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The historic church of St Bartholomew at Nymet Rowland, is situated ten miles North West of Crediton.

The Churchwarden is Victoria Littlewood 01363 83534.


Church Services

Holy Communion (BCP) is usually held at 09:00 hrs on the third Sunday of each month.  Please refer to the Events Calendar for details of dates and times of Church Services.


A Brief History of the Church

St Batholomew's Church is a very special and ancient building that dates back at least 800 years.  Certainly to the Norman occupation. It is thought that, originally it was probably a chapel to the manor house. Since then the building has been extended a number of times including the addition of the tower and south aisle in 1410. 

Norman Font

It contains some very unusual features including three original wooden arcades, these are only found in one other church in Devon and are dated at sometime between 1400 to 1500.  The building also houses a Norman font and the Royal Coat of Arms dating from 1792.  This was result of an act of Parliament that originated from Henry VIII's reign.  This stipulated that all churches must declare the reigning monarch of the time, as the head of the Church of England.

For those interested in learning more about St Batholomew's Church, there are copies of the Guide Book available within the church, which can be yours in exchange for a for a small contribution