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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Annual Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 18 May 2023 

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm 

Members present

Cllr G Barnell                                                                     Cllr D Rowell

Cllr J Dean                                                                         Cllr G Scopes

Cllr L Ouldridge                                                                 Cllr P Stephenson

Cllr S Parker                                                      


In attendance:  Jim Enright (present for item 1.1 only); D/Cllr M Binks, D/Cllr S Chenore, 8 members of public (1 stayed to the end of the meeting), J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Formal Business

Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms were completed prior to the start of the meeting together with a form to agree electronic receipt of council papers. Register of Members’ Interest Forms were given out and it was noted that Register of Interest Forms must be completed within 28 days and returned to the Clerk for forwarding to MDDC.  

01/05/23      Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman (Chaired by out-going Chairman Jim Enright)

  • To accept nominations for the election of Chairman – to receive the Chairman’s declarations of acceptance of office form

Jim Enright welcomed everyone to the Annual Parish Council meeting and introduced those present and called for nominations for the position of Chair.   Cllr G Barnell was proposed by Cllr J Dean and seconded by Cllr P Stephenson and it was resolved unanimously to elect Cllr G Barnell as Chairman.  Cllr G Barnell duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance Form for the position of Chairman.  Cllr G Barnell proposed a vote of thanks to Jim Enright for all his past service on the Parish Council and Jim Enright left the meeting.  Cllr G Barnell took the position of Chair.

  • To accept nominations for the election of Vice-Chairman

Cllr L Ouldridge was proposed by Cllr G Barnell and seconded By Cllr S Parker and was resolved unanimously to elect Cllr L Ouldridge as Vice-Chairman.


Public Participation – Standing orders to be suspended

Concern was expressed about the bus service which was increasingly unreliable.  Cllr G Barnell undertook to find out who is responsible for managing bus service contracts and this would be discussed at the next meeting.

Road re-surfacing – should the Parish come up with a priority list to pass on to DCC?  Cllr G Barnell suggested this might be an item for the A377 Action Group to discuss together with potholes on the A377 which were a hazard.

Standing Orders re-instated and back to Formal Business

02/05/23      Apologies

None noted 

03/05/23      Declaration of Interest

None noted 

04/05/23      Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 6 April 2023

Agreed and signed as a true record 

05/05/23      To consider any applicants for co-option – two posts are available

Standing orders to be suspended, whilst candidates make a brief (five-minute) presentation on why they wish to be a parish councillor. Standing orders will be reinstated whilst councillors vote on appointment once candidates have been proposed and seconded. Successful candidate to sign declaration of office form and join the meeting

Jenna Browne was willing to stand as a Parish Councillor and was proposed by Cllr G Barnell and seconded by Cllr L Ouldridge and it was agreed to unanimously to co-opt.  Cllr J Browne duly signed the declaration of acceptance of office form and joined the meeting as a Councillor. 

06/05/23      To adopt the Power of Competency - The Council is eligible to adopt this power as more than 2/3rds of Councillors were elected and the Clerk is qualified. 

It was resolved to adopt the Power of Competency 

07/05/23      Election of Representatives and allocation of responsibilities

A list of previously held role and areas of responsibility had been circulated.  It was resolved to review the way responsibilities were allocated and to consider grouping areas under heading such as Leisure, Transport, Environment etc.  Cllr G Barnell, Cllr L Ouldridge and the Clerk would meet before the next meeting to work on a proposal for discussion at the next meeting.  Clerk to circulate details of meeting which would be open to all Cllrs to attend. 

08/05/23      Annual Reviews

8.1                 To review all Policies

A list of policies had been circulated.  The clerk noted that an updated version of Standing Orders had recently been issued by NALC and this would be circulated for consideration at the next meeting.  Cllr G Barnell suggested that policies should be reviewed as and when they were used.  In addition consideration would be given to allocating policies to the Councillor with that area of responsibility.

8.2                 To agree payment of Clerk’s membership of SLCC (approx. £112.00)


8.3                 To agree Travel and Subsistence Allowances (in line with HMRC recommendations - £0.45 per mile.  For Clerk and for Road Warden Scheme volunteers


8.4                 To confirm dates of Council Meetings up to December 2024

Meetings were confirmed as the first Thursday in each month with no meetings in January or August

8.5                Bank Mandate and Signatures – To agree that all new Councillors to be added to mandate for Unity Trust Bank.  To consider moving Footpath and Resurfacing Account from NatWest to Unity Trust

It was resolved to add all new Councillors as signatories to the Unity Trust Current Account.  It was resolved to move the NatWest Footpath Account to the Unity Trust current Account with the footpath money being ringfenced.  A new savings account would be set up with Unity for the Car Park resurfacing fund.

