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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Annual Meeting held in the Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 5 May 2022 

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm 

Members present

Cllr J Enright (Chair)                              Cllr S Parker

Cllr R Cashmore                                     Cllr G Quicke

Cllr D Hodge                                           Cllr G Scopes

Cllr L Ouldridge                                      Cllr C Southcott

Cllr P Taylor                                       

In attendance:   Cllr M Squires, DCC (left 7.30pm); 1 members of public, J Hole, Parish Clerk

Formal Business 

01/05/22      Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

To accept nominations for the election of Chairman – to receive the Chairman’s declarations of acceptance of office form

Cllr J Enright was proposed by Cllr R Cashmore and seconded by Cllr D Hodge and agreed unanimously.  Cllr J Enright duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance form.  Cllr J Enright informed the meeting that he would not be standing as a Parish Councillor in next year’s elections and Cllr S Parker also announced his intention to step down (although he would be happy to remain as the Footpath Warden and Boniface Trail representative).

1.2                 To accept nominations for the election of Vice-Chairman

Cllr R Cashmore was proposed by Cllr D Hodge and seconded by Cllr S Parker and agreed unanimously.  Cllr R Cashmore duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance form. 

Public Participation - Standing orders to be suspended

Minuted under item 9

Standing Orders re-instated and back to Formal Business 

02/05/22      Apologies

Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (away) 

03/04/22      Declaration of Interest

None noted 

04/05/22      Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 7 April 2022  

Agreed and signed as a true record 

05/05/22      Mid Devon District Council

5.1                 Planning Applications: 22/00602/HOUSE - Erection of summer house at 2 The Village, Newton St Cyres – no comment

22/00622/HOUSE - Relocation of entrance with open covered porch and replacement of existing windows and doors at Holme Court, Newton St Cyres - no comment

22/00526/LBC - Listed Building Consent for change of pantry to shower room at 2 The Village, NSC – no comment

5.2                 Planning Decisions:

21/01602/HOUSE - Erection of two single storey extensions and conversion of garage to habitable accommodation at Priestcombe – grant permission     

5.3                 Update on air pollution monitor on A377

The data for 2021 had been circulated and was noted.

5.4                 To note response from MDDC re questions submitted on development at Peddlars Pool

Responses from MDDC to the questions submitted from the Parish Council had been circulated and were noted.   The planning application had been withdrawn due to design and layout questions from Planning Officers.  When the application is re-submitted, Parish Council comments would be considered again taking into account MDDC replies.

5.5                 District Councillor, Cllr G Barnell, to report on MDDC business relevant to the parish

There was no report 

06/05/22      Election of Officers, Representatives and allocation of responsibilities

The following Officers and Representative were agreed:

6.1                 A377 issues and safety – Cllr R Cashmore

6.2                 Allotment Officer – Cllr L Ouldridge                             

6.3                 Arboretum Management Group – Cllr D Hodge                                                                                         

6.4                 Boniface Trail Representative – Cllr S Parker

6.5                 Bus Shelters x 5 – Cllr P Taylor/Cllr D Hodge/Cllr G Scopes

6.6                 Churchyard Representative – Cllr R Cashmore                                                                                           

6.7                 Climate Emergency Officer – Sue Rowell

6.8                 Community Engagement Officer – Cllr J Enright                                                                                         

6.9                 Community Speed Watch Officer – Cllr G Scopes                                                                                      

6.10               Flood/Emergency Plan Integration Officer – Cllr R Cashmore

8.11               Highways and Railways Liaison Officer – Cllr C Southcott      

6.12               Link with Primary School – Cllr G Quicke                                   

6.13               Neighbourhood Litter Officer – Cllr L Ouldridge                      

6.14               Neighbourhood Watch Officer – Cllr D Hodge

6.15               Nextdoor Parish Representative – Cllr G Quicke

6.16               Noticeboards x 7 – Cllr G Quicke/Cllr S Parker/Cllr C Southcott/Cllr D Hodge/Cllr G Scopes/Cllr J Enright

6.17               Parish Car Park Management Group – Chair and Vice Chair 

6.18               Parish Footpath Officer – Cllr S Parker                                       

6.19               Parish Hall Representative – Cllr G Quicke                                

6.20               Press Officer – Cllr L Ouldridge

6.21               Raddon Hills Representative x 2 plus Footpath Warden – Cllr J Enright and Cllr R Cashmore                

6.22               Recreation Ground Representative – Cllr C Southcott

6.23               Risk Assessments – Cllr G Quicke and Cllr D Hodge

6.24               Seats x 5 – Cllr S Parker

6.25               Snow Warden Co-ordinator – Cllr G Scopes                             

6.26               Staff & Personnel Committee – Cllr J Enright, Cllr G Quicke and Cllr P Taylor

6.27               Telephone boxes/defibrillators – Cllr S Southcott and Cllr S Parker

6.28               Training Officer – Cllr P Taylor

6.29               Village Flowers and Pump in Pump Street – Cllr S Parker

6.30               Village Green – Cllr S Parker                                          

6.31               Website/Facebook Officer - Clerk

6.32               Neighbourhood Planning Representatives                               


07/05/22      To review all Policies (all on website unless stated) and agree the following:

7.1                 Code of conduct – To agree to adopt MDDC updated Code – available to read at:

                       It was resolved unanimously to adopt MDDC updated Code of Conduct.

