth, Head of Highways when the crossing would be installed.

Standing orders were suspended and a member of public named a company whose lorries were often speeding on the A377.  The Clerk would email.  Standing orders were reinstated.

9.6              To note DALC AGM 7 October – to consider voting for board members

Cllr R Cashmore was standing for the board and it was resolved to cast a vote for his appointment                  

10/09/20     Devon County Council

10.1            Outstanding Highways issues

  1. Speed restrictions in Station Road – SCARF re test requested
  2. Request for a School sign in Station Road and possible zig-zag lines outside the school – declined - requested this is re-considered.  Cllr M Squires agreed to follow up i and ii above
  3. Uncollected road signs – Clerk to report sign on the road to Newton Woods. Remove from list
  4. Request for a Road Safety audit on A377 in centre of village. The speed monitoring that had recently taken place was a positive step.
  5. Footpath from Layby to bus stop in Half Moon – request to DCC to improve surface/land owner re hedge. The hedge had been cut but it was unlikely that any improvements would be made to the surface.  Remove from list.  Cllr G Quicke noted that the grass verge at the half moon bus stop was very overgrown and meant that the bus was not visible from the bus shelter.  Clerk to report to DCC
  6. School Hill pavement – grass needs clearing. Some work had taken place – remove from list
  7. Various Drains
  8. Broken flashing sign on A377 – this was now working
  9. Chapter 8 training for volunteers – no update

10.2            New DCC issues

None were noted

10.3            County Councillor, Cllr M Squires, to report on DCC business relevant to the parish

Cllr M Squires requested that she be copied in on any correspondence with DCC.  DCC had a new Chair and Vice Chair following the annual meeting which took place in July.  The Education Department had been working with schools on safety issues and for young people not in education, employment and training, these were challenging times.  Cllr M Squires took on board all comments made regarding speeding traffic and expressed her regret at the latest fatality.   Cllr C Southcott said that highways should have a list of all the accidents and fatalities that had taken place on the A377 and Cllr M Squires would make enquiries. 


11/09/20     Miscellaneous Correspondence

DCC Climate emergency newsletter - circulated

MDDC Presentation to parishes on Covid – circulated

MDDC Climate conversation 2 - circulated     


12/09/20     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Cllr J Enright requested agreement to attend a planning webinar costing £15.00.  Cllr R Cashmore would also like to attend and it was resolved to meet this cost. 


13/09/20     Date of next meeting: Thursday 1 October 2020, 7pm, main room at the Parish Hall 

End of Formal Business - Public Participation

Cllr G Scopes could not find out if the bike show at the Recreation Ground was going ahead.  Cllr G Quicke confirmed that it was not.

A parishioner reported that they were using 4G to provider faster broadband speeds, which was currently more expensive but did give improved connection.

It was agreed to hold the CRG co-ordinators meeting in October and the Clerk would arrange together with the Chair.  Clerk to pass details of the Local management plan to Jock Campbell for inclusion in the CRP.

Cllr R Cashmore would circulate for information details of a planned slurry lagoon in Upton Pyne

The meeting closed at 8.30pm