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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 7 December 2023 

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm 

Members present

Cllr G Barnell (Chair)                             Cllr P Stephenson

Cllr J Dean                                              Cllr S Parker

Cllr L Ouldridge                                      Cllr A Staite 

In attendance: D/Cllr M Binks (left 7.50pm),  4 members of public (1 left after item 4, 1 left after item 7.6 and 1 left at 9pm), J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Public Participation

A member of NEW thanked Cllr S Parker for his work to date on the Community Speed Watch scheme and for his efforts in trying to get the scheme up and running again.

NEW would like to work with the Parish Council and could maybe look at funding opportunities?  Terms of reference to be agreed but Cllr A Staite would be welcome to attend NEW meetings in her role as Environmental lead for the Parish Council or as an individual

NEW had received a request from the landowner to discuss working together to coppice trees around Tallys field

Cllr G Barnell noted that he was no longer on NEW’s circulation list and that NEW should email the Parish Clerk with any information they wished to circulate to the Parish Council 

Formal Business 

01/12/23    Apologies

                       Cllr J Browne, C/Cllr M Squires


02/12/23    Declaration of Interest

                       None noted


03/12/23    Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 16 November 2023

                       Agreed and signed as a true record


04/12/23    Co-option

4.1                 To consider any candidates for Co-option – 1 post is available

                       Standing orders to be suspended,  whilst candidates make a brief (five-minute) presentation on why they wish to be a parish councillor. Standing orders will be reinstated whilst councillors vote on appointment once candidates have been proposed and seconded. Successful candidate to sign declaration of office form and join the meeting

Cllr G Barnell welcome two candidates to the meeting and thanked them for their interest in the Parish Council, stating it was unfortunate that only one could be elected. 

Each candidate spoke briefly on why they wanted to join the Parish Council.  After a ballet vote, Donna Harris was elected and duly signed the declaration of acceptance of office form and joined the meeting as a Councillor.  Cllr G Barnell thanked the other candidate for applying and for their interest.  It was resolved:

  1. To review the co-option policy – Clerk to draft
  2. To consider a non-voting support role for unelected candidates


05/12/23    Newton St Cyres Parish Council Issues relevant to Mid Devon District Council

5.1                 Planning Applications 

                   23/01802/CAT - Notification of intention to remove a Leylandii Hedge within the Conservation Area at Glebe House Church Lane Newton St Cyres Exeter EX5 5BN – no comment

5.2                 Planning Decisions

23/01541/HOUSE - Erection of two storey extension to form ancillary accommodation and linking house to outbuilding at Brownlea, Langford Road, Langford – grant permission

5.3            To note any update re formal complaint to MDDC re street lighting of Shuttern Close

                       Cllr G Barnell had circulated an email from MDDC which stated that as MDDC do not own or maintain the lights they were unable to assist with any repair.   MDDC proposed a meeting with residents and the Parish Hall committee to discuss concerns shared by residents about lighting in the area and to offer advice on this.   D/Cllr M Binks noted that he had been unable to make any progress on this issue and recommend that the matter be referred to the Ombudsman.

                        It was resolved:

  • That Cllr G Barnell would refer the matter to the Ombudsman


5.4                 Report from District Councillors on issues relevant to the parish

                       D/Cllr M Binks reported that a buyer had been found for Angel Court, part of the Three Rivers Project.

                       The enforcement issue which had been referred to MDDC by the Management Committee for  Kingfisher Close was ongoing.  The delay was due to the fact that there was currently only one Planning Enforcement Officer in MDDC.

                       D/Cllr M Binks noted how Crediton’s Masterplan would concentrate on enhancing green tourism together with actions aimed at regeneration of the town centre.  It was thought that public consultations would take place in the new year and D/Cllr M Binks would advice the Clerk of the details.

                       A Parishioner had emailed the Parish Council with details of an ex-council house in the parish which had been empty for the last 5 years.  It was noted that empty homes were a district wide problem.  MDDC policy stated that council tax would be increased for empty homes but it was not clear how MDDC would know a home was empty.  D/Cllr M Binks agreed to investigate further with  MDDC.

                       Cllr L Ouldridge reported that 10mph signs had been put up in New Estate.

                       It was resolved:

  • That Cllr G Barnell would email the Leader of MDDC Council to express concern about the lack of planning enforcement in Mid Devon
  • To put the subject of empty homes on the next agenda and for Cllr P Stephenson to liaise with the parishioner who reported the issue.


