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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 5 October 2023 

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm 

Members present

Cllr G Barnell (Chair)                             Cllr G Scopes

C llr J Dean                                              Cllr P Stephenson

Cllr L Ouldridge                                      Cllr J Rimbon-Whittaker

Cllr S Parker


In attendance: C/Cllr M Squires (left 7.40pm); 12 members of public (2 left after public participation), J Hole, Parish Clerk

Public Participation

Issues raised:

i ) Support was expressed for retaining the wild flowers on the village green

ii) Concern was expressed about the recent actions of the Quickes estate with regard to hedge cutting and tree felling all leading to a loss of biodiversity. Cllr G Barnell noted that two emails had been received by the Parish Council on this issue with a request for the Parish Council to speak to the landowner. It was reported that  Newton Environment Wellbeing Group (NEW) has decided to arrange a special meeting on the 25 October to discuss these matters. Mary Quicke will be invited and everyone is welcome to attend.


Formal Business

01/10/23      Apologies

                       Cllr J Browne, D/Cllr M Binks


02/10/23      Declaration of Interest

                       None noted


03/10/23      Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 7 September 2023

                       Agreed and signed as a true record


04/10/23      Co-option – to consider candidates

4.1                 Alison Staite was willing to stand as a Parish Councillor and was proposed by Cllr G Barnell and seconded by Cllr L Ouldridge with all in favour of co-option.  Cllr A Staite duly signed the declaration of acceptance of office form and joined the meeting as a Councillor.

4.2                 Update on lead responsibilities

                       It was noted that the Climate and Emergency role was currently vacant. Cllr A Staite was asked to consider the various roles and to come back to the next meeting with a proposed area of interest.


05/10/23      Newton St Cyres Parish Council Issues relevant to Mid Devon District Council

5.1                 Planning Applications 

                       23/01398/HOUSE - Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 21/01942/HOUSE (Erection of extensions to form porch and office, installation of roof mounted solar panels and formation of store over garage) to allow substitution of approved plans at 14 Kingfisher Close – no comment

5.2                 Planning Decisions


5.3            To note formal complaint to MDDC re street lighting of Shuttern Close has escalated to second stage

                       Noted.   Cllr G Barnell has suggested that, before the matter is referred to the Ombudsman for adjudication, Mike Lowman, MDDC contact the Chair of the Parish Hall committee with a view to reaching a bilateral solution to the repair and maintenance of the two streetlights abutting both the Car Park and the MDDC footpath. He has also suggested that Mike Lowman’s staff meet with Shuttern Close residents to discuss security lighting for their properties rather than just write to them.    

5.4                 To note response from MDDC re waste bins and to consider future action

                       MDDC response had been circulated.  This noted that there are currently 10 parish litter bins emptied by MDDC.  The least used bin was the one by Tytheing Close.  To move a litter bin would cost £100.00.

                       Cllr G Barnell expressed concern about moving the bin by Tytheing Close as this would mean residents from Tytheing Close had to cross the road to reach a litter bin. 

                       It was resolved that:

  1. The best bin to relocate to outside the Church would be the one by the old phone box as there is also a dog poo bin close by on the same side of the road.
  2. The Clerk would email MDDC to ask how much a new litter bin would cost for the Rec Ground on the basis that this venue is well used all year round and should have its own litter bin.

iii)            Consultation with the Church and highways will be necessary about relocating the bin on the road adjacent to the Church.  Clerk to liaise as required.

5.5                 Report from District Councillors on issues relevant to the parish

                       There was no report


06/10/23      Newton St Cyres Parish Council issues relevant to Devon County Council

6.1                 To consider proposed Travel and Road Safety Plan  (circulated) – Cllr J Dean

                       Cllr J Dean reported on the meeting held on 21 September with the DCC highways team, Cllr G Barnell and C/Cllr M Squires.  Three priority localities had been identified – the School, Smallbrook and Tytheing Close.   It was proposed to consult with parishioners in these locations and with the school to agree what was needed in terms of a travel and road safety plan, to include safe road crossing points, road signage, speed limits, and safe access to bus stops.   C/Cllr M Squires noted that a formal School Travel Plan would be  important.  Cllr J Dean had emailed the Head of School to arrange a meeting to discuss both this and the Parish Transport plan.

                       Cllr P Stephenson requested that speed of traffic through the parish should be added as a priority area.  A review of traffic speeds was due now that the pedestrian crossing had been in place for a while.    

It was resolved that

  1. Whilst speed of traffic through the Village is a priority issue, the requirements of the three localities identified in the report about should be tackled first.
  2. The Council accept the Transport and Travel Plan as circulated with the agenda.

Noted that C/Cllr M Squires is requesting a speed check on the A377 from Crediton direction down the hill leading to Station Road.

6.1.2            To note request to DCC for parking restrictions along Station Road Following the meeting with DCC, a request for waiting restrictions at specific times in the day along Station Road had been made by Cllr G Barnell.    C/Cllr M Squires will be taking this request forward to Mid Devon HATOC for the Committees’ agreement to a local assessment. If parking restrictions on Station Road are considered appropriate there will be consultation with local residents about specific proposals.

6.2                 Report from County Councillor on issues relevant to the Parish

                       C/Cllr M Squires had nothing further to report 

07/10/23      Finance

7.1                 To agree Payments and note Receipts.

Since the agenda had been sent out, invoices for grass cutting of £160.00 for the churchyard and £160.00 for the parish had been received.    It was resolved to add these to the payment schedule below
Payments were agreed as:

Expenditure – current account


Receipts – current account


Devon Communities Together


Transfer from NatWest Account


MDDC – Uncontested Election May 2023




DALC – Planning Training – JB




RWS Expenses (gloves and strimming wire)


Resurfacing Account


J Hole – Salary and expenses


Interest at 31 August 2023






Simon Saunders Grass cutting (Green £160.00 and Churchyard £160.00)





7.2                 To approve on-line authorisation for this month’s payments.

                       Cllr G Scopes and Cllr J Dean

7.3                 Balances (after above transactions)

7.3.1   Parish Council Current Account balance: £14,331.25

7.3.2   Footpath Account: £268.02

7.3.3   Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £7,268.50                

7.3.4   NHP: (-£370.42)

7.3.5   To note closure of NatWest Footpath and savings account – new unity savings account is pending completion of ID checks

Clerk to remind Cllrs who need to provide ID checks

7.4                 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


7.4.1              To  agreement virement from underspent budgets to overspent budgets (e.g. coronation fund to printing)

                       This was agreed.

7.4.2              To set up a NHP budget by virement from underspent budgets as retrospective payments/Clerks hours cannot be charged to the NHP grant.

                       This was agreed

7.4.3              To increase training budget to allow for additional Cllr training (to note that D Rowell has offered to pay training costs back – to agree to accept this offer)

                       This was agreed.  Clerk to inform D Rowell of the training cost.

7.5                 To consider grant request from Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) – letter circulated separately.  There is £200 in the budget

                       It was resolved to grant CAB £200.00

08/10/23      Other Parish Council Matters

8.1                 Development and Planning – Cllr G Barnell

                       8.1.1            To note Cllr G Barnell response to EDDC planning application 22/1104/VAR - Enfield Farm Biodigester Oil Mill Lane Clyst St Mary EX5 1AF

                       Cllr G Barnell explained the background to this application and noted that despite objections the application had been agreed.

8.2                 Emergency and Resilience – Cllrs G Scopes and P Stephenson

                       8.2.1            Quarterly resilience update to include defib, walking the brook, NHW and flood group

                       Defibrillators - Cllr G Scopes reported that he was working to get the guardianship of the two defibrillators as registered with The Circuit transferred to himself and Cllr P Stephenson

                       Walking the Brook – Cllrs G Barnell and P Stephenson reported on the walk and photos had been circulated.  Areas behind Woodlands are very overgrown. The growth was from the Quicke Estate side of the brook. This  could easily restrict water flow in the event of heavy rain given that debris being brought downstream is likely to become trapped in the growth and may therefore dam the flow. 

                       It was resolved that:  

                       The clerk would email Quickes Farm Manager with copy to the Landowner to request urgent maintenance work be carried out

                       Neighbourhood watch – Cllr P Stephenson will meet up with NHW deputies to review the operation of the scheme.

                       Flood Network – noted that Cllr L Ouldridge has arranged a Flood Network meeting for 26 October.


8.3                 Village Green Maintenance Agreement – to consider proposed amendments to the agreement and then vote on agreement.

                       The agreement had been circulated with NEW’s suggested amendments, together with two emails to the Parish Council, one in support of the project and one against. 

                       It was resolved to accept the proposed amendments except the one proposing a review of the agreement every five years.

                       Cllr G Barnell proposed that the Agreement be reviewed every two years. This was seconded by Cllr L Ouldridge and agreed by the Council.

                       The Council resolved unanimously to accept the Agreement with NEW as amended. 

                       Cllr S Parker spoke against the continuation of the wildflower areas and proposed that the wildflower areas be discontinued. However, his proposal did not find a seconder.

                       Cllr L Ouldridge proposed that the wildflower areas on the Village Green be continued on the basis of the amended Agreement with NEW. This was seconded by Cllr J Dean. A vote was taken, and the proposal accepted with one vote against.

                       The Chair of the Parish Council and the Chairperson of NEW will be requested to sign the agreement.

8.4                 Footpath Consultation - Cllr S Parker - To note report of responses received and to agree letter to Landowner

                       75 responses had been received and these had been summarised by Cllr L Ouldridge into a report which had been circulated to Cllrs together with a draft letter from the Chair of the PC to the landowner requesting a meeting to discuss the responses and next steps.

                       The draft letter was agreed by the Parish Council and will be sent together with a copy of the report.   Once sent the letter and report  will be published in the Newton Wonder.

                       If the land owner agrees to a meeting, the Parish Council resolved that that its first priority for improvements to the plan would be for a permissive path connecting Tytheing Close to Station Road .  A second priority would be a path to connect the existing permissive footpath from Tinpit Hill across to the PROW above Hanlons.

                       Cllrs also expressed the hope that any discussions would include a request not to fence off paths, a discussion about cost and also an exploration of additional/alternative sources of funding . 

                       It was noted that DCC has agreed to install a new hand rail and steps on FP1 (public rights of way) and that permission had been given by the Land owners farm manager for DCC to carry out the work.

8.5                 Publicity and Community Engagement – Cllr J Browne and Cllr J Rimbon-Whittaker

                       8.5.1            Childrens play areas – location and equipment

                       Costs of suggested play equipment for the Rec ground had been circulated.  It is highly unlikely that the PC will have the money to fund play equipment so the Rec would need to pursue grant funding. It was noted that the Parish Clerk has much experience of grant funding for play equipment and can advise the Rec Committee on the best approach to fund raising. It was also noted that the Parish has an outstanding allocation of S106 money for public open space arising from the development on the Old School site.   The Rec was currently negotiating an extension to the lease so grant applications may need to wait until this was secured.

                       It was resolved that the Clerk will contact MDDC to find out whether some of this S106 money might be available.  

8.6                 To note attendance at next Coffee morning surgery on 14 October – Cllr S Parker


                       8.6.1            Issues raised at September surgery

  1. i) Concerns about bright external lighting at Belluno all night - Clerk to contact Belluno to request external lights are turned off when the Restaurant closes to save energy and prevent light pollution.
  2. ii) Concerns about alleged illegal activity at Belluno These concerns had been discussed at the last Parish Council meeting and also in the local press. In the absence of new information the PC will not discuss further.

                      iii) Request to relocate the post box outside Belluno to a safer location – this had previously been discussed with the Post Office who were unwilling to relocate the box.  Clerk to report back to parishioner             


8.7                 Report from DALC AGM and Conference – Cllr G Barnell

                       Cllr G Barnell gave a brief report on a useful conference which had been a good opportunity to network.  Crediton Town Council were keen to establish a regular Crediton Cluster Parish Council  meeting.

8.8                 Update on Raddon Hills

                       The clerk reported that there was insufficient support for the Group to continue and the Group had therefore been disbanded with immediate effect.


9/10/23        Forward Agenda Planner/Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

9.1                 Review of agenda planner for future meetings.  Copy circulated

Cllr G Barnell reported that an agenda planning meeting with the clerk and Cllr L Ouldridge takes place approximately a week and a half before each meeting. He requested that any agenda items  should be sent to the clerk as soon as possible each month and in any event in time for the agenda planning meeting.


10/10/23      Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Thursday 2 November 2023 at 7pm in the Club Room


End of Formal Business

Public Participation

There was none.


The meeting closed at 9.05pm