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Agenda for the Meeting of Oakford Parish Council to be held on July 9th 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall


Chairman - Cllr J Phillips Vice Chair - Cllr J Mayer Cllr M Baylis Cllr I Fairchild Cllr P Jobson Cllr D Mason Cllr T Rich Cllr R Stevens


Declarations of Interest

The Public

an opportunity for members of the public to speak concerning items on the agenda


Minutes of the Meetings held on May 8th and May 12th to be approved


County and District Council

Members of the Parish Council

The Telephone Kiosk

any further progress with conversion

The Playing Field

the current situation 

The Red Lion

discuss the idea for a community purchase 


any current issues

The Website

any updates necessary (privacy notice, code of conduct etc.)

Election 2019

discuss the idea to hold an election regardless of the number of candidates


Current Nat West balance as at 5th June £7696.09

Credits received - £4250 Precept  £55.28 2 years Way Leave payment  £50 PPP3 fund £200 Locality budget

Payments to be approved – Insurance £40.65 B Howe £90.70  J Phillips £6.83

Donation  Paula Noble £40 – to be discussed 


applications and outcomes

18/00371/FULL Erection of a garage, Sunnyside – withdrawn

18/00631/FULL Erection of an agricultural building West Tapps – permission granted with conditions

18/00781/FULL Variation of planning permission, East Loosemoor

18/00822/FULL Repositioning of a garage, Four Seasons Bungalow

18/00853/House Extension at Woodburn Water

18/00973/CAT Application to fell 1 Wych Elm, Longworth Holme Place


Sandra Phillips, Clerk 3/7/18