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There are various ways that Parish Councils can get funding for community projects. These four are all applicable to us here in Oakford:

The Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm Community Fund

This fund provides grants for community groups supporting the rural regeneration and sustainability of communities in the area around the Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm. 

The fund will support projects that:
• Improve digital and mobile connectivity in the local area.
• Provide, maintain or improve community buildings.
• Provide community and public transport improvements.
• Increase access to activities or services for the community within the area of benefit.
• Encourage skills, employment and improve rural business opportunities and social enterprise.
• Community owned energy projects.
• Offer sport, recreation and improved health and wellbeing.

The fund is open for applications from community groups and charities within the area of benefit and a grant surgery offering advice and support for applicants is a regular basis.

For more information please contact Cllr. Vaughan Stevens who is Oakford's representative on the Batsworthy Committee.

The Town & Parish Fund

The Parish Council has access to a Town and Parish fund held by MDDC and calculated on an annual basis at £1.10 per head of population. The Parish Council will consider requests and make applications. the total fund for Oakford is just over £300 annually and any application would need to show benefit to Oakford Parish and a neighbouring parish.

DCC Locality Fund

This fund is managed by Devon County Council with applications through the County Councillor and can be used for community projects. Your County Councillor normally attends Parish Council meetings and would be able to advise on this fund. 

The Community Infrastructure Fund

This fund is sourced from a levy on new buildings and is paid to MDDC. The fund is available for open spaces, namely play areas.