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Devon County Council encourages parishes in Devon to have in place, simple emergency plans to enable the parish to support itself during an emergency. There is an expectation that major incidents would be responded to by the emergency services or other statutory bodies. However a situation could occur, such as extensive flooding, storm damage, deep snow, power outage or major incident, which could put pressure on resources and the emergency services response might not be immediate.

The Emergency Plan

A Plan has been developed for Nymet Rowland but, for data protection reasons, it will have a very limited distribution.


Emergency Locations. The following locations will be relevant should the Plan be activated:

  • Control Centre. 1 Pitt Court
  • Evacuation Centre.  TBA.


Key Personnel.  The following three individuals will man the Control Centre in the event of the Plan being activated. 

They are also the points of contact for any enquiries / suggestions / comments related to the Plan.

  • David Gruncell 01363 83633 / 07478 104340
  • Oliver Williams 01363 83494 / 07917 121779
  • Ian Binnie 01363 884470 / 07450 553429