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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 7 July 2022 

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm 

Members present

Cllr R Cashmore (Chair)                          Cllr S Parker

Cllr L Ouldridge                                      Cllr G Scopes

Cllr P Taylor                                            Cllr C Southcott                      

In attendance:  Cllr G Barnell (left 7.30pm) 2 members of public, J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Public Participation

Would the road wardens be covered to use radios borrowed from the supplier?  Although the grant application for radios had been submitted, there would be a delay in the supply of the radios until November/December.  Cllr R Cashmore would discuss with the Road Wardens 

Formal Business 

01/07/22      Apologies

Cllr J Enright, Cllr G Quicke, Cllr D Hodge, Cllr M Squires (DCC)


02/07/22      Declaration of Interest

None noted 

03/07/22      Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 9 June 2022  

Agreed and signed as a true record


04/07/22      Mid Devon District Council

4.1                 Planning Applications:

22/01242/CAT - Notification of intention to remove 1 Cherry, 1 Robinia Pseudoacacia, 1 Apple, 1 Prunus Pissardii Nigra, 1 Malus Domestica, 1 Pyrus Communis, variety of Pittosporum, Chamaecyparis Lawsonianna, 1 Poplus Nigra Italica, 1 Laurus Nobilis, 1 Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana and 2 Cupressus Gold Crest trees within the Conservation Area at Fairlawn Church Lane, Newton St Cyres, EX5 5BN – no comment

4.2                 Planning Decisions:


4.3                 District Councillor, Cllr G Barnell, to report on MDDC business relevant to the parish to include update on Old School Site – correspondence circulated

Neighbourhood Plan update - Cllr G Barnell reported that a funding application of just under £10,000.00 had been submitted. The next NHP meeting was 21 July and this would concentrate on outlining the vision for the plan and identifying the main issues, of which affordable housing was likely to be key.

The next meeting of the A377 Action Group was scheduled for 20 July.  Members of the Action Group had met with DCC’s consultants re the Boniface Trail and had asked that the Boniface     Trail Group is consulted and given feedback.  The results of the study are due to be presented to the meeting on the 20th.

The independent arbitrator had decided that a S106 contribution of £125,000 was due on the old School site.   The two priorities for this contribution were a crossing at Tytheing Close and improvements to the old school footpath.   Cllr G Barnell would be calling the application in to be decided by the planning committee and the Parish Council would have the opportunity to speak at the meeting.

The HATOC meeting had agreed to review the speed limit on the A377 with a suggestion that the national speed limit is replaced by 40 mph between Exeter and Crediton.  The SCARF committee now have to consider this suggestion and have been carrying out some speed monitoring.

The bus stop at Smallbrook was poorly signed and improvement to the signage would be considered.

Pot holes by Creedy View.  MDDC had patched these up.  However, the road was not MDDC’s responsibility and when it needs resurfacing, MDDC will be contacting residents to ask for a contribution to the cost.


05/07/22      Finance

5.1                 Update on logins to Unity Bank

There was no update

5.2                 Parish Council Receipts Current Account:  None

5.3                 Parish Council Payments Current Account

These were agreed as:




Amount £



Provision of domain name and Cllrs email accounts



Anthony Carpenter

New noticeboard at Langford



Bernaville Nurseries

Flower for hanging baskets



Simon Saunders

Parish and old school path/Churchyard



J Hole

Salary and expenses







Cllr R Cashmore suggested that a review of the provision of the domain name and email addresses should be undertaken next year

5.4                 To approve signatures for this month’s payments – online

Cllr J Enright and Cllr D Hodge

5.5                 Balances (after above transactions)

5.5.1               Parish Council Current Account balance: £12,167.02

5.5.2               Footpath Account: £268.02 

5.5.3               Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £9,014.90

5.6                 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


5.7                 To agree new “no cycle” sign for Court Orchard path

A quote had been circulated and it was resolved to purchase the sign

5.8                 To agree maintenance renewal for tipping Rain gauge

Details of the maintenance renewal had been circulated.  The Clerk had contacted DCC to ask for a contribution towards the cost but DCC were unable to provide any financial support this year.  It was resolved to go ahead with the renewal.  It was noted that Cllr G Barnell was continuing to keep the area clear of weeds etc. 

