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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held remotely via Zoom on Thursday 4 March 2021

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm 

Members present via Zoom

Cllr J Enright (Chair)                      Cllr S Parker

Cllr R Cashmore                            Cllr G Scopes

Cllr D Hodge                                  Cllr C Southcott

Cllr L Ouldridge                             Cllr P Taylor

In attendance:  Cllr M Squires, DCC (left 7.25pm), Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (left 7.50pm) 2 members of public, J Hole, Parish Clerk

Public Participation

Minuted here but taken after 10.3

A resident requested that when the old school site is developed a central island be installed on the A377 to allow safer crossing between Tytheing Close and Sand Down Lane. 

Formal Business 

01/03/21     Apologies

Cllr G Quicke – Cllrs expressed their condolences to the Quicke family on the death of Lady Prue Quicke 

02/03/21     Declaration of Interest

None noted 

03/03/21     Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 4 February 2021

Agreed and to be signed as a true record 

04/03/21     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:

21/00220/CAT- Notification of intention to remove 3 Ash trees within a Conservation Area at Coburg Cottage, Pump Street, Newton St Cyres – no comment

4.2              Planning Decisions:

20/02130/HOUSE - Erection of an extension to carport, conversion of carport to garage, alterations to parking bay and driveway with associated landscaping at 1 Kingfisher Close Newton St Cyres Exeter Devon EX5 5DH – grant permission

20/01584/MOUT – Revised Drawings and additional information for outline for the erection of a 50-bedroom nursing home at Langford Park Nursing Home Langford Road Langford – grant permission

4.3              To note MDDC call for sites to inform the Local Plan


4.4              To note 2020 pollution monitor results for the A377 in Newton St Cyres

Results had been circulated.  Due to Covid-19 restrictions the results were not representative of normal traffic volumes.

4.5              District Councillor, Cllr G Barnell, to report on MDDC business relevant to the Parish

Cllr G Barnell reported that the planning application for the proposed digestate lagoon at Rixenford Lane was still to be decided and he was looking at setting up an action group together with Cllr F King from EDDC to oppose the application.

MDDC’s Local Plan was expected to take up to four years to complete.  Cllr G Barnell thought it very likely that Newton St Cyres would be subject to planning developments in the future due to its proximity to Exeter, its lack of development compared to other areas close to Exeter, its comparatively flat landscape and the likelihood of an increased railway service due to approval of a passenger train line from Crediton to Okehampton.

Cllr G Barnell was working with Kingfisher Close residents to get the developer to honour verbal agreements that the land on the other side of the school would be available for leisure purposes, woodlands etc.

Boniface Trail - Cllr G Barnell proposed a meeting with Town and Parish Councils between Crediton and Exeter to gain support for the project to then enable pressure to be put on DCC to provide money for a feasibility study. Cllr. J Enright stated that NSC had other priorities that needed to be factored in.

Cllr G Barnell had met with the Head of Planning and Cllr M Squires about wider transport planning in Crediton. Following this, Crediton Town Council had invited local parishes to a meeting on 16 March to discuss the issues.

Cllr G Barnell proposed a meeting with DCC Highways to go through the list of outstanding issues and to agree priorities.

Cllr P Taylor invited Cllr G Barnell to attend the next Boniface Trail meeting to update members and discuss the way forward. 

05/03/21     Finance

5.1              Parish Council Receipts Current Account:

DALC - £110.00 Grant re Raddon Hills              

5.2              Parish Council Payment Current Account

These were agreed as:




Amount £


Friends of NSC

Re issue as previous cheque is out of date



AJ Carpenter

New posts and refix marker at Langford Bridge



Sign Express

Updated Resilience shed signs



J Hole

Salary and expenses (incl. grant re Raddon Hills)






5.3              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr P Taylor and Cllr S Parker                 

5.4              Balances (after above transactions)

5.4.1           Parish Council Current Account balance: £15.300.72

5.4.2           Footpath Account: £268.02 

5.4.3           Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £6,014.13

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


06/03/21     Matters raised by the Chair 

6.1              None 

07/03/21     Councillor’s Reports    

7.1              Update on Coronavirus and NSC PC community response

There were no outstanding issues or requests

7.2              Areas of Responsibility reports

Allotments – a rotavator had been stolen from a locked shed.  Three plots were being given up, two of which were being taken on by an existing holder

School path – Cllr S Parker reported that some posts were broken and required repair.  The path was not a right of way and was only for use for school children going to and from school.  It was being used by parishioners without children and sometimes with dogs.  Cllr D Hodge said that parishioners used the path as it was safer than using the pavement down School Hill due to the overgrown vegetation and speeding traffic. It was agreed to put this on the next agenda to discuss whether or not to retain the path. 