7.2                 Co-option Policy; Community Engagement Policy; Complaints Policy; Digital and Social Media Policy; Equal Opportunities Policy; Filming and recording of Council Meeting Policy; Financial Regulations; General Data Protections Regulations; Grant Giving Policy; Health and Safety Policy Statement; Media Communication Policy; Privacy Statement; Publications Scheme; Signs on Village Green Policy; Standing Orders; Statement of Internal Control Policy; Terms of Reference for Committees; Training Policy; Contents of Councillors’ Reference Pack;  Parish Council’s Acton plan; Risk Assessments

All the policies were agreed subject to minor amendments to be made by the Clerk such as updating references to cheque payments

7.3                 Asset Register

This had been circulated and was noted

7.4                 To agree payment of Clerk’s membership of SLCC (approx. £65.00 shared cost)

This was agreed

7.5                 To agree Travel and Subsistence Allowances (in line with HMRC recommendations - £0.45 per mile.  To agree expenses can be paid to Clerk and Road Wardens

It was agreed that travel expenses could be paid to Road Wardens as long as they were approved in advance

7.6                 To confirm dates of Council Meetings inc APM up to December 2023

Dates were confirmed as the first Thursday in each month apart from May 2023 when the meeting would be delayed for a week due to local elections.  The date of the Annual Parish Meeting would be decided nearer the time

7.7                Bank Mandate and Signatures and to formally confirm the use of BACS for payments

The use of BACS for payments was confirmed as required by Financial Regulations.  The bank mandate was up to date, although not all Cllrs could login to internet banking

7.8                 To agree insurance

Details had been circulated and the insurance renewal was agreed


08/05/22      Finance

8.1                 Update on logins to Unity Bank.

There was no progress on more Cllrs being able to login to the bank account.         

8.2                 Parish Council Receipts Current Account: MDDC – Precept £6,715.50 and £741.93; Allotment rent £260.00; Parish Hall – resurfacing fund £750.00

8.3                 Parish Council Payments Current Account

Since the agenda had been sent, an invoice from the Parish Hall for room hire had been received for £63.00 and it was resolved to make this payment.  In addition, it was resolved to pay the ICO fee by direct debit as this would save £5.00 per year

These were agreed as:




Amount £



Reimbursement of payment made in error




Membership/Affiliation fees




Annual membership (direct debit)




Data Protection Fees



Reserve Account

Car Park resurfacing fund



Parish Hall

Grant of £500.00 plus wifi - £200.00



Rec Ground

Grant of £500.00 plus rent - £500.00







Andrew Broadhead

Contribution to printing for Community Forum



Simon Saunders

Grass cutting parish



Simon Saunders

Grass cutting churchyard



J Hole

Reimbursement for seeds for school children



J Hole

Salary and expenses







NSC Parish Hall

Room Hire


8.4                 To approve bank authorisation for this month’s payments via BACS

Cllr J Enright and Cllr D Hodge

8.5                 Balances (after above transactions)

8.5.1              Parish Council Current Account balance: £13,565.17

8.5.2              Footpath Account: £268.02 

8.5.3              Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £7,514.90

8.6                 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


8.7                 Annual Return – to note completion including internal audit report – copies circulated separately

The Internal Audit had been carried out and no issues identified.

8.7.1              Annual Return - approve Part 1 Annual Governance Statement 2021/22

Cllrs resolved unanimously to approve Part 1 and the Chair duly signed the form

8.7.2              Annual Return - approve Part 2 Accounting Statements 2021/22

Cllrs resolved unanimously to approve Part 2 and the Chair duly signed the form

8.7.3              To sign Certificate of Exemption stating that during 2021/22 the higher of the authority’s income for the year or gross annual expenditure did not exceed £25,000. To note dates for public inspection.

This was confirmed and the Chair signed the form.  The dates for public inspection were noted as  13 June to 22 July 2022


09/05/22      Matters raised by the Chair

9.1                 Neighbourhood Plan to agree Terms of Reference

Terms of reference had been circulated and it was resolved to adopt these.  The Parish Council would remain responsible for the NH Plan and a report from the Steering Group would be given at every Parish Council Meeting.  It was agreed that the Clerk would provide administrative support to the Group and these additional hours would be paid.  The Clerk would be able to agree minor items of expenditure such as hire of hall.

9.2                 Housing Survey carried out by Devon Community Housing Hub

Comments from the Housing Survey had been circulated and were noted.  The NHP Steering Group would pick this item up


10/05/22      Councillor’s Reports            

10.1               Areas of Responsibility reports

                       Station – From 15 May there would be 10 trains stopping at Newton St Cyres going to Exeter and 7 returning.  Clerk to publicise timetable

                       Parish Hall – the AGM had taken place recently and there was a change of Chair.  Cllr R Cashmore agreed to speak to the new Chair about the shop project which had started prior to Covid.

