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Police Information & Resources


Extract - March Newsletter from Devon & Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner

This newsletter is being sent to you in extraordinary times, as the country makes efforts to control the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. Government advice is subject to change but the latest information is available on the website.

A lot about all of our lives has to change, but I want to reassure our communities that some things will not. The police have planned well with partner agencies for wide spread emergencies such as pandemics and we have the national lead for resilience in Devon and Cornwall through Deputy Chief Constable Paul Netherton OBE. I can reassure you that the police will continue to investigate crimes of all types, and I am taking steps to ensure that victims of crime continue to have access to emotional and practical support.

The Victim Care Unit can be contacted on 01392 475900 from 8am to 8pm on Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm at the weekend.

Victims of crime can also get support, whether they have reported a crime or not, through a new live web chat system managed by the Victim Support charity.

During this difficult and challenging time, please look after yourselves and one another. By working together and being sensible, we can vastly reduce the impact of the virus on society and move to a recovery phase as soon as possible

Alison Hernandez
Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly


Click here for the local police contacts , with some guidance about when to contact different branches

Computer & Internet Crime

Cyber crime - computer and internet based crime, can affect anyone who connects to the internet on their computer, tablet or smartphone.  It occurs in many forms, so it's very important to protect yourself against such fraud and theft.  The occurrence of cyber crime is increasingly common and Devon is certainly no exception.

You can find online safety guidance at The NCA (National Crime Agency) website here 

If you think you’ve been a victim of online crime, get in touch with Action Fraud, the national fraud and cyber-crime reporting centre run by the police. The Action Fraud website also has information to help you understand different types of online fraud and how to spot them before they cause any damage.

You can also find a series of urgent help guides at the SouthWest Cyber Security Cluster SWCSC website.  . 

Firearms and Weapons Attack

On this website you can find some advice on what to do in the case of a firearms or weapons attack.

Although there is no particular risk in our parish, all local councils have been asked to disseminate this information.

 What to do in the event of a firearms or weapons attack


What to do in the rare event of a firearms or Weapons attack

Run: to a place of safety. This is a far better option than to surrender or negotiate. If there's nowhere to go, then...

Hide: It's better to hide than to confront. Remember to turn your phone to silent and turn off vibrate. Barricade yourself in if you can. Then finally and only when it is safe to do so...

Tell: Tell the police by calling 999.