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Parish Council Meetings

Parish Council meetings are held monthly, on the second Monday of the month, at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. 

Members of the public are welcome to attend and can raise issues with the council through the Chairman or Clerk.  The Agenda for the forthcoming meeting and the minutes of the previous meeting can be found on this website or on the Parish Council Notice Board adjacent to Greenslades House in the village.  Minutes and Agenda for previous meetings during the last two years are also held on this website. Copies more than a year old may be seen by request to the Clerk.

The financial year ends on 31 March. Accounts are then finalised and agreed at a meeting in April ready for auditing in May (internally) and June (externally). The precept is agreed in January and sent to Mid Devon District Council. A grant application under P3 for footpath maintenance is sent to Devon County Council in February.

Planning applications are brought before a council meeting as and when it is felt necessary. Any member of the public wishing to make their feelings known about an application should contact the Clerk, and any formal objections to an application should be sent to Mid Devon District Council (Planning Department). 

The Parish Council owns and maintains the Oakford Playground (also known as the Community Area) and any issues or concerns should be raised with the Clerk.

The District Councillors and County Councillor usually attend the Parish Council meetings and can be consulted, with prior notice to the Clerk.

Oakford Parish Councillors

Mr Geoff Baylis (Chairman); Mrs J Cridland; Ms F Cross; Miss L Gould; Mr J Levick; Mrs J Mayer; Mr P Potter and Mr V Stevens.

Clerk to the Council

Mrs Jill Larcombe, email:

Other Representatives

Cllr Richard Chesterton (Devon County Councillor)

Cllr Chris Adcock and Cllr Rachel Gilmour (Mid Devon District Council)

Mr Tony Northcott (P3 Footpath Co-ordinator for Oakford Parish)