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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 6 July 2023 

 The meeting commenced at 7.00pm

 Members present

Cllr G Barnell (Chair)                             Cllr S Parker

Cllr J Browne                                         Cllr D Rowell

Cllr J Dean                                             Cllr G Scopes

Cllr L Ouldridge                                     Cllr P Stephenson                                                                 

In attendance:  D/Cllr M Binks, C/Cllr M Squires (left 7.45pm); 1 member of public, J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Public Participation

There was none

Formal Business  

01/07/23      Apologies

                       There were none


02/07/23      Declaration of Interest

                       Cllr S Parker – PI – payment


03/07/23      Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 1 June 2023

                       Agreed and signed as a true record


04/07/23      Newton St Cyres Parish Council Issues relevant to Mid Devon District Council

4.1                 Planning Applications

                       It was noted that the Tree Preservation Order (TPO) for various trees at land bordering Station Road and Lakeridge was going to Committee on the 12 July and the Parish Council had the opportunity to speak at the meeting.  It was agreed that no further comments were necessary

4.2                 Planning Decisions


4.3                 Update on New Estate petition for speed calming measures – Cllr L Ouldridge and D/Cllr M Binks

                       D/Cllr M Binks had emailed the parishioner in New Estate and was waiting for a reply.

4.4            Update on Shuttern Close lighting of MDDC’s residents’ footpath D/Cllr M Binks

D/Cllr M Binks would speak to the MDDC officer again.  In the meantime, Cllr G Barnell would write to MDDC to complain as this issue has been ongoing for some time and is a health and safety concern.

4.5                 To consider request from a parishioner for additional waste bin by the Church and at Sweetham

                       Taken under item 9

4.6                 Report from District Councillors on issues relevant to the parish

                       Nothing further to report


Taken after item 3

05/07/23      Newton St Cyres Parish Council issues relevant to Devon County Council

5.1                 To note items for HATOC meeting 27/7 – C/Cllr M Squires, Cllrs G Barnell and J Dean 

Two areas of concern to be addressed by HATOC were i) Speed limits and road signage between NSC village and Downs Mill and ii) Signage and speed limits along Station Road by the School. 

Cllr G Barnell had emailed DCC to explain that the SCARF process had not addressed our concerns which were of excessive speeds by some vehicles and not average speeds.  C/Cllr M Squires agreed to request the issue was put back on HATOC’s July agenda for a further discussion.

School Signs – no action had been taken despite promises at the last meeting.  C/Cllr M squires would raise the issue again.

A new issue of the dangers of pulling out of Station Road due to speeding traffic was raised.  The Clerk would email C/Cllr M Squires to request monitoring at this junction.

5.2                 To note discussion re double yellow lines at Godolphin Close

C/Cllr M Squires had attended a site meeting together with our Neighbourhood Highways Officer (NHO) where it had been agreed, following discussion to only implement restrictions around the junction of Godolphin Close. Removing the proposals outside 4 to 6 and shortening the length extending into the road.  Additional restrictions would be considered adjacent to the bus stop island, to be added to the next Traffic Regulations Order list

5.3                 Report from County Councillor on issues relevant to the Parish

                       Nothing further  to report


06/07/23      Finance

6.1                 To agree Parish Council Payments and note Receipts

                       Payments were agreed as:

Expenditure – current account


Receipts – current account


Simon Saunders grass cutting – parish £320/Church £240




DALC training courses




Hydro-Logic Services – Rain gauge maintenance




Steve Parker – map for village green




Neils Grass cutting – from footpath account




CTA Centre RW course




N Henderson RWS expenses




J Hole – Salary and expenses


Resurfacing Account




Interest at 31 May 2023



6.2                 To approve signatures for this month’s payments and update on changes to bank mandate

                       New Cllrs could access the online banking facility and the Clerk would check if there were also able to sign cheques.  Cllr J Browne and Cllr J Dean would approve online payments this month. 

                       A form to allow Cllr L Ouldridge to access internet banking was duly signed. 