06/07/22      Matters raised by the Chair

6.1                 Report from recent meetings held with MDD Officers re planning issues

Cllr R Cashmore reported on meetings he had attended with MDDC and EDDC CEO and leaders to discuss issues caused by anaerobic digestion (AD) plants.  There was now a proposal to nearly triple the throughput of the Enfield Farm AD plant at Clyst St Mary and the application mentions the lagoon at Upton Pyne.  Team Devon have written to MP’s to highlight the issues.   It was resolved to write a formal letter of complaint to EDDC and Cllr R Cashmore would assist the Clerk with drafting the letter

6.2                 To discuss plans for attracting candidates to be Parish Councillors at next year’s elections.

It was agreed to give some thought as to how to ensure enough candidates stood at next year’s elections and this item would go on the next agenda.  Cllr R Cashmore suggested publicising the work that the Council does and Cllr L Ouldridge would write an article for the Newton Wonder.  It would be good to encourage some younger people to join.


07/07/22      Councillor’s Reports            

7.1                 Areas of Responsibility reports

7.1.1              Allotments

The half assembled shed had been removed.  Cutting hedges - Cllr S Parker suggested that it was the landowners responsibility to cut the hedges and the Clerk would check the agreement.

An allotment holder had asked for another two plots from November.  The N.E.W Group had five volunteers interested in working on a community allotment but ideally needed a few more.    Hardcore could be put down by the two entrances and Cllr S Parker would provide the Clerk with a contact for doing the work.

7.1.2              Surgery - Report from June surgery.  Next Surgery, 9 July – Cllr R Cashmore to attend

There was nothing to report from the June meeting.  It was agreed to request to add “Parish Council Surgery” to the noticeboard on the green advertising the coffee morning and to print out a few copies of train and bus timetables 

08/07/22      Clerk’s Report


09/07/22      Parish Council

9.1                 Climate – update from Climate Officer

A report had been circulated and was noted.  Plans for a community orchard were welcomed.

9.2                 Neighbourhood Plan – update from Steering Group members (Cllr R Cashmore and Cllr G Quicke)

This was covered in 4.3 above

9.3                 Road Warden Scheme – update

Documents had been circulated and were noted.  A few test pot holes had been completed and once the Road Wardens were happy with the processes the scheme would be launched publicly. 

9.4                 To agree scheme of delegation for the Clerk to reply to planning applications submitted between meetings after email correspondence with Cllrs.

This was agreed.  Clerk to post link to MDDC portal in email.

9.5                 To agree location for new bench for the Village Green to be funded from proceeds from the Jubilee lunch (PC bench not ordered yet as delivery costs are halved for 2 benches) – quote circulated

It was resolved that the best place to put the bench was in the arboretum as there were already two benches on the Village Green.  Clerk to liaise with the Arboretum Committee about the location and then order the bench 

10/07/22      Devon County Council

10.1               Outstanding Highways issues  

  • Speed restrictions in Station Road – SCARF re test requested – with Cllr M Squires/NHM to action – no update
  • Request for a School sign in Station Road and possible zig-zag lines outside the school. With NHM to consider a sign and or a SCARF retest – no update
  • New grit bin for Kingfisher Close – grant requested
  • Overgrown hedge at junction of Station Road and A377 – this had been cleared by DCC
  • Potholes at New Estate (MDDC) – these had been filled
  • Grit on pavement in Village Centre – DCC will not be taking any action as this is not a safety issue. This might be a job that the Road Wardens could do.
  • Worn road markings at West Town – reported to DCC
  • A377 noise inspection covers near The Lodge – work carried out and thank you emails received from Newton House residents

 10.2               New Highway issues  

Pot hole at the entrance to Station Road from the A377                            

10.3               County Councillor, Cllr M Squires, to report on DCC business relevant to the parish

There was no report 

11/07/22      Miscellaneous Correspondence

Various newsletters/correspondence circulated

Notification of Airband Community Liaison Officer

Notification of a road closure in Pump Street and Langford Road 

12/07/22      Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Succession planning 

13/07/22      Date of next PC meeting: Thursday 1 September 2022, 7pm in the Club Room, Parish Hall 

End of Formal Business

Public Participation

It was noted that Devon Communities still had an old version of our CRG plan on their website.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm