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Newton St Cyres Parish Council

Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 7 September 2023

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm

Members present

Cllr G Barnell (Chair)                             Cllr S Parker

Cllr J Browne                                         Cllr G Scopes

Cllr J Dean                                             Cllr P Stephenson

Cllr L Ouldridge                                     


In attendance: C/Cllr M Squires (left 8 pm); 10 member of public, J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Public Participation

Issues raised:

i) Was the defibrillator at the Rec being checked regularly? This was on the agenda

ii) A parishioner expressed their thanks to the Road Wardens for filling pot holes. Clerk to pass on to RW team

iii)          There was no PC rep at the latest Rec Meeting?  Clerk to pass Cllr J Brownes contact details to the Rec committee

iv) When did the Parish Council agree that wild flowers could be planted on the Village Green? Clerk to provide details to parishioner.   Would there be a consultation on the future of the project and would those living near the green be consulted?  Cllr G Barnell explained that once a draft agreement had been drawn up with NEW this would be considered by the Parish Council and future steps agreed, which may or may not include a consultation.

v) The recent hearing at MDDC re Belluno’s licence was noted. Concern was expressed about alleged activities at Belluno.  Cllr G Barnell stated that the police had no evidence of any further criminal activities but if anyone had any information then it should be passed direct to the police

Formal Business 

01/09/23      Apologies

1.1                 There were none 

02/09/23      Declaration of Interest

2.1                 None noted 

03/09/23      Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 6 July 2023  

                       Cllr G Barnell proposed an amendment to agenda item 7.3.1 Village Green.  It was agreed to amend this to read as follows: “It was agreed that Cllr D Rowell would draft an agreement based on the contribution  by Dave Harris which would be circulated and discussed at the next meeting.  Cllr S Parker requested an agenda item at the next meeting on whether or not to keep the wild flowers on the green.  He pointed out several issues including the present of ragwort and overgrown areas around the benches and noticeboard”

                       Agreed and signed as a true record

04/09/23      Co-option – to consider candidates

4.1                 Jocelyne Rimbon-Whittaker was willing to stand as a Parish Councillor and was proposed by Cllr G Barnell and seconded by Cllr L Ouldridge and it was agreed to unanimously to co-opt.  Cllr J Rimbon-Whittaker duly signed the declaration of acceptance of office form and joined the meeting as a Councillor.

4.2                 Update on lead responsibilities

                       Cllr J Rimbon-Whittaker agreed to adopt responsibility for Community Engagement and would work with Cllr J Browne on this area.  Cllr G Barnell would keep responsibility for Planning on a permanent basis rather than acting as previously agreed.

                       It was noted that Dave Rowell had recently resigned as a Cllr leading to a casual vacancy which would need to be notified to MDDC and duly advertised.   

                       Cllr G Barnell undertook to draft an agreement for the village green for NEW to consider and for the Parish Council to discuss at the October meeting

                       Cllr G Barnell welcomed Alison Staite to the meeting as a member of the public. Alison  has expressed an interest in joining the Parish Council and was keen to observe proceedings.


05/09/23      Newton St Cyres Parish Council Issues relevant to Mid Devon District Council

5.1                 Planning Applications 

                       23/00996/LBC - Listed Building Consent to replace front and back external doors with flood doors at 1 Silks Cottages Newton St Cyres, Exeter  - “no comment” already made

                       23/01096/HOUSE - Erection of single storey rear extension and two storey side extension at  3 Godolphin Close Newton St Cyres Exeter – “ no comment” already made

5.2                 Planning Decisions:


5.3                 Update on New Estate petition for speed calming measures – Cllr L Ouldridge and D/Cllr M Binks

Cllr L Ouldridge reported on a meeting she had attended together with D/Cllr M Binks, a MDDC Officer and the parishioner who raised the issue.  It was agreed that speed bumps were not appropriate but MDDC agreed to paint  “10” on the road and put up a sign saying “Caution Children playing”.  Clerk to email District Cllrs/MDDC Officer to confirm actions.

5.4            To note formal complaint to MDDC re street lighting of Shuttern Close

Noted that Cllr G Barnell had submitted a formal complaint to MDDC on behalf of the Parish Council.

5.5                 Update on progress of  maintenance of Court Orchard community orchard

                       Clerk to email District Councillors to ask for an update.

5.6                 To consider Dog poo Bins – paper circulated separately – Cllr D Rowell

A report had been circulated which suggested relocating two existing bins to outside the church and down Station Road.  It was noted that the Arboretum had removed their dog poo bin and that the bin by the Parish Hall was not a MDDC bin.  After discussion it was agreed that the  Clerk would contact MDDC to ask them to identify which bins were least used and to ask for an estimate of the cost involved to move bins and the consultation process required.

5.7                 Report from District Councillors on issues relevant to the parish        

                       There was no report.  


06/09/23      Newton St Cyres Parish Council issues relevant to Devon County Council

6.1                 School Hill pavement maintenance; grit bin for Kingfisher Close; pot holes on A377.

Clerk to email Cllr M Squires about the grit bin and the clearing of vegetation obstructing the pavement down School Hill to ensure this remains high on the priority list.  Some pot holes had been filled on the A377.  Cllr M Squires noted the excellent job the Road Wardens were doing and this had also been noted by our Neighbourhood Highways Officer (NHO)

6.2                 To note proposed meeting with DCC Neighbourhood Highways Manager:  Discussion to include SCARF process and signs and markings by the school. 

                       Cllr G Barnell and Cllr J Dean were meeting with Cllr M Squires and DCC NHM, on September 21 to discuss speed limits and road signage along the A377 around Smallbrook and also outside of the Primary School in Station Road and the offer noted in 6.3 below

6.3                 To consider offer from DCC to instal wig wag by the school but only if funded by the Parish Council with an estimated total cost of £2,300, less a contribution of £500 from Cllr M Squires. PC decision required.

                       It was agreed that this would be discussed at the meeting on the 21 September.  Cllr G Barnell thanked Cllr M Squires for her offer of £500.00 and requested this remains available pending discussions. Cllr M Squires could not guarantee the money would remain indefinitely.

6.4                 Report from County Councillor on issues relevant to the Parish

Cllr M Squires had circulated an email which noted that the 2023/24 HATOC Local Waiting Restriction Programme List had a closing date of 29 September.  If the Parish required any additional waiting restrictions around the bus stop by the Old Post Office these would need to meet the deadline or wait another year.  It was agreed that no additional restrictions were required at this time, although this may change once agreement has been reached with DCC about road signage outside of the Village School 

07/09/23      Finance

7.1                 To ratify Parish Council Payments made in August and agree September payments and note Receipts

                       Agreed and noted as follows:


Expenditure – current account


Receipts – current account


Unity Trust Bank – bank charges


P3 Parish Paths


Simon Saunders grass cutting – parish £80/Church £140




DALC training courses




Neilis Grass Cutting – old school path £50/PROW £150




Parish Hall room rent June to August.  NHP £39




Senior Internet Ltd – provision of email and domains




J Hole – Salary and expenses


Resurfacing Account




Interest at 31 June 2023


September payments:  Stuart Todd – NHP


Interest at 31 July 2023


Parish Magazine Printing – Annual report




PKF – External audit fee




Simon Saunders grass cutting – parish £420/church £140




J Hole – Salary and expenses









7.2                 To approve signatures for this month’s payments and to note bank reconciliation circulated

                       separately.  To sign letter to close NatWest Accounts and form to open new Unity savings account

                       Cllr J Browne and Cllr J Dean to approve online payments.

