Minutes from May 2018 meeting
Newton St Cyres Parish Council
Minutes of Newton St Cyres Annual Parish Council Meeting held in the
Parish Hall Club Room on Thursday 3 May 2018
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm
Members present
Cllr D Baker (chair) Cllr S Parker
Cllr J Baker Cllr A Reeves
Cllr G Barnell Cllr C Southcott
Cllr J Enright Cllr P Taylor
In attendance: Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC (left 7.50pm), Cllr M Squires, DCC (arrived 8.05), 12 members of public (3 remained to the end of the meeting), J Hole, Parish Clerk
Business to be Transacted
Public Participation
- Police Report
There was no report
- Public Question Time
A parishioner thanked the Parish Council for arranging the site meeting at Half Moon and for getting the relevant parties to attend. She felt the meeting had gone well and most participants had a pragmatic approach.
A parishioner asked for an update on the Boniface Trail. Cllr P Taylor replied that the first landowner legal agreement should be signed shortly and by the summer the Phase 1 (Smallbrook to Langford) agreements should be confirmed. A pre-planning application had been submitted to MDDC and it was hoped that the full planning application would be submitted by the end of March 2019 Early indications from MDDC suggested they were happy with the plans for phase 1 and it was hoped that a meeting could be arranged to walk the route. Some funding from MDDC and DCC had been obtained for the initial work. Phase 2 was Smallbrook to Crediton and the last and most difficult stage, phase 3 was Langford to Exeter.
Formal Business
01/05/18 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
1.1 To accept nominations for the election of Chairman and to receive the Chairman’s declarations of acceptance of office form
Cllr J Enright was proposed by Cllr D Baker and seconded by Cllr A Reeves and it was resolved unanimously to elect Cllr J Enright as Chairman. Cllr J Enright duly signed the acceptance of office form and chaired the meeting. Cllr J Enright proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr D Baker for all his work during the 13 years he had been a Councillor, 9 years of which he was Chairman. Cllr D Baker had ensured that Newton St Cyres Parish Council had become more professional and efficient. Cllr D Baker confirmed that he would be moving shortly but both he and Cllr J Baker intended to continue on Council until next year’s election
1.2 To accept nominations for the election of Vice-Chairman
Cllr G Barnell was proposed by Cllr A Reeves and seconded by Cllr P Taylor and it was resolved unanimously to elect Cllr G Barnell as Vice Chair
02/05/18 Apologies
Cllr G Quicke (away)
03/05/18 Declaration of Interest
Cllr D Baker – item 8.3.10 &11(PI), Cllr S Parker – item 8.3.2 (PI), Cllr A Reeves – item 5.2 re 17/02013/HOUSE (PI) and Cllr P Taylor – item 8.3.8 (PI)
04/05/18 Minutes of the last meetings held on Thursday 5 April 2018
Agreed and signed as a true record
05/05/18 Mid Devon District Council
5.1 Planning Applications:
18/00414/MFUL - Erection of extension to brewery to include alterations to provide additional restaurant/bar floorspace, amended entrance arrangements, outdoor dining area, and erection of 11 holiday lodges at Yellow Hammer Brewing Ltd, Hanlons Brewery
Plans had been displayed in the Club Room prior to the Annual Parish Meeting and representatives from Hanlons had been present to answer any questions. Cllr J Enright informed the meeting that discussions between DCC and Hanlons were on-going with regard to the provision of a footpath. Cllr J Enright was not aware of any negative comments and the development would create local jobs and bring visitors to the parish. After discussion Councillors were in favour of the application provided that there were sufficient parking spaces and there was a footpath from the layby to Half Moon. The footpath was an essential requirement to ensure safe passage for anyone wanting to travel to and from the brewery by bus and also for holidaymakers from the holiday lodges who wished to use the bus. Consideration would also need to be given to lighting as the footpath would be used at night.
18/00450/HOUSE - Erection of an artist's studio at Ash View Cottage, NSC, EX5 5AA – no comment
5.2 Planning Decisions:
17/02013/HOUSE – Alterations/erection of extensions at Southay, NSC – grant permission
18/00213/MARM - Variation of Condition 6 of Planning Permission 16/01836/MARM, closing off of drive through to Plot 22 at East of Station Road – grant permission
18/00173/FULL - Retention of 4 static caravans for staff living accommodation at Langford Park Nursing Home, Langford Road, Langford – grant permission
18/00364/FULL- Variation of Conditions 5/6 of Planning Permission 17/01074/FULL to allow the concurrent demolition of the existing house/construction of the boiler/bat house and demolition during the period of March to September at Woodley Farm – grant permission
5.3 To note that a new footpath from the Half Moon layby is not eligible for S106 contributions.
5.4 Report from Cllr P Hare- Scott
Cllr P Hare-Scott commented that the Hanlons application was exactly the type of development that MDDC were keen to encourage as they wished to support local businesses and encourage tourism. MDDC would be audited at the end of the month. Somerset County Council was considering moving to a unitary authority but this was not something DCC were considering. Data protection rules were changing.
Cllr D Baker expressed concern that there was little advice and support for voluntary organisations regarding the data protection changes. Cllr P Hare-Scott agreed to find out if MDDC would be able to put some advice in a newsletter for voluntary organisations.
06/05/18 Election of Officer, Committee and Representatives
The following were confirmed:
6.1 Allotment Officer - Cllr G Barnell
6.2 Arboretum Management Group - Cllr A Reeves
6.3 Boniface Trail Representative - Cllr S Parker
6.4 Community Engagement Officer - Chairman
6.5 Community Speed Watch Officer - Cllr S Parker
6.6 Creedy Local Action Group - Cllr G Barnell
6.7 Development Group - Cllr J Enright to replace Cllr D Baker, Cllrs G Quicke, A Reeves, P Taylor
5.8 Flood/Emergency Plan Integration Officer - Cllr A Reeves
6.9 Highways and Railways Liaison Officer - Cllr C Southcott
6.10 Link with Primary School - Cllr A Reeves
6.11 Neighbourhood Litter Officer - Cllr G Barnell
6.12 Neighbourhood Watch Officer - Cllr A Reeves to replace Cllr J Enright
6.13 Parish Car Park Management Group - Chair and Vice-Chair
6.14 Parish Footpath Officer - Cllr S Parker
6.15 Parish Hall Representative - Cllr G Quicke
6.16 Press Officer - Cllr J Baker
6.17 Raddon Hills Group of P C’s - Cllrs D Baker, S Parker & J Baker add Cllr J Enright
6.18 Recreation Ground Representative - Cllr C Southcott
6.19 Snow Warden Co-ordinator - Cllr A Reeves
6.20 Staff & Personnel Committee - Chair and Vice-Chair and Cllr G Quicke
6.21 Training Officer - Cllr P Taylor
6.22 Website/Facebook Officer - Parish Clerk
07/05/18 To review:
7.1 Standing Orders – to consider adopting updated NALC orders – circulated separately
The updated NALC orders had been circulated and it was resolved to adopt these pending an amendment to item 2.i. Clerk to amend, re- circulate and put on agenda for sign off at the next meeting
7.2 Financial Regulations – Cllr J Enright advised that updated Financial Regulations were available and it was resolved to circulate these ahead of the next meeting for consideration. In the meantime, the existing regulations would stand.
7.3 Contents of Councillors’ Reference Pack – The Clerk advised that a full update of all packs would be undertaken following elections next year.
7.4 Terms and References for Committees - Approved
7.5 Council’s Complaints procedure - Approved
7.6 Council’s procedure for handling requests made under FOI - Approved
7.7 Council’s policy Media Communication policy - Approved
7.8 Council’s Community Resilience Plan - Approved
7.9 Temporary signs on the Village Green Policy – Cllr C Southcott requested consideration be given to the size of permitted signs and it was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting. In the meantime, the current policy will stand
7.10 Training and Development Policy - Approved
7.11 Community Engagement Strategy - Approved
7.12 Equal Opportunities Policy - Approved
7.13 Grant Awarding Policy - Approved
7.14 Parish Council’s Acton plan – an updated plan had been circulated and it was resolved to accept the updates and to publish on the website. However, further consideration of the plan was required and would be considered at a future meeting
7.15 Code of conduct - Approved
7.16 Overall Risk Management policy - Approved
7.17 Health and Safety policy statement - Approved
7.18 Asset register (circulated separately) - Approved
7.19 Confirmation of Insurance cover – The Clerk had circulated a quote from Zurich and the quote from our existing broker, who had obtained three quotes from different companies and were recommending renewal with the cheapest, Inspire. Cllr J Enright had compared the policies which were broadly similar but Zurich, for example, provided a higher liability cover but a lower injury cover. It was resolved to accept the lower insurance quote from Zurich for a 3-year agreement at a cost of £366.35 per anum.
