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For 200 years the joyful bells of St Peter’s have rung in our Parish. They’ve marked our services, weddings, funerals and national occasions but unless major restoration is carried out very soon, Oakford’s bells may ring no more - so a major restoration appeal is underway.

Image of the inside of St. Peter's Bell Tower

Image of the bell mechanism in St. Peter's Church

A particularly effective way to offer your support to this appeal is to give a heart to the paper dolls in the church. You can give as many as you like. Each heart costs £1 per week which is collected by direct debit via the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), which is free to use. Gift Aid is added and 100% is added to the appeal fund. The beauty of donating in this way is that you are also giving clear evidence of committed community support, which will help us when we apply for grants. Each month the paper dolls receive their shiny new hearts (and messages) to represent every £1 given in this way. You can stop giving at any time, but we hope you’ll keep it up for at least a year.

An explanatory leaflet and PSG Gift Forms can be found at the back of the Church or contact either:

Dawn on 01398 324035 or

Mary on 01398 351154 or