Station – unlikely to be a floral competition this year

Recreation ground – sports should hopefully resume from the end of March

Litter pickers – a retired litter picker was now able to help out again.  Once Covid regulations were relaxed, contact would be made with the litter pickers to see who was still able to help and jackets and new sticks could be given out as required.

Next Door – Cllr S Parker had stepped down as lead after 3 years

Press – the Annual report would go out in June and would contain the minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting and various reports from village organisations which the Clerk would collate and pass to Cllr L Ouldridge

Quality Council – the Clerk had applied for the Quality Award but the criteria had been updated so a re- application may be required.

Risk Assessments – due in May/June – put on next agenda

Village Shop – this was on hold due to Covid.  Cllr R Cashmore suggested that the subscription to Plunkett Foundation for £240.00 should not be renewed and it was agreed to put this on the next agenda together with a proposal to join CPRE

BT Kiosk – Cllr S Parker had circulated photos of the BT kiosk by Belluno which showed a large number of books in the kiosk making it very difficult to get to the defibrillator.  It was agreed to put this on the agenda for the next meeting.

7.3              To agree specification for new bench for village green

Suggestions had been circulated and it was agreed to purchase a brown recycled maintenance-free bench.  Cllr S Parker agreed to accept delivery and arrange installation                  

08/03/21     Clerk’s Report     

8.1              To request purchase of a new A3 laminator (old one has broken) approx. £25.00


09/03/21     Parish Council

9.1              To note any update on speeding on the A377.

DCC had provided website links showing various statistics for accidents on the A377 up to 2019.  The Clerk reported that James Anstee would not be sending any further data/reports.

9.2              To note plans for pedestrian crossing

Draft plans had been circulated.  A hard copy would be posted on the Village Green noticeboard.

9.3              To note date for Annual Parish Meeting – Thursday 11 March 7pm via zoom

The agenda had been circulated and was noted.

9.4              To note application to DCC Community enhancement Fund for a salt bin for Kingfisher Close was unsuccessful as salt bins are not covered under this fund – request referred to Cllr M Squires for discussion with Highways team.

9.5              Update on “Gateway to Mid Devon” proposal

As noted in 10.3, with Cllr M Squires to progress with Highways.  Final designs to be agreed.’

9.6              To note invitation from Crediton Town Council to attend a meeting re future planning for Crediton on 16 March

Cllrs J Enright and R Cashmore and the Clerk would be attending.  Cllr C Southcott suggested that a Park and Ride scheme for Crediton should be discussed. 

Minited here but taken after item 3

10/03/21     Devon County Council

10.1            Outstanding Highways issues

Cllr M Squires had referred all outstanding items to our Highways Neighbourhood Manager and was waiting to hear.

Cllr R Cashmore had chased up the Chapter 8 training and the Clerk had been sent confirmation that DCC would fund training for up to 3 volunteers.  A list of providers had been sent and the Clerk would liaise with the volunteers to find a suitable date.

10.2            New Highway issues

Can the pavement on the bus stop side of Tytheing Close be lowered to facilitate easier access by pedestrian using a walking frame – Cllr M Squires had referred this to Highways.

School Hill – overgrown and needs clearing – Cllr M Squires had referred this to Highways

Stone work above A377 near pedestrian bridge – DCC had sent details of how to apply for a road closure and this was now with the PCC to organise.

10.3            County Councillor, Cllr M Squires, to report on DCC business relevant to the parish

Cllr M Squires noted that the pedestrian crossing proposal was going to HATOC committee for final sign off on Tuesday and read out the consultation letter which had been sent to nearby residents.  If agreed, the crossing would be installed in the summer.  Cllr M Squires thanked Cllr R Cashmore for his input on the design.

Cllr M Squires had followed up with regard to the installation of a pavement at Half Moon as part of the planning application by Hanlons and understood that Hanlons were actively looking at the project.

Cllr R Cashmore requested that Cllr M Squires progress the request for new signs for Newton St Cyres as part of the “Gateway to Mid Devon” project.

Several street lights were not working near the Village Green and the Clerk would report to DCC.

Cllr R Cashmore requested that Cllr M Squires intercede with DCC Highways with regard to the Rixenford Lane lagoon application on behalf of Langford and Newton St Cyres residents to persuade Highways to oppose the application. 

11/03/21     Miscellaneous Correspondence         

Any relevant correspondence had been circulated

The Clerk reported that the original Minute Book from the first Parish Council meeting in 1895 had recently been found and this would eventually be placed in the DCC archive.                       

12/03/21     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

As noted above 

13/03/21     Date of next PC meeting:           Thursday 1 April 2021, 7pm via zoom

Date of Annual Parish Meeting: Thursday 11 March 2021, 7pm via zoon

End of Formal Business

Public Participation 

It was suggested that litter up School Hill may be generated from refuse lorries which do not shut their hatches.  Clerk to inform Cllr G Barnell

A request was made that any speed checks should be carried out away from rush hour 

The meeting finished at 8.30pm