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There are many possible circular routes combining lane and footpath or bridleway around Nymet.

Some options to the west of Nymet are described here although, as you can see from the map, there are several other possible permutations.


  Local Walks & Rides


The nearest bridleway starts at point (1), on the Nymet-Eggesford road. Skirt to the right of the store yard and house at Lower Park to join the road through a gate next to the drive at point (2).

From point (2), riders and walkers have the option of turning south and re-joining the bridleway at the end of a cul-de-sac in Coldridge, exiting at point (3) – ignore (3a) on the map, there is no public right of way through here.

Both riders and walkers have several options from point (2). The first is to carry on westwards to point (4). Riders can then turn south-eastwards to make a circuit via Coldridge. Walkers can either turn to the right and then turn right again, following the Tarka Trail though Great Wood and Burrowcleave Wood, or they can follow the Trail westerly, skirting Westacott Wood and the River Taw and making a circuit via Brushford Bridge and Brushford Church (extreme bottom left on map). Both routes are very picturesque.

The largest circuit for riders is via points (1-2), then going northwards via Park Mill Bridge and Park Mill Cross, doing a quick right and left here to join the bridleway through Wiseland Wood, then across the river, railway and A377 at Chenson. During May you may be able to have a cream tea and view the bluebell woods at Chenson Farm. Continue eastwards to join the road at Shooting Lane (top right corner of the map). Return to Nymet via a short dog-leg across the A377 and railway at Nymet Bridge.

A very nice fairly short circular walk is via the footpath westwards from the Nymet-Allerbridge road, across Diddycombe Dandy (Coldridge Brook) and up to Coldridge. The bluebells are magnificent in May in the little wood halfway up the hill. Return from Coldridge to Nymet either via points (3) and (1), or via (2), and then via point (1).

A cross-country route from Lapford  to Nymet can be accessed via the footpath downhill from the corner at Popes Lane, going left on the main road for a short distance and joining another footpath to the right just over the bridge. Instead of going through a kissing gate to cross the railway line, skirt right past the farm machinery yard and behind the prefab office building. Follow the path over the railway bridge, along a fenced in pathway above the railway embankment, and then across two fields and along the edge of two more to reach Nymet at Parsonage farm. From there you can return to Lapford via the road, after turning left as you emerge from the Parsonage farm lane, or you can carry on to follow one of the routes described above.

Francis Kirkham    January 2018