Cllr L Ouldridge and Cllr S Parker signed the letter to close the NatWest Account and to open the Unity Savings account

7.3                 Balances (after above transactions)

7.3.1   Parish Council Current Account balance: £7,816.45

7.3.2   Footpath Account: £268.02

7.3.3   Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £7,268.50                

7.3.4   NHP: (-£370.42 – this does not include costs for meetings on 6/13 September)


7.4                 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


7.5                 To note successful conclusion of external audit by PKF Littlejohn – details posted on website


7.6                 To consider continued membership of Devon Communities Together £24.00 per year

                       It was agreed to continue membership for another year. Cllr J Browne and Cllr J Rimbon-Whittaker would monitor the use of the membership during the year and its usefulness would be re-evaluated next year

7.7                 Update on NHP grant

                       Cllr G Barnell would be submitting the NHP grant application shortly.

7.8                 To consider attendance at DALC conference and AGM on 27 September 2023 - £45.00

                       Cllr G Barnell would attend


08/09/23      Other Parish Council Matters

8.1                 Emergency and Resilience – Cllrs G Scopes and P Stephenson

8.1.1              Update on Defibrillator at Rec – is it rescue ready?

                       Cllr G Scopes reported that the defibrillator by the Village Green was not listed on SW Ambulance Service system.  The defibrillator by the Rec is listed.   Cllr G Scopes would speak to  Geoff Jackson re the checks he carries out.  Cllr G Scopes and Cllr P Stephenson to agree on a checking/maintenance procedure for both defibs.

8.1.2              Update on walking of Shutternbrook to ensure its clear of debris

Cllr G Barnell and Cllr P Stephenson would walk the brook on Saturday 9 September 2023 and Cllr G Barnell would put notes through relevant doors to inform householders.  The brook would be assessed for flood risks only

8.1.3              Update on Neighbourhood Watch (NHW)

Cllr P Stephenson would speak to a NHW Deputy to find out more about the Group.  The police point of contact would need to be updated

8.2                 Footpaths, Structures and Maintenance – Cllr S Parker

8.2.1              Permissive paths consultation – to agree next steps

                       Due to the late delivery of some Annual Reports, the deadline for comments had been extended to the 8 September.  Approx 75 responses had been received.  It was agreed that Cllrs G Barnell,  L Ouldridge, S Parker and the Clerk would meet to review the responses to identity common themes and present a report at the October meeting.  The Parish Council was disappointed by the notices that were posted anonymously around the village and immediately removed these as this approach was not helpful or constructive.

8.3                 Publicity and Community Engagement – Cllr J Browne

8.3.1              To consider plan to set up a local discussion forum (eg Facebook, website) on local farming issues.

                                           It was agreed to set up a farming FAQ on the website  and Cllr J Browne would discuss the proposal with local farmers.   The Clerk would arrange website training for Cllrs J Browne and J Rimbon-Whittaker. 

                                           Dave Rowell had sent an email to Cllrs  to note that despite enquiries he had not been able to identify who had applied weed killer along  Station Road.

8.4                 To consider re-listing the Parish Hall and Rec Ground as Assets of Community Value – current listing expires 22 November 2023

                       It was agreed that the Clerk should apply to MDDC to relist both these assets.  Listings last for 5 years.

8.5                 Raddon Hills – to review responses re the future of the Group and consider future involvement

                       Responses from 5 (out of 13) member parishes had been received.  Cllr G Barnell agreed to write to member PC Chairs to suggest that the Chair for the Group should rotate around the group as NSC PC were not prepared to continue to chair and would consider withdrawing from the Group

8.6                 To note attendance at next Coffee morning surgery on 9 September – Cllr P Stephenson

                       Noted.  Cllr C Chenore (MDDC) hoped to attend on Saturday.


09/09/23      Clerks Report

9.1                 No report


11/09/23      Forward Agenda Planner/Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

11.1               Review of agenda planner for future meetings.

                       The planner was reviewed and updated


12/09/23      Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Thursday 5 October 2023 at 7pm in the Club Room


End of Formal Business

Public Participation 

There was none

The meeting closed at 9.10pm