8.6                 To agree insurance

Details had been circulated and it was agreed to renew

8.7                 To update Action plan

This was deferred until a future meeting and/or until roles and responsibilities were agreed and allocated

8.8                 To agree the internal auditor for 2023-24

It was resolved to continue with the existing arrangements for the internal audit


09/05/23      Mid Devon District Council

9.1                 Planning Applications  


9.2                 Planning Decisions:             

23/00235/FULL - Erection of an agricultural building and formation of hardstanding with associated works at Bidwell Barton Farm, Newton St Cyres – grant permission

23/00431/FUL- Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 21/01501/FULL for a substitution of plot 5 design with detached garage at former Primary School Site, Newton St Cyres

9.3                 District Councillors, Cllr M Binks and Cllr S Chenore to report on MDDC business relevant to the parish

D/Cllrs M Binks and S Chenore were welcomed to the meeting.  Cllr G Barnell asked for District input on the following areas

  • Court Orchard Community Orchard – agreement was required over how the grass around the community orchard would be maintained
  • A site meeting was required with Cllr L Ouldridge and New Estate residents who had submitted a petition asking for speed restrictions
  • The broken Parish Hall car park lights

D/Cllr M Binks undertook to speak to the MDDC officer responsible and report back. 

10/05/23      Devon County Council

10.1               Outstanding Highways issues

It was resolved to review the way outstanding highways issues were recorded and this would be agreed at a future meeting

10.2               New Highway issues           

None noted

10.3               County Councillor, Cllr M Squires, to report on DCC business relevant to the parish 

There was no report


11/05/23      Finance

11.1               To agree Parish Council Payments and note Receipts:

Payments were agreed as:

Expenditure – current account


Receipts – current account


CPRE – Annual membership (DD)


Allotment rents


ICO – Data Protection Registration (DD)


Parish Hall – resurfacing contribution


Ian Salter – bus shelter cleaning


Raddon Hills admin payment


Nick Gillon – LED beacon for car for RWS




Reserve Account – car park resurfacing fund




Rec Ground – grant plus rent £500.00


Resurfacing Account interest 31.3.23


Parish Hall – grant plus Wi-Fi £200.00




Parish Hall – hire of hall (£50 is NHP)




BHIB – Insurance




S Saunders grass cutting £150 churchyard/£80 green




J Hole – Salary and expenses









11.2               To approve bank authorisation for this month’s payments

Cllr L Ouldridge and Cllr S Parker signed the cheques

11.3               Balances (after above transactions)

                       11.3.1         Parish Council Current Account balance: £14,406.89

                       11.3.2         Footpath Account: £269.02

                       11.3.3         Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £7,255,55

11.4               Financial Statement and Budget Monitor

Cllr G Barnell reported that the Neighbourhood Planning Group (NHP) had applied for a grant but at present had no funds. Expenditure was required for room hire and a meeting with the consultant.  It was resolved that the Parish Council would “loan” the money for one session with the consultant and room bookings for the next three months.

11.5               Annual Return – to note external audit is required due to income over £25,000 for 2022/23


11.5.1           To note internal audit report – circulated separately with Annual Return and on website


11.5.2           Annual Return – to approve Part 1 Annual Governance Statement 2022/23

Duly approved and signed by Cllr G Barnell

11.5.3           Annual Return – to approve Part 2 Accounting Statements

Duly approved and signed by Cllr G Barnell

11.5.4           Annual Return – to note Asset Register      


11.5.5            Annual Return – to note dates for public inspection as 5 June to 14 July 2023


12/05/23      Matters raised by the Chair - none


13/05/23      Councillor’s Reports for areas of responsibility

13.1               Press – annual newsletter due June 2023. To agree distribution areas

It was resolved to defer this item to the next meeting

13.2               To agree attendance at monthly surgeries (second Saturday in month)

                       Attendance was agreed as follows

                       10 June                     Cllr L Ouldridge

                       8 July                         Cllr G Scopes

                       9 September            Cllr P Stephenson

                       14th October           Cllr S Parker

                      11th November       Cllr J Browne

Clerk to update the display boards as and when roles and responsibilities had been agreed

13.3               Old School Footpath update

Cllr S Parker reported on a meeting that that taken place with the old school site developer who had agreed to fund the new fence posts.  Cllr S Parker hoped to use some machinery to install the posts with.


14/05/23      Clerk’s Report

14.1               To note clerks holiday: 24-28 July and 14 - 18 August 2023


15/05/23      Parish Council

15.1               Update from Neighbourhood Forum

Covered under 11.4 above

15.2               Councillors to provide pen portraits for website

Councillors agreed to provide this by the next meeting at the latest.  Pen portraits and photos could be included on the surgery information boards

15.3               To agree training for Cllrs – details circulated – Cllrs to confirm dates to Clerk

Councillors agreed to confirm dates to the Clerk as soon as possible

15.4               To consider email from Chair Brampford Speke, Upton Pyne & Cowley CLT

Details had been circulated and the email was read out to the meeting.  It was agreed that Cllr P Stephenson would discuss with the Brampford Speke Chair and report back to the next meeting 

16/05/23      Miscellaneous Correspondence

Various emails had been circulated by the Clerk 

17/05/23      Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Bus services

Permissive Footpaths – Cllr S Parker to report back on discussion with land owner

Public Rights of way (PROW) update

Map for the noticeboard on the green – Cllr S Parker to provide an estimate of the cost to post an UV waterproof map on the back of the village green noticeboard

Review of maintenance of the Village Green – Cllr S Parker to speak to the NEW representative looking after the green

Court orchard – maintenance of community orchard

Road Safety issues 

18/05/23      Date of next PC meeting: Thursday 1 June 2023, 7pm in the Club Room, Parish Hall       

 End of Formal Business 

Public Participation

There was none 

The meeting closed at 9.10pm