6.3                 Balances (after above transactions)

6.3.1   Parish Council Current Account balance: £11,203.01

6.3.2   Footpath Account: £268.02

6.3.3   Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £7,261.47                

6.3.4   NHP: £0.00

6.4                 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


6.5                 To agree application to DCC Community Enhancement Fund for tarmac and to note £40 delivery charge

                       This was agreed


07/07/23      Other Parish Council Matters

7.1                 Development and Planning – Cllr G Barnell

7.1.2              Upton Pyne Community Housing Scheme – Cllr P Stephenson to update on discussions

Cllr P Stephenson reported that the Upton Pyne Community Housing Scheme was in the first instance for Brampford Speke and Upton Pyne residents but in the event that there were no suitable applications, parishioners in other parishes could be considered.  The main criteria would be a local connection and this would be prioritised over housing need.  Applicants would need to be registered with Devon Home Choice.  It was agreed to request to be part of the scheme.  If we were notified of a vacancy this would be publicised on the PC Facebook page.

7.1.3              Update on NHP grant and to consider if to extend PC funding for the NHP

Cllr G Barnell reported that a meeting with the consultant had taken place and the cost would be approximately £300.00.  There was no update on whether a new grant for this financial year would be available.  The next event would be a stakeholder meeting in September and this would incur minimum costs.  It was agreed to ask the NHP group for a budget for consideration at the next meeting             

7.2                 Emergency and Resilience – Cllrs G Scopes and P Stephenson

7.2.1              To note concern about overgrown vegetation in Shuttern Brook

                       Taken under item 9

7.2.2              Update on discussion with DCC re grit bin for Kingfisher Close

Two grit bins had been identified by our NHO and it was hoped one would be made available soon

7.2.3              Defibrillator at Sweetham – is this rescue ready?

                       Cllr G Scopes would check the defibrillator

7.3                 Environment and Climate – Cllr D Rowell

7.3.1              Village Green – Review of maintenance arrangements. To note approx. 30 emails in support of the village green wild flowers

                                           At the request of Cllr D Rowell, NEW had drawn up a maintenance agreement which would be circulated and discussed at the next meeting.  Cllr S Parker requested an agenda item at the next meeting on whether or not to keep the wild flowers on the green.  He pointed out several issues including the present of ragwort and overgrown areas around the benches and noticeboards

7.3.2              Concern re use of weed killer on Station Road. Can CRW manage the verges?

                       Taken under item 9              

7.3.3              To consider PC representation at NEW meetings

                       Cllr D Rowell was willing to represent the PC at NEW meeting and this was agreed

7.3.4              Update on proposed work to allotment entrance

                       Cllr L Ouldridge updated the meeting on the history of this project.  It was noted that no alternations or changes could be made to the entrance or hedges as this would be not allowed without permission.   It was agreed that some chippings only could be put down and a quote for this would be arranged.

7.4                 Footpaths, Structures and Maintenance – Cllr S Parker

7.4.1              Update on discussions with landowner re Permissive Footpaths – Cllr S Parker

                       Cllr S Parker reported on his meeting with the land owner and Farm Manager and circulated a map detailing the permissive paths in question.   The land owner was proposing to close permissive paths 1 and 4.   Permissive paths 2 and 3 would be retained if the Parish Council paid an annual fee of £1,500.00 and undertook ongoing maintenance for these two paths.  FP 2 may be fenced by the land owner.   The agreement would be for 10 years with a break clause at 5 years when the land owner could move or close one or both of the footpaths.  A formal agreement would be required and the Parish Council would pay the fees.  The land owner would hope to trim back encroaching vegetation when the hedge trimmer is in the area but this would not be guaranteed.   Cllr S Parker estimated that annual maintenance would be £600.00.    After discussion, it was agreed that as it may be necessary to increase the precept to pay for this, a parish consultation should take place.  It was agreed to consult the parish via a flyer would be distributed with the annual report at the end of July.

7.4.2              Update on PROW footpaths

                       Cllr S Parker reported that FP 4 and 12 had been strimmed and a fallen tree removed.  With regard to the handrail which had been requested for FP1, handrails were no longer installed on PROW paths.  If the parish installed its own handrail, then they would need to cover the insurance.