06/12/23    Newton St Cyres Parish Council issues relevant to Devon County Council

6.1                 Report from County Councillor on issues relevant to the Parish

                       There was no report

                       It was resolved that the Clerk would email C/Cllr M Squires regarding

  • The pavement down school Hill which required cutting back and clearing – this had been outstanding for a while and needed to be undertaken on a regular basis.
  • Pot holes at the entrance to Station Road which required urgent repair
  • The bank on the A377 (church side) some of which had slipped into the road. The Parish Council is concerned about the safety of the bank and would like an inspection to be carried out by the Building Regulator.  A report would also be made online


07/12/23      Finance

7.1                 To agree Payments and note Receipts

                       These were agreed and noted as:

Expenditure – current account


Receipts – current account


PROW work to FP 12 and 4 (from P3 money)


Groundworks (NHP Grant)


Ian Salter bus shelter cleaning




Greenhams 2 x brooms for RW




J Hole - Reimbursement for locks for resilience sheds




Grass cutting new churchyard




Transfer to new Unity saving account




J Hole – Salary and expenses









7.2                 To approve on-line authorisation for this month’s payments

                       Cllr J Dean and Cllr L Ouldridge

7.3                 Balances (after above transactions)

7.3.1   Parish Council Current Account balance: £14,892.40

7.3.2   Footpath Account: £88.02 (included in Current Account balance)

7.3.3   Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £7,292.39  (To note new savings account has been opened)

7.3.4   Neighbourhood Plan grant: £3,594.00 (included in current account)

7.3.5  To sign forms to add two new signatories to Bank Accounts – the Clerk was waiting for information from Cllr J Rimbon-Whittaker in order to complete this.  Cllr G Barnell would contact Cllr J Rimbon-Whittaker to request the information is sent to the Clerk

7.4                 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


7.5                 Quarterly Bank statement circulated for information

                       Noted and signed

7.6                 To agree budget and set precept for 2024-35 Draft budget circulated. Review of allotment rents

                       It was resolved:

  • To allocate grants of £2,000.00 to both the Parish Hall and Recreation Ground subject to discussions with the committees of both organisations to better understand the financial position and future plans of both organisations.
  • To allocate a grant of £1,000.00 to the Church. This would be to ensure that the church building is regularly and routinely kept open to visitors, that the Churchyard be maintained as an open and accessible space to the public and that the Churchyard toilet be routinely kept open for use by the public. This grant would replace any direct payments by the Parish Council for grass cutting at the Churchyard.
  • That Cllrs G Barnell, L Ouldridge and P Stephenson would meet with the Parish Hall and Recreation Committee and Church representatives to agree the detail of the written grant agreements and to discuss how the Parish Council can support their plans. Cllr G Barnell will write to each organisation to explain the Council’s decisions and arrange meetings.
  • To suspend the £1,500.00 contribution to the Car park resurfacing Fund (£750.00 from both the Parish Council and the Parish Hall)
  • To cancel the CPRE subscription of £36.00
  • Not to ringfence the allotment rent. Any work required at the allotments would be taken out of reserves.  Income streams not to be ring fenced unless the money involved has been allocated or granted for specific purposes.
  • Not to increase allotment rents
  • To reduce the amount of money to be taken out of reserves as proposed in the draft budget by reducing planned expenditure so that approximately £278.00 only would come out of reserves.
  • To increase the precept to £14,048.00 – this is an increase of £617.00 which is an inflation increase of 4.6%

A copy of the agreed budget is attached at the end of the minutes

08/12/23    Other Parish Council Matters

                       Minuted here but take after item 7.5

8.1                 To review and agree grant giving policy

                       A copy of the policy had been circulated.  Cllr G Barnell suggested that the grant giving policy should allow for the Parish Council to develop longer term agreements with organisations linked to their future aspirations rather than grants for specific projects.  He was keen that the Parish Council should work with parish organisations to support volunteers and to benefit the organisation and lead to improved facilities for all users.  For example, the Rec Ground should be included in MDDC playing pitch strategy so that it could attract funding from Government Agencies

                       After discussion it was resolved

  • That the Clerk would draft an amended policy for the next meeting. To include: a requirement for the organisation requesting the grant to supply their current years accounts, a comparison with last years, a forecast budget and a balance sheet. A requirement that the organisation must state their future plans and how the grant would aid those future plans.  Removal of the maximum amount of grant awarded.


8.2                 Environment and Climate – Cllr A Staite     

                       8.2.1 To note request for NEW to hedge lay at allotments

                       NEW wished to lay the hedge which bordered the A377 hedge from the allotment side. 

                       It was resolved:

  •  To confirm with the landowner that this was acceptable

                       8.2.2 To consider removal of dying tree on Village Green and a replacement tree

                       Cllr G Barnell proposed that the dying hawthorn tree on the Village Green should be replaced.  This was agreed.

                       It was resolved:

  • Clerk to liaise with the School in the New year to request suggestions for a native tree which a group of children could help to plant
  • Cllr L Ouldridge would purchase the tree in memory of her late husband
  • Cllr S Parker would remove the dying tree
  • Clerk to check notification requirements with MDDC

8.3                 To consider informal meeting in January to set agenda priorities

                       This was agreed for 18 January 7pm at the Beer Engine

9/12/23       Forward Agenda Planner/Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

                       To report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.  Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.

                       Correspondence to note:    

                       MDDC State of the District Debate – 20 or 27 March – noted

                       Crediton Cluster meeting 11 January – Cllr L Ouldridge to attend

                       Complaint re vacant ex council house falling into disrepair – covered under 5.4

9.1                 Review of agenda planner for future meetings.  Copy circulated

                       This would be discussed at the informal meeting in January


10/12/23    Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Thursday 1 February 2024 at 7pm in the Club Room


End of Formal Business

Public Participation

There was none 

The meeting closed at 9.30pm


Budget 2024-25