Cllr A Reeves had attended the arboretum’s AGM yesterday and the question of insurance for the arboretum’s mower was raised. The arboretum thought it was covered by Parish
Council insurance. However, this was not the case. After discussion it was resolved that as the Parish Council did not own the mower and had no control over its use or storage it should not be covered under the Councils insurance. Cllr A Reeves suggested that the arboretum may like to apply for a Parish Council grant to help with the cost of insurance.
7.20 Council/Employee membership of SLCC - Approved
7.21 Travel and Subsistence Allowances (in line with HMRC recommendations) - Approved
7.22 To confirm dates of Council Meetings Inc. APM up to December 2019 – confirmed
7.23 Bank Mandate and Signatures – no changes were necessary
08/05/18 Finance
8.1 To approve signatures for this month’s cheques
Cllr G Barnell and Cllr C Southcott
8.2 Parish Council Receipts Current Account:
Item |
Payer |
Purpose |
Amount £ |
8.2.1 |
Precept (1st instalment) |
6,385.00 |
8.2.2 |
Various |
Allotment rent |
420.00 |
8.2.3 |
Western Power Distribution |
Wayleave |
3.48 |
£6,808.48 |
8.3 Parish Council Payment Current Account
These were agreed as:
Item |
Payer |
Purpose |
Amount £ |
8.3.1 |
Parish Hall |
Rent of room Feb to March |
30.00 |
8.3.2 |
S Parker |
Arbrex seal for tree and lightbulb |
9.73 |
8.3.3 |
Affiliation fees |
208.72 |
8.3.4 |
MAT Electrics Ltd |
Maintenance of DAAT lights at Rec |
95.94 |
8.3.5 |
Resurfacing Account |
Contribution resurfacing fund PC & Hall |
1,500.00 |
8.3.6 |
Parish Hall |
Grant (£800 but £750 contribution as above so balance of £50) |
50.00 |
8.3.7 |
Recreation Ground |
Grant |
495.00 |
8.3.8 |
Boniface Trail |
Grant |
250.00 |
8.3.9 |
Tony Lewis |
Felling trees in new graveyard |
350.00 |
8.3.10 |
D Baker |
Chairman’s expenses |
24.90 |
8.3.11 |
D Baker |
Village Flowers |
39.30 |
8.3.12 |
Simon Saunders |
Grass cutting |
240.00 |
8.3.13 |
J Hole |
Salary and Expenses |
275.21 |
8.3.14 |
61.20 |
8.3.15 |
Zurich |
Insurance |
366.35 |
£3,996.35 |
8.4 Balances (after above transactions):
Parish Council Current Account balance: £15,432.57, Footpath Account: £407.29 and Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £3,000.38
8.5 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor
8.6 8.6.1 Annual Return - approve Part 1 Annual Governance Statement 2017/18
The Annual Return had been circulated and Councillors unanimously agreed to approve Part 1
8.6.2 Annual Return -approve Part 2 Accounting Statements 2017/18
Councillors resolved unanimously to approve Part 2
8.6.3 To sign Certificate of Exemption stating that during 2017/18 the higher of the authority’s income for the year or gross annual expenditure did not exceed £25,000
This was duly confirmed and signed
8.7 Update on request for a salt bin for Creedy View/New Estate.
There was no update and Cllr A Reeves would make enquiries for next month meeting
09/05/18 Matters raised by the Chair
9.1 Update on proposed new school path and progress of Community Enhancement Fund (CEF) grant application
Cllr D Baker reported that he had received the first draft from the landowner’s solicitors for a licence for permissive access for a 25-year period. A few changes were required as the draft did not reflect the fact that the landowner would pay their own legal expenses, as had been previously agreed and reference was made in error to the Boniface Trail and cycling.
It was resolved to wait for the corrections from our solicitor. The agreement would then be circulated ahead of signing. Cllr D Baker confirmed that he would continue to manage this project. The Clerk reported that in order to apply for a CEF grant from DCC, discussion was required with our neighbourhood Highways officer. An e-mail had been sent asking for his support but no reply had been received to date. Cllr M Squires requested a copy of the e-mail so she could chase the Officer up. The next deadline for grant applications was the end of May.