7.4.3              Request for old School path to be strimmed (Taken under item 6.7 but minuted here)

                       It was agreed to strim the path.  As this was a permissive path the money would come from PC funds and not P3 funds.

7.4.4              Request for footpath from Tytheing Close to Station Road to be reinstated

                       Covered under item 7.4.1 above – FP 1 was proposed for closure.

7.5                 Publicity and Community Engagement – Cllr J Browne

7.5.1              Update on Annual Report and to agree distribution areas for Annual Report

                       Distribution areas were agreed.  Cllr J Browne had circulated a draft copy of the Annual Report.  It was agreed to ask for a report from the Road Wardens.   Once complete, Clerk to arrange printing and distribution to Cllrs for delivery by the end of July

7.5.2              Community Shop – request for this project be restarted

                       Taken under item 9

7.6                 Travel and Road Safety – Cllr J Dean

7.6.1              Bus Services response to concerns from a parishioner – Cllr G Barnell

                       Cllr G Barnell explained DCC only fund a small part of route 5 and therefore had limited control over services.  Writing to the bus company was also unlikely to produce service improvements.  Cllr G Barnell would therefore contact MDDC Scrutiny Committee and ask them to look at the reliability of service and timetabling.

7.6.2              Request for an update on Tytheing Close A377 crossing

                       There is no further update and the position remains that a crossing will only be considered as part of additional future development in the parish 

7.7                 Items for Raddon Hills meeting – July

                       The Raddon Hills Group had been set up 12 years ago by NSC PC and was usually chaired by NSC PC Chair.  However, Cllr G Barnell was not sure how useful the Group was and was not willing to take on the chairmanship.  It was agreed to cancel the July meeting and to ask member councils if they wished the group to continue

7.8                 To agree scheme of delegation for Clerk to reply to planning applications over the summer break following email correspondence with Cllrs.


7.9                 Review of training to date.  To agree informal meeting in August to confirm roles and responsibilities

                       The meeting in August would be Tuesday 22 August 2-4pm at the Parish Hall.   Training for new Cllrs had taken place and had been informative

7.10               To note attendance at next Coffee morning surgery on 8 July

                       Cllr G Scopes to attend


08/07/23      Clerks Report

8.1                 No report


09/07/23      Miscellaneous Correspondence/Items raised by parishioners since the last meeting

                       Cllr G Barnell requested that in future all new items raised by parishioners/Cllrs since the last meeting be listed on the agenda under this item and a decision would be taken as to what further action was required and the item added to the Agenda Planner.  The Agenda Planner would be circulated ahead of the agenda going out and Cllrs would need to advice the Clerk if the item needed to be brought forward or put back.  Supporting information from any enquiries must be circulated with the agenda.  Parishioners raising issues would be asked if they would be happy for their name to be on the agenda as raising the issue.  It was hoped this would allow greater ownership of the issue and more community involvement.

9.1                 Issues raised since last meeting

9.1.1              Request for additional dog poo bins.   Cllr D Rowell to make further enquiries

9.1.2              Concern over overgrown vegetation in the Shuttern Brooke. Cllr P Stephenson would walk the brooke with a flood warden.  A note advising this would take place would be placed in the  Newton Wonder.   Cllr G Barnell noted that it was important that the Parish Council did not become involved in neighbour issues.

9.1.3              Concern over use of weed killer on Station Road.  Cllr D Rowell to make enquiries to find out who carried this out and why

9.1.4              Request for Community Shop to be restarted.   Cllr J Browne to make further enquiries including speaking to the Parish Hall

9.1.5              Overgrown brambles etc on School Hill and by the Tytheing Close bus stops.  Clerk to ask Road Warden to speak to our NHO.


10/07/23      Agenda Planner

10.1               Review of agenda planner for future meetings.

                       A copy had been circulated and was noted.


11/07/23      Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Thursday 7 September 2023 at 7pm in the Club Room


End of Formal Business

Public Participation

There was none



The meeting closed at 9.45pm