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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 6 October 2022 

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm 

Members present

Cllr J Enright (Chair)                              Cllr S Parker

Cllr G Quicke                                          Cllr G Scopes

Cllr L Ouldrige                                        Cllr C Southcott

Cllr D Hodge                                           Cllr P Taylor                    

In attendance:  Cllr G Barnell

Public Participation

It was reported that some people living on the green want it reverted back to all grass.

Formal Business 

01/10/22      Apologies

Cllr R Cashmore, Cllr M Squires and J Hole, Parish Clerk 

02/10/22      Declaration of Interest

None noted


03/10/22      Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 8 September 2022

Agreed and to be signed as a true record


04/10/22      Mid Devon District Council

4.1                 Planning Applications:

22/00063/MARM - Reserved matter for the erection of 257 dwellings and up to 5 Gypsy and Traveller pitches; associated works in connection with 8.6ha of land to facilitate future Crediton Rugby Club and up to 1.1ha of land for future primary school; details of landscaping, public open space and other associated infrastructure and engineering operations and access and highway work following outline approval 17/00348/MOUT Location: Land at NGR 284185 101165 (Creedy Bridge) Crediton – Revised plans – discussed under 4.4 below

4.2                 Planning Decisions:

22/01469/CAT- Notification of intention to fell 27 Leylandii trees/hedging (S1-S27), 1 Common Lilac tree, 1 Holly tree and 1 Box part of hedging and reduce the height of 1 Yew tree to 2m within a Conservation Area at Elmhurst, Church Lane, Newton St Cyres – grant permission

22/01474/HOUSE - Erection of porch and side extension and garage conversion to additional ancillary accommodation at Fairlawn, Church Lane, Newton St Cyres – grant permission

4.3                 To consider plans for S106 funding from old school site


4.4                 District Councillor, Cllr G Barnell, to report on MDDC business relevant to the parish

Cllr G Barnell would raise the traffic impact issue again with regard to the above planning application form.  Most of the S106 money from the development will be going on moving the rugby clue to a new site.   Concerns were raised about the extra numbers from the development on GP provision in the areas.  Cllr G Barnell advised that it was worth pursuing the A377 Tytheing crossing as there could be a shift in thinking.  The final report from DCC’s consultants regarding the cycle way is overdue.  Crediton Town are very keen to have they cycle way 

05/10/22      Finance

5.1                 Parish Council Receipts Current Account:

Donations from Jubilee event: £589.50.  The Jubilee committee would need to decide where the left over donations should be spent now that the bench as been purchased.

5.2                 Parish Council Payments Current Account:

Since the agenda had been sent out an invoice for grass cutting had been received and it was resolved to pay the invoice for £310.00 (added at 5.2.4 below)



Payee Purpose

Amount £



2 x seats (Jubilee bench and school hill)




Radios for CRG



I Civils Ltd

Sealing and relining parish hall car park *



Simon Saunders

Grass cutting – Churchyard £150.00; parish £160.00



J Hole

Salary and expenses







 * Money to be transferred from Reserve account to current account – authorisation letter to be signed

5.3                 To approve signatures for this month’s payments

Cllr J Enright and Cllr G Quicke

5.4                 Balances (after above transactions)

5.4.1               Parish Council Current Account balance: £15,663.50  

5.4.2               Footpath Account: £268.02

5.4.3               Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £9,018.48                

5.4.5               NHP: £9,886.00

5.5                 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


5.6                 To consider quote to replace broken Perspex pain at Half Moon bus shelter £30.00

It was agreed to go ahead with the repair 

06/10/22      Matters raised by the Chair

6.1                 To note item of new expenditure to be agreed at Novembers meeting ahead of the December budget meeting, to note grant application deadline of 15 November

It was agreed to allocate £2,000.00 in next years budget to maintenance of the old school path.  It was agreed to assist N.E.W in obtaining a grant for a thermal imaging camera rather than putting an amount in the PC budget. 

07/10/22      Councillor’s Reports            

7.1                 Areas of Responsibility reports

7.1.1              Allotments – update on hedges and agreement for community allotment

No update

7.1.2              Surgery – Report from September surgery

The 30mph sign at the top of Sandown Lane has been knocked over.  It might be possible for the CRW to straighten it without involving highways.

Branches are blocking the grass footpath between Hanlons and the Half moon bus shelter.  Clerk to write to landowner and ask them to cut back

Cllr D Hodge would attend the next surgery on 22 October   

7.1.3              Community Resilience Plan – to note Co-ordinators meeting 10 November


7.1.4              To note risk assessment of assets

This had been circulated and was noted

Cllr S Parker would install the new bench on School Hill and at the arboretum 

08/10/22      Clerk’s Report

8.1                 To agree date for Annual Parish Meeting 2023 – before or after elections?

It was agreed to hold the APM before the elections – Clerk to suggest date

8.2                 To agree purchase of litter picking personalised vests at approx. £45.00

It was agreed to purchase these stating “NSC Parish Council volunteer litter picker” on the back


09/10/22      Parish Council

9.1                 Climate – Report from Climate Officer

The report had been circulated and was noted

9.2                 Neighbourhood Plan – update from Steering Group members (Cllr R Cashmore and Cllr G Quicke) – latest notes are on PC website

The Group were still working towards a public forum later in the year

9.3                 Road Warden Scheme

There was no update

9.4                 Community Resilience Forum – to note date 14-16 November


10/10/22      Devon County Council

10.1               Outstanding Highways issues

There were no updates.  Clerk to put a date for when items are first raised for all highways issues so it becomes apparent how long they have been going on for.

10.2               New Highway issues  

To note correspondence from Newton House re parking in Station Road – to consider actions -    Clerk to forward details to Highways

10.3               County Councillor, Cllr M Squires, to report on DCC business relevant to the parish, including any report from SCARF

There was no report


11/10/22      Miscellaneous Correspondence

Various newsletters/correspondence circulated. 


12/10/22      Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

None noted 

13/10/22      Date of next PC meeting: Thursday 3 November 2022, 7pm in the Club Room, Parish Hall 

End of Formal Business

Public Participation

There was none