9.2 Official opening of new school – 22 June 11am – invitation to Councillors circulated
Councillors had received official invitations to the opening on 22 June and Cllr J Enright hoped as many Councillors as possible would be able to attend. There was also a closing ceremony on Friday 18 June and a Silent Auction on Sunday 13 June, both at the old School to which everyone was invited. Clerk to forward details.
10/05/18 Councillor’s Reports
10.1 To allocate areas of Responsibility
The list of responsibility had been circulated and was agreed as follows:
Item / Area |
Councillor responsible |
A377 |
Cllr G Barnell |
Allotments |
Cllr G Barnell |
Arboretum Management Group |
Cllr A Reeves |
Boniface Trail |
Cllr S Parker |
Bus Shelters (5) - |
Village - Cllr P Taylor, School - Cllr S Parker Half Moon - Cllr D Baker |
Churchyard |
Cllr D Baker |
Cllrs Reference Pack |
Clerk |
Community Engagement Officer |
Chairman |
Creedy Local Action Group |
Cllr G Barnell |
Community Speed Watch Scheme |
Cllr S Parker |
Development Group |
Cllrs J Enright, P Taylor, G Quicke, A Reeves |
Flood & Emergency Plan Integration Officer |
Cllr A Reeves |
Footpaths & Bridleways |
Cllr S Parker |
Highways and Station |
Cllr C Southcott |
Links with the School |
Cllr A Reeves |
Litter Collection |
Cllr G Barnell |
Neighbourhood Watch Officer |
Cllr A Reeves |
New School path |
Cllr D Baker |
Nextdoor |
Cllr S Parker |
Notice Boards (7) - |
Langford - Cllr J Enright; Half Moon - Cllr D Baker; Sand Down Lane - Cllr S Parker; Village - Cllr D Baker; Station - Cllr C Southcott; Smallbrook - Cllr G Barnell; Tytheing Close - Cllr S Parker |
Old School Site |
Cllr G Barnell |
Parish Council Archives |
Parish Clerk |
Parish Council Surgeries |
All Cllrs by rotation |
Parish Hall |
Cllr G Quicke |
Policy Statements |
Chairman/Parish Clerk |
Press Officer |
Cllr J Baker |
Pump in Pump Street |
Cllr S Parker |
Quality Council |
Cllr D Baker |
Raddon Hills Group of Councils |
Cllrs D Baker, S Parker, J Baker, J Enright |
Recreation Ground Club |
Cllr C Southcott |
Risk Assessment |
Cllrs G Quicke, A Reeves |
Seats |
Cllr D Baker |
Snow Warden Coordinator |
Cllr A Reeves |
Telephone Boxes |
Beer Engine Box - Cllr C Southcott Crown & Sceptre Box Delegated to Tim Sedgwick (books) Geoff Jackson (defibrillator) |
Training Officer |
Cllr P Taylor |
Village Flowers |
Cllrs Baker |
Village Car Park |
Cllrs J Enright, G Barnell |
Village Green |
Cllr S Parker |
Website and Facebook page |
Parish Clerk |
10.2 Areas of responsibility reports
Litter pickers – Cllr G Barnell would be organising a meeting of litter pickers and a few more volunteers were required. The Clerk would advertise for volunteers on Facebook.
Allotments – Cllr G Barnell would advertise for more allotment holders by asking for photos which could be shared. The Clerk reported that three rents were outstanding but two had probably been paid directly into the bank account and this would be confirmed when the next bank statement arrived. It was resolved that the Clerk should write to the other allotment holder who had not paid to terminate the tenancy agreement
Village flowers – these were ready to go out soon
Press – the Annual Directory would be sent to print shortly and would be delivered to Councillors for distribution before the next meeting. The newsletter and annual directory had been combined into one this year.
CRG – Jock Campbell would attend a DCC Resilience Forum in June
Arboretum – a well-supported tour of the arboretum and AGM had taken place
School – The school had no update on plans to move the warning lights. Cllr M Squires said it was not clear where the lights could be moved to as there was a statutory requirement regarding distance from the crossing point. Councillors expressed concern that plans were not more advanced given that it was less than a month until the school moved. There was concern that the existing lights would continue to flash, cars would slow down and then speed up down the hill, not realising that children were now crossing at the bottom of the hill. Councillors were unhappy about the apparent lack of concern from DCC in sorting out this important safety issue and Cllr M Squires was asked to arrange a meeting, possibly on site, as soon as possible. Cllr D Baker reported that the warning sign on school hill was covered by ivy and could not be seen and Cllr M Squires would also pick this up. Cllr G Barnell had contacted Dave Black at DCC regarding an engineer’s report on the feasibility of a crossing point on the A377 and further advice was awaited. One solution may be to remodel the stretch of road by using some of the village green. However, it was important to look at all options.
10.3 Surgery report 7 April – 20mph in Station Road by new school and Surgery April 2019
Cllr D Baker reported that a request had been made for a 20mph speed limit in Station Rod by the new school, to be operation at school times only. Cllr M Squires agreed to take this request up. A suggestion of holding an information event to encourage parishioners to stand as councillors had been made. This could possibly be combined with a monthly surgery. It was resolved to consider this later in the year. Clerk to put on future agenda. Cllr D Baker pointed out that the May meeting of the Council in 2019 was on election night and the main hall would need to be booked.
11/05/18 Clerk’s Report
11.1 Data Protection – to update Cllrs on actions required
The Clerk had attended a training course. It had been announced that Parish Council’s were exempt from having to appoint a Data Protection Officer, but still needed to comply with the rest of the legislation. The Clerk needed to carry out an audit and document what information was held, why it was held, how was it used and was there was permission to use it. Express permission was required. Cllr J Enright offered to read the NALC guidance and to liaise with the Clerk on the work needed. It was resolved that if excessive work was required by the Clerk, additional hours would be paid. In the meantime, all councillors should take great care with data, its usage and security. MDDC had organised a briefing for Chairman and Clerks on 30 May.
12/05/18 Parish Council
12.1 Parking at Half Moon Bus Stop – report from report from meeting held on 3 May and to agree any actions required
Cllr J Enright had circulated notes from the site meeting held on 3 May and gave a brief verbal report of the meeting. Stagecoach said that vehicles parking in the bus stop was a major problem for the safety of its passengers and DCC Officers said they could not agree to parking in the bus stop. It would seem that the way forward was to get a footpath from the layby up to the bus stop and the Hanlons planning application seemed the most likely way of achieving this as the Boniface Trail was some years away. It was hoped that MDDC would make the footpath a condition of the planning application. It would be good to have an alternative plan, should there be a problem with the planning application, although at this stage it was not clear what this could be. It was resolved to keep this matter on the agenda and see what happened with regard to the planning application.
12.2 Review of Annual Parish Meeting (APM)
Cllr J Enright proposed that the APM next year takes place ahead of the annual Parish council meeting as it had this year. The low turn-out of parishioners at this year’s APM indicated that interest was low.
12.3 Mayflower event 2020
Details had been circulated. After discussion it was agreed to reply that the Parish Council was not planning any specific actions for this event
12.4 Nomination of Community Assets expires 26 September 2018 – to consider re nominations for Parish Hall and Recreation Ground
It was resolved to nominate both the Parish Hall and Recreation Ground. Clerk to complete the application. It was noted that the Crown & Sceptre could be re-listed after 1 June 2019
12.5 Cllr G Barnell proposes a formal request to MDDC/DCC to attend June/July PC meeting
12.5.1 Update PC on current housing and business developments in Crediton and surrounding parishes including those in the planning process.
12.5.2 Update PC on MDDC Local Plan following the recent Sustainability Review and its implications for homes and business development in Crediton.
12.5.3 Inform PC about any impact assessments that have been carried out into the impact of current/planned developments on traffic flows along the A377 between Crediton and Exeter and on the communities that straddle the road.
12.5.4 Discuss next steps in terms of further impact assessments and remedial action that will be required to mitigate the impact of increased road traffic volumes on our communities
12.5.5 Raise a formal objection to the Gleeson Planning application on the grounds that there has been no assessment into the impact of current/planned developments on traffic flows along the A377 between Crediton and Exeter and on the communities that straddle the road.
Items 12.5.1 to 12.5.5 were taken together. Cllr G Barnell had attended a recent presentation by Gleesons the developers of the Creedy Bridge site. It appeared from discussion with the developer that no account of traffic on the A377 had been taken. Consideration had been reserved for local infrastructure in and around Crediton. Around 750 new homes were planned for Crediton, which can be estimated at 2,000 people which would equate to a 33% increase in the population. Crediton Town Council had expressed concerns and had arranged a meeting with DCC for 17 May to which Cllr G Barnell had been invited to attend. In addition, Shobrooke Parish Council had raised traffic concerns regarding traffic going through Shobrooke to avoid the A377. Cllr M Squires commented that the development was in Sandford parish who were also concerned about the impact. She noted that originally the proposal had included employment opportunities on site which would have helped mitigate the traffic. She was keen for a connection between Crediton and the A30 to be developed. As the local plan was not yet implemented, developments were coming forward which were not in the plan. Cllr G Barnell suggested that a Creedy Valley Transport plan was required and should look at bus subsidies and park and ride at Crediton train station. It may be that parishes needed to work together and this could be raised at the next Raddon Hills meeting. It was resolved that Cllr M Squires would ask Heads of Departments at both MDDC and DCC if they would be able to attend a Parish Council meeting to discuss the need for a traffic impact assessment. Cllr M Squires noted that both Cullompton and Tiverton had a Masterplan but both had much more development than was planned for Crediton
13/05/18 Devon County Council
13.1 Outstanding Highways issues
- Drainage in Sand Down Lane – Cllr A Reeves reported that the contractor had re-visited the site and rodded the drains more fully. It was hoped the drainage issues had been sorted, but regular maintenance would be required. Remove from list.
- Concrete blocks by Langford Road – Cllr M Squires reported that the road surface by the concrete blocks would be renewed, although it may be that the concrete blocks would not be moved back as previously advised. School Hill was also due to be resurfaced although there was no time scale.
- Retaining wall at Shuttern Brook – This had been reported on line and to Steve Densham. Cllr M Squires to remind officers.
- Mud on road east of Wyke Cross – this had been discussed at Shobrooke Parish Council meeting and the Clerk had reported the matter to DCC. Cllr M Squires advised that mud on the road was a police matter.
An item raised at last month’s meeting had been missed off the outstanding list – the presence of advertising signs up and down the A377 from Quickes to Half Moon. Cllr D Baker had e-mailed Cllr M Squires who agreed to follow this up.
13.2 New DCC issues
Cllr D Baker reported that the curb around the entrance to the new school had not been dropped meaning a wheelchair user would not be able to get down off the pavement. Cllr M Squires agreed to follow this up.
13.3 Report from Cllr M Squires to include response to items raised under Minute 9.3/03/18
Cllr M Squires had received replies to the two issues raised by a parishioner in the March meeting. With regard to the request for further bollards down School Hill, Highways advised that the cost of the bollards and installation would have to be funded by the Parish Council and consideration would have to be given to who would be expected to maintain them. With regard to the request for a street lights in Church Lane, DCC had replied that they only had funds for maintenance and not for installation so again the cost would have to be met by the Parish Council or from Cllr M Squires locality budget. In addition, it was thought that there was no electrical service in this road, other than overhead cables and connecting up new street lights would add considerably to the cost of installation. New installations were required to meet certain standards and it was likely that two or maybe three lights would be required. Councillors resolved not to progress these two issues. Clerk to advise parishioner.
Cllr M Squires reported that she had discussed the importance of lighting for any new footpath at Half Moon and had spoken to our Neighbourhood Highways Officer who was waiting for advice from the lighting department. Cllr M Squires would consider some grant funding from her locality budget and it might be possible to get some grant money from the Community Enhancement Fund for lighting.
14/05/18 Miscellaneous Correspondence
The internal auditor had sent a “thank you” for her gift.
15/05/18 Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda
16/05/18 Date of next meeting: Thursday 7 June 2018 in the Clubroom, Parish Hall, 7.30pm
End of Formal Business
Public Participation
A parishioner said that she felt pushed into supporting the Hanlons application as the best and only way to get a footpath installed. She raised concerns about noise from bus passengers late at night as the bus stop was directly outside people’s houses. It was noted that the Parish Council had tried to re-locate the bus stop previously but a suitable location could not be found.
The meeting closed at 9.50pm