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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday Wednesday 6 April 2023 in the Club Room, Parish Hall at 7pm


Parish Councillors (Cllr Jim Enright as Chair) and Parish Clerk, and 4 members of public

Cllr Jim Enright welcomed everyone to the meeting

 1. Apologies

Cllr D Hodge, Cllr M Squires (DCC)

 2. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 6 April 2022

Agreed and signed as a true record.

 3.     Chairman’s Report

  • The Neighbourhood Plan - is now underway with a well-attended meeting in the Parish Hall at the end of February with the outcome from that meeting well reported in the Newton Wonder. Further meetings are planned with other groups to ensure that a very wide consultation process leads to a Plan to which all residents have had multiple opportunities to contribute.
  • Development of the Old School site - It is good to see that the building of 8 new homes on the old school site is finally underway. The Parish Council worked with a Housing Association to try to buy the site for an Affordable Housing development, but Devon County Council felt obligated to accept a much higher offer from the Developer.
  • Social Housing Need - notwithstanding the above the Parish Council also pursued other land for an Affordable Housing project but we were unsuccessful in our bids. But at least we now have a village centre crossing and are still actively working towards a crossing point near Tytheing Close and a foot-path in Half Moon.
  • Development of the Old School site - It is good to see that the building of 8 new homes on the old school site is finally underway. The Parish Council worked with a Housing Association to try to buy the site for an Affordable Housing development, but Devon County Council felt obligated to accept a much higher offer from the Developer.
  • The Neighbourhood Plan - is now underway with a well-attended meeting in the Parish Hall at the end of February with the outcome from that meeting well reported in the Newton Wonder. Further meetings are planned with other groups to ensure that a very wide consultation process leads to a Plan to which all residents have had multiple opportunities to contribute.
  • Queen`s Jubilee event – the Parish Council took the lead in organising a small committee and everything fell into place quite nicely. The event was well attended, the weather held and sufficient funds were raised to site a Commemorative Bench at the Arboretum and give some funding to the Newton Environmental and Wellbeing Group.
  • Work of Councillors –Newton St Cyres Parish Council was set up by Government Statute 130 years ago next year and is controlled by Standing Orders, which govern what it can and cannot do. The Parish Council works on a very democratic basis and all Councillors can have their say before any vote is taken. The PC is the first tier of Government in England with the District Council, County Council and Parliament forming the 3 remaining tiers. Do have a look at the Parish Council website for a list of our responsibilities. They are probably wider and more varied than you might imagine.
  • Election of new Councillors and Chairman – Parish Councillors are elected for a 4-year term and must then stand down when an election is held. They can of course stand again, alongside any other volunteers. Newton St Cyres Parish Council is entitled to elect 9 Councillors and if there are more than 9 candidates then an election is held. This year several Councillors have decided not to stand so a lot of new volunteers were required.

We have now been advised that 7 candidates have put themselves forward and therefore all are accepted without the need for an election.

A further 2 will be co-opted onto the Parish Council and details of how to apply will shortly be publicised throughout the village.

New Parish Councillors will be offered full training and are guided through what they can and cannot do by a professionally trained Parish Clerk. Here in Newton St Cyres, we are extremely fortunate to have the very capable Jane Hole as our Parish Clerk, to keep the PC running smoothly.

  • Thanks to Councillors and our Parish Clerk – the present Parish Councillors have served at least one full 4-year term with some being in office for decades, with special mention to Chris Southgate and Steve Parker, both of whom have served the community extremely well over a very large number of years. They all offer their services entirely free of charge and fully deserve your thanks for a job very well done.

Our Clerk is paid an hourly rate negotiated between the Clerk`s Guild and the Government on an annual basis, and the Parish Clerk requires a lot of knowledge and skills. Jane Hole has been our Newton St Cyres Parish Clerk for the past ten years and is as efficient as they come. Newton St Cyres is certainly in safe hands.

I must also thank our District Councillor, Graeme Barnell, and our County Councillor, Margaret Squires. Over the past few years Graeme has been instrumental in bringing issues to the notice of Devon County Council, and in particular the safety of the A377, the need for the Boniface Trail, and safety measures required in Station Road, Smallbrook, New Estate, Tytheing Close and elsewhere. Thank you both.

Thanks to our Volunteers too- Outside of Councillors we also have large groups of volunteers including Litter Pickers, Neighbourhood Watch Deputies, Flood Watch Marshalls and an excellent team of Road Wardens who repair pot-holes and clear drains etc. under the very capable guidance of Nick Gillon.

And I must mention the esteemed writer of our much-admired Resilience Plan, Jock Campbell, as well as our Climate Champion, Sue Rowell, who keeps up the Parish Council`s knowledge and involvement in important Environmental issues.

A village such as Newton St Cyres thrives on community volunteers. Where would the Hall, the Rec, the Arboretum, the School, the Church, Newton Wonder and numerous other sports, pass-times and interest groups be without their willing organisers and volunteers who provide such a great service to our village.

A big thank-you to you all. You really are much appreciated.

  • Community Person of the Year – each year we ask for nominations and the councillors vote from amongst those put forward. This year the honour goes to Jocelyne Whittaker who runs the Adonai Community Kitchen every Tuesday and Wednesday lunch time in the Parish Hall. Well done Jocelyne and thank you for the service you are providing to our community, it really is most appreciated.
  • Newton Environmental Wellbeing Group – whilst I am talking about self-help, I really should mention NEW, under the co-ordination of Andrew Broadhead. They started by “wilding” a chunk of the village green which drew lots of appreciative comments as Spring led into summer. They have now taken on some plots at the Allotments to grow vegetables which will be given away to villagers.

However, a word of caution. Whilst protecting trees is admirable, upsetting owners by not having prior discussions about Tree Protection Orders is not the best way to go about life. We are a small village and good communication is key. 

Well, that’s it from me. After 5 years as Chairman and 5 before that as Vice Chairman, I have decided that the time is right for new volunteers to make different decisions on behalf of our lovely village.

It has been a pleasure to serve our community throughout that time. 

  1. Parish Council Financial Statement (unaudited) for year ending 31 March 2023

Copies were circulated and noted 

  1. Presentation of Community Volunteer of the year award

This was awarded to Jocelyn Whittaker for the setting up and running of a twice weekly Community Kitchen. 

  1. Public Participation/Questions

There was none