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The Pedestrian Crossing was installed in December 2021

November 2020 - update The crossing is planned for installation in June 2021

October 2019

Progress on Road Safety in Newton St Cyres
A follow up road safety meeting arranged by Ward Councillor Graeme Barnell was held in the village hall on October 8th, the meeting was attended by the Parish Council, County Councillor Margaret Squires and three senior DCC Highways managers led by as Jamie Hulland, Transportation Strategy & Road Safety Manager.

The meeting first discussed the proposed cycle route from Crediton to Exeter (recently been added to the Greater Exeter Transport Strategy) and how it may work together with our local Boniface Trail Group.

However, the main item on the agenda was the presentation by highways of their comprehensive report on the three (now four) options for the installation of a pedestrian controlled puffin crossing in the centre of the village. The busy A377 running through the middle of Newton St Cyres presented a large number of challenges to Jacobs, the engineers commissioned by Highways to produce this report for our village. 

A very constructive and positive meeting came to a satisfactory outcome, DCC HIghways are now willing to move forward with the installation of a Pedestrian Controlled Puffin crossing in the Centre of Newton St Cyres as per option d). View here

This progress has to be tempered with the fact we are all aware that money is extremely tight and that the project is yet to pass a detailed safety audit before being fully costed and placed onto the Highways 20-21 Capital Project program. So it maybe some time before the pedestrian crossing is actually installed.

It is nevertheless extremely good news and after all these years it is a pleasant change to be able to publicly thank all involved, especially Highways and Jacobs for their hard work to date.  
Cllr R Cashmore
Newton St Cyres Parish Council


April 2019

Preliminary plans for a pedestrian crossing by the Village Green have been drawn up by DCC

(Shown below as proposed option A and B.  Proposed option C was drawn up by a councillor and is now being considered by DCC)

Copies of the plans were available to view at the Annual Parish Meeting and are now displayed on the reverse of the noticeboard on the Village Green 

All comments received to date have been forwarded to Devon County Council for consideration.  DCC have promised a report on all three options in due course.

Proposed Crossing Option A

Proposed Crossing Option B - Existing Road Layout included

Proposed Crossing Option B - Existing Road Layout excluded

Proposed Crossing Option C 


Please note these are Preliminary proposals only.  Further consultation will take place once the report from DCC has been received