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Parish Council meetings

The Parish Council meetings are normally held in the Village Hall.  However, owing to the Covid-19 restrictions, virtual on-line meetings are being held instead using Zoom.  These are at two monthly intervals, on Wednedays and start at 7.30 pm. The dates of the meeting may be found on the Events Calendar.  Those wishing to attend a meeting must contact the Clerk at least 24 hours beforehand to receive the Zoom meeting access details.

There is a Public Comment Period early on the agenda of each meeting, when a Member of the Public (MOP in the minutes) may raise questions and comments with the Council. Please note that anyone wishing to raise a matter, should limit their speaking time to 5 minutes.  In order that the all items on the Agenda can be completed in time, there is an overall maximum of 15 minutes allowed for the MOP Question Time period.  The matters raised may be discussed at that meeting or entered as an agenda item for the next meeting at the discretion of the Chair.

If an MOP wishes that a specific topic be added to the Agenda. They need to give at least 3 clear full working days notice before a meeting in writing to the Clerk, for the matter to be raised by a Councillor.


Contacting the Parish Council

The Parish Clerk, Roger Cooper, is the point of contact for the Parish Council.  To contact him, please use the email address  or you can use the Contact Us Form.