                       Footpath – Cllr S Parker reported that Footpath 12 had now reopened

                       Bus shelter – The Half Moon bus shelter required varnishing.  Clerk to get a quote

                       Noticeboard – The Noticeboard in Langford Road needed replacing and the Clerk would get a quote.

10.1.1           Allotments – Annual income was noted as £480.00.  Cllr L Ouldridge had arranged a meeting with allotment holders for 7 May to discuss how this year’s rental income should be spent.  The idea for a Community Allotment had advertised in the Newton Wonder and to date one expression of interest had been received.  It would depend on how the community allotment was used as to whether rent would be charged.

10.1.2           Surgery – there were no issues raised at the April surgery.  Recycling at the Rec – MDDC were in discussions with the Rec Club to try and find a solution

10.1.3           Press – Update on Annual Newsletter.  Reports were being collated.  It was agreed to include a report from the Newton Environmental Wellbeing Group


11/05/22      Clerk’s Report - none          


012/05/22    Parish Council

Minuted here but item 12.1 taken in the public session

12.1               Climate – update from Climate Officer

 The Climate Officer reported that monitoring of the water quality in the Lower Creedy would continue.  It was hoped that a Catchment Steering Group could attract some funding to try and take action to improve the water quality.  This would require support from all parties including South West Water and Devon County Council. 

The suggestion of a thermal imaging camera to identify areas of heat loss was raised at the Community Forum.  It was suggested that the Community Group make an approach to Devon Communities Together with regard to possible funding and the possibility of sharing of the camera between parishes.

The wildflower area on the green had been completed together with a small patch outside the school.

The Climate Officer would be nominating the village for a Local Partnership Award

                       The project to look at way to improve the emergency efficiency of the Parish Hall was ongoing

A document on how to create a low carbon Neighbourhood Plan had been circulated to the Steering Group.

12.1.1           Report on progress of wildflowers on parts of the village green

Covered above

12.1.2           To discuss Water Quality Score Card for Lower Creedy   

Covered above

12.1.3           To note ideas from Community Forum held on 2 April

Ideas from the Forum had been circulated.  Cllr J Enright noted that the Community Group would need to put proposals to the Parish Council for support and/or action

12.2               Road Warden Scheme – Email sent to CEO and Head of Highways re lack of support for scheme  

An email had been sent to the Chief Executive of DCC and the Head of Highways but to date no reply had been received. Clerk to follow up. 

12.3               Plans for Queens Platinum Jubilee

12.3.1           Update on event planned for 5 June at Rec Ground – to note insurance cover

It was resolved that the event was a Parish Council event and would therefore be covered by Parish Council insurance.  Clerk to check with insurer that charity stalls, tombola, target golf etc would be covered and if there were any additional charges, the Clerk would agree these up to £100.00.  An alternative quote would also be requested from the Revels insurer.

12.3.2           Arrangements for presentation of seeds to NSC Primary School

Due to timing issues, it was agreed that the Head teacher would hand out the seeds

12.4               Update on joint sealing and relining for the Parish Hall Car Park

It was resolved that as long as the Parish Hall were satisfied that the quotes were comparable, then the cheapest contractor would be appointed.


Minuted here but taken after item 4

13/05/22      Devon County Council

13.1               Outstanding Highways issues  

There were no updates on the outstanding issues

13.2               New Highway issues  

i) An email had been received about parking on the pavement at Half Moon – this was not a Parish Council matter and the parishioner would be advised to contact the Police

ii) To note that the church have informed DCC of the hole in wall by the south side of the foot bridge over the A377, just behind the Church boundary and that the Church do not intend to take any further action – Cllr J Enright would forward details to Cllr M Squires which showed that DCC were responsible for the wall.

Cllr M Squires noted that she would be meeting up with the NH Officer and would discuss the outstanding issues.  These would include carrying out hand held speed checks along Quickes straight, signs at Smallbrooke and the church wall

It was noted that trees were blocking the footpath from the Half Moon layby and Cllr M Squires would investigate this.

Support for the Road Wardens was still outstanding.  Cllr M Squires suggested another DCC Officer to contact and Cllr R Cashmore would do so.

Cllr P Taylor asked Cllr M Squires to pass on that the recent closure of the A377 to lay the anti-skid surface had not been very well publicised and caused some parishioners to be stranded in Crediton as the busses could not use the road.

13.3               County Councillor, Cllr M Squires, to report on DCC business relevant to the parish

There was no report 

14/05/22      Miscellaneous Correspondence

Various newsletters/correspondence circulated 

15/05/22      Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

None noted 

16/05/22      Date of next PC meeting: Thursday 2 June 2022, 7pm in the Club Room, Parish Hall       


End of Formal Business 

Public Participation 

Saplings growing out of the Newton House wall by Station Road entrance.  Clerk to write to Newton House Management Committee and request these are removed as they restrict visibility for drivers.

Salt bin for Kingfisher Close?  Clerk to follow up with Cllr M Squires – a locality grant had been applied for. 

The meeting closed at 8.30pm