Minutes from July 2021
Newton St Cyres Parish Council
Minutes of Newton St Cyres Parish Council Meeting held in the Main Room of the Parish Hall on Thursday 1 July 2021
The meeting commenced at 7.00pm
Members present
Cllr J Enright (Chair) Cllr G Quicke
Cllr R Cashmore Cllr G Scopes
Cllr L Ouldridge Cllr C Southcott
Cllr S Parker Cllr P Taylor
In attendance: Cllr M Squires, DCC (arrived 7.22pm, left 7.45pm), 4 members of public (1 remained to the end of the meeting), J Hole, Parish Clerk
Public Participation
What was happening re the old school footpath? Cllr J Enright reported that the landowner had agreed to allow use by the general public but no dogs. Details of a parishioner who would be able to cut back the hedge on the path side of the old school path had been sent to the Clerk who would make contact.
A Tytheing Close resident said they would not be happy to have the footpath at Tytheing Close down to Court Barton reopened as neighbouring dogs barked when people were in the field
A parishioner had found volunteers from each area of the parish who would be prepared to join the proposed A377 action group and these would be passed to Cllr G Barnell.
Residents in Tytheing Clouse and Sand Down Lane were concerned that the hedge at the old school had been partially taken down. Cllr J Enright noted that the developer had offered to meet with the Parish Council to discuss the work taking place but as MDDC Planning Enforcement were investigating it was advisable to wait until that discussion had been concluded.
01/07/21 Apologies
Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (MDDC meeting), Cllr D Hodge (apology received after the meeting)
02/07/21 Declaration of Interest
None noted
Cllr J Enright was asked if he should declare a personal interest in item 4.3 but as he was acting on behalf of the Parish Council he declined
03/07/21 Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 3 June 2021
Agreed and signed as a true record
04/07/21 Mid Devon District Council
4.1 Planning Applications:
21/00888/CAT- Notification of intention to fell 1 Lawson Cypress tree within a Conservation Area at 4 The Village Newton St Cyres Exeter Devon EX5 5BU – no comment
21/01009/LBC - Listed Building Consent for the erection of a boundary wall at Rose Cottage, Newton St Cyres, EX5 5AA – no comment
21/01007/HOUSE - Alterations to existing driveway and erection of a boundary wall at Rose Cottage, Newton St Cyres, EX5 5AA – no comment
4.2 Planning Decisions:
4.3 Update on Complaint to DCC re rejection of the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) at Langford Road
Cllr J Enright updated the meeting: The Neighbourhood Highways Group Manager had upheld the decision to reject a TRO for Langford Road. The Parish Council asked if it could make a presentation to the Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (HATOC) to put the case for a TRO. This is allowed with the support of our County Councillor and a request was made to Cllr M Squires for permission. Cllr M Squires did not feel it was appropriate to make such a presentation. Residents note that Langford Road is a “C” road which means it’s a local road and not designated as a through route and not designed for large vehicles as “A” roads are. Residents are therefore requesting that “No Though Road” signs are erected and that large vehicles are re-routed around “A” road in Crediton. DCC Customer Services have since advised that a Parish Council is not permitted to use DCC’s complaint procedure but instead must speak directly to Highways. The formal complaint is now being taken forward by Langford Road residents.
4.4 To note EDDC have granted permission for planning application HN3/20/1517/FULL - Construction of digestate storage lagoon at Land South of Rixenford Lane, Upton Pyne
Permission had been granted but with conditions attached.
4.5 District Councillor, Cllr G Barnell, to report on MDDC business relevant to the Parish
There was no report
05/07/21 Finance
5.1 Parish Council Receipts Current Account:
Parish Hall contribution to resurfacing Fund - £750.00; Feniton PC Audit carried out by Clerk - £100.00; Thorverton PC Audit carried out by Clerk - 100.00
5.2 Parish Council Payments Current Account:
Since the agenda had been sent out, an invoice for replacement noticeboards had been received for £120.00 and it was resolved to add this to the payment list
Item |
Payee |
Purpose |
Amount £ |
5.2.1 |
NSC Parish Hall |
Hall rent |
26.00 |
5.2.2 |
Quality Award Registration/Accreditation fees |
132.00 |
5.2.3 |
V Safety |
PPE for volunteers |
17.49 |
5.2.4 |
Paul Stapleton |
Reimbursement for PPE |
25.00 |
5.2.5 |
Parish Magazine Printing |
Printing of Newsletter |
160.95 |
5.2.6 |
Koncepta |
Provision of domain name and email accounts |
264.00 |
5.2.7 |
Shield Environmental Services |
Testing shed roof at allotment |
42.00 |
5.2.8 |
Simon Saunders |
Grass cutting – Green and churchyard |
280.00 |
5.2.9 |
J Hole |
Salary and expenses (inc £200.00 from audits) |
469.82 |
5.2.10 |
77.80 |
5.2.11 |
Anthony Carpenter |
Replacement noticeboards x 2 |
120.00 |
5.3 To approve signatures for this month’s cheques
Cllr G Quicke and Cllr S Parker
5.4 Balances (after above transactions)
5.4.1 Parish Council Current Account balance: £14,846.98
5.4.2 Footpath Account: £268.02
5.4.3 Car Park resurfacing fund balance: £7,514.33
5.5 To note there is a £315.55 balance from the DCC Covid grant which was granted for provision of PPE/IT support during the pandemic/volunteer expenses associated with pandemic – to consider use or return to DCC?
After discussion it was agreed to return the unspent grant money to DCC by a majority vote
5.6 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor
06/07/21 Matters raised by the Chair
07/07/21 Councillor’s Reports
7.1 Areas of Responsibility reports
Churchyard – it was reported that the current PCC church contact was leaving the Parish shortly and a new contact would be required.
Litter picking – the risk assessment had been updated and circulated to volunteers who had been contacted to confirm they were still happy to continue.
Press – the annual Newsletter had been printed and would be distributed by Councillors.
7.1.1 Allotment update – update on work required to tidy overgrown plots. To consider quote for removal of asbestos in old shed (circulated separately)
The sample sent for analysis had shown that the abandoned shed did have an asbestos roof. After discussion it was agreed that the shed should be removed as soon as possible as it posed a Health and Safety risk. A quote for the removal had been circulated and at least one more quote would be sought. It was resolved that the cost of removal should come out of general Parish Council funds rather than the allotment budget.
The land owner would consider taking back some of the allotment plot but only at the old school end and as this was currently rented, it would not help with management.
Two quotes had been received for the work to tidy the overgrown plots and it was agreed to go ahead with the cheaper quote. However, it was agreed that all Councillors should visit the allotments to look at the work required and this would be arranged for later in the month. It was suggested that going forward, frequent inspections should take place and allotment holders should be contacted if their plots were untidy. Clerk to contact an allotment holder who had not visited their plot for some time to find out if they required help with the management of the plot. There were some dead ash trees in the hedge at the bottom of the field and these would require attention in the near future. Two new allotment tenants had recently taken on plots.
7.1.2 Footpaths – to consider a request to the land owner to re-open the permissive path from Tytheing Close down to Court Barton Lane
This request would be passed onto the land owner
7.1.3 Surgery - New Coffee morning dates - 24 July, 11 September,13 November
Cllr J Enright – 24 July; Cllr G Quicke – 11 September and Cllr R Cashmore – 13 November
7.1.4 CRP – to note Devon Resilience Forum July 9
This was a free to attend event and details had been circulated.
08/07/21 Clerk’s Report
8.1 To consider course for the Clerk – Cyber Awareness course - £49.00
This was agreed
09/07/21 Parish Council
9.1 To note Quality level of the Quality Council Award has been achieved
Minuted here but taken after item 2
9.2 Climate Emergency: To consider adopting a Climate Emergency Policy and a Planning checklist – see below. To consider signing up to the Devon Climate Emergency Declaration at https://www.devonclimateemergency.org.uk/devon-climate-declaration
Standing Orders were suspended and Sue Rowell gave the following update
A suggested carbon policy had been circulated this was intended to be a broad statement of intent that could be added to if required. About 50 other Parish Councils had already signed DCC Climate emergency declaration.
Sue reported that the Newton Environmental Wellbeing Group (NEWG) were working on a project to map parts of the community environment parishioners most cared about and this would form the basis of a community driven action plan to protect and nourish these area. Cllr R Cashmore offered to plot the areas using Parish Online software.
There were plans for a Food Waste Reduction Project where just out of date food from Tesco would be offered via an app to the community free of charge. It was hoped that a Community Fridge could follow.
MDDC’s Climate Officer had offered to run 3 zoom sessions for councillors and further details would be circulated in due course
Concern was raised that the hedge at the old school site was being cut down at a time of year when this was not permitted.
A planning check list had been drafted and this would help Councillors evaluate planning applications against environmental criteria.
A presentation had taken place earlier in the week to launch the “Wild About Devon” Group and this was a new forum for Parishes to share experiences and good practice.
A representative from NEWBG present at the meeting welcomed support from the Parish Council
Standing orders were reinstated
A vote was taken and it was unanimously agreed to adopt the carbon plan and to endorse the Devon Climate Emergency Declaration. It was resolved to adopt the planning checklist adding provision of broadband as a consideration. The checklist would be posted on the website and could form a useful guide for applicants.
9.3 Old School Path – to note amendments proposed by landowner that the path may be used by the general public on foot and on disability appliances only but expressly agreed that the path is not and will not become a public right of way. To consider signing amended licence. To consider work required to the path and possible new signs
Cllr J Enright thanked the land owner for agreeing to vary the licence conditions and it was resolved unanimously to sign the licence variation. The Clerk would draft a new notice to be posed at either end of the path and inform residents at the bottom of the path about the change in use. Cllr J Enright noted that the old school site developers had agreed to consider work to the path as part of a S106 agreement.
9.4 Update on Community Land Trust
Cllr J Enright reported that discussions were ongoing but there was no progress to share at the moment.
9.5 Update on speeding concerns and request for NSC to be added to added to the VAS rota
The Clerk had not heard back from DCC re the request to be added to the VAS rota. A parishioner had suggested that a log be kept of dangerous incidents that occurred on the road as this would give further evidence to DCC of the need for action. It was agreed that the Clerk would set a log up on the website and parishioners would be asked to report dangerous driving incidents to the Clerk.
9.6 Update on Airband broadband contract
Cllr J Enright had attended a meeting with Airband who were aiming to connect most, but not all houses, to Superfast Broadband by 2024. There was no further action that the Parish Council could take at this time to speed up the delivery.
9.7 To agree updated Parish Council Action Plan
This had been circulated and it was resolved to adopt the updated plan
9.8 Road Warden Scheme – to note 3 volunteers are now trained – to agree application to Community Enhancement Fund (CEF) as required for materials and to confirm way of working.
It was agreed that the Clerk should liaise with the volunteers to find out what equipment was required and to apply to the CEF. Storage facilities would be required and this would be discussed with the volunteers.
Minuted here but taken after item 3
10/07/21 Devon County Council
10.1 Outstanding Highways issues
All issues were with Cllr M Squires to follow up.
With regard to School Hill and the overgrown footpath, it was agreed to write to the Head of DCC, the Head of Highways and Mel Stride MP to complain that the footpath was a Health and Safety issue and was not being maintained in a safe state.
Cllr J Enright reported that the pavement had been lowered on the bus stop side of Tytheing Close and this could be removed from the list.
Broken street lights on the Village Green – Clerk to contact Wester Power for an update
10.2 New Highway issues – damaged railing at Sand Down Lane – reported to DCC
No new issues identified
10.3 County Councillor, Cllr M Squires, to report on DCC business relevant to the parish
Cllr M Squires noted that HATOC was not a decision making meeting.
11/07/21 Miscellaneous Correspondence
Various newsletters – circulated; Thank you from internal auditor for the gift; complaints re drain cover A377 – complaints had been passed to DCC who had forwarded to the Enforcement team as they are utility covers not Highways.
MDDC – Buildings at risk survey and register – clerk to circulate
12/07/21 Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda
To consider if the Parish Hall car park should be resurfaced
13/07/21 Date of next PC meeting: Thursday 2 September 2021, 7pm in the Parish Hall
End of Formal Business
Public Participation
There was none
The meeting closed